Caique - Growth Timeline?


New member
Sep 2, 2021
Hi everyone! I have an 8-month old male WBC, who i adore! Lately friends and family have told me he's grown a lot, I just figured he must be filling out nicely! I honestly thought he must have stopped growing by now, but I tried to do some research on what happens between 3/4 months - puberty and can't really find answers to some things that i've been curious about.

Hope these aren't too silly to ask, but would love to hear some advice and personal experiences with things like: when caiques reach their physical maturity and stop growing, when they begin vocalizing and mimicking more, when you started noticing the change in colorings, etc.

Would love to hear and learn from you guys!
hello and welcome to the forums!

all birds pretty much reach their full grown size when they start weening off
they might gain a few pounds...
but that's it.
i dont understand by what you mean "change of color"
the colors will stay the same after his first molt accept if he gets sick or gets too much suger they will start to black-en and wear off
they vocalize all the time!
i've seen birds that havent been weened talk before so it deponds on the bird and how much interaction it gets.
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hello and welcome to the forums!

all birds pretty much reach their full grown size when they start weening off
they might gain a few pounds...
but that's it.
i dont understand by what you mean "change of color"
the colors will stay the same after his first molt accept if he gets sick or gets too much suger they will start to black-en and wear off
they vocalize all the time!
i've seen birds that havent been weened talk before so it deponds on the bird and how much interaction it gets.

Thanks for the response!
Puberty ( the first rush of adult hormones that flush thru young parrots) has no hard and fast rule as far as when it hits a given individual. Most medium size parrots it hits around 9-15 months of age, but could be out of that time window, depending on the individual. Parrots LOOSE THIER MINDS during puberty. That sweet cuddly baby parrot can change into a hopeless mess, with alternating behavioral traits showing almost instantly only to revert back in minutes. Its the time when most parrots get rehomed, as a lot of owners did not do their homework, to realize this is a natural phase of growing up for baby parrots, into adults. Please be patient with him and remember:
THis Too SHall Pass !!!
hello and welcome to the forums!

all birds pretty much reach their full grown size when they start weening off
they might gain a few pounds...
but that's it.
i dont understand by what you mean "change of color"
the colors will stay the same after his first molt accept if he gets sick or gets too much suger they will start to black-en and wear off
they vocalize all the time!
i've seen birds that havent been weened talk before so it deponds on the bird and how much interaction it gets.
WBC actually WILL change color a little. a lot of wbc are born with a black cap that the lose over time.

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