

Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
Hello Everyone!

My GCC Booboo was thought to have avian born virus. Test was negative!! However, while waiting for the test results my vet put Booboo on Celebrex.
He has made significant progress. Previously, he was unable to unclench his feet and could not stand on his perch. He is back to his usual self, perching, playing and has even put on needed weight! The vet said to continue on Celebrex indefinitely since it has definitely improved his health. Does anyone give Celebrex to their GCC or other conure or other bird?


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May 14, 2016
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The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
Hello, and welcome.

I haven't heard of that...

Just out of curiosity... is your vet a specialist? If you'd like a second opinion, here are some links.

Most of us swear by our avian vets in the event of health concerns. I don't know where you are, but here are some links. I only have USA info...
Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.

I'm so glad to hear that you are seeing improvement!


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I've heard of it for parrots but never had to use it. I googled CELEBREX FOR CONURES. Didn't realize it was so common.


Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
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The vet is an avian specialist and was very thorough in her examination. More testing (cat scan, etc.) to exactly determine what was wrong is something I don't want to pursue at this time. Booboo has been through enough for now. I am in constant contact with the vet and touch base with her monthly. We'll see what the next plan of action is.


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Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that your vet chose Celebrex as the treatment...I believe I commented on your prior post, and stated that it didn't at all sound like Borna Virus to me, but rather a neurological issues/spinal cord issue, which is exactly what it is if the Celebrex has worked. I mentioned that if you didn't want to do imaging tests to find out exactly what the issue is, then your vet should try either anti-inflammatories and/or corticosteroids...While I'm glad the Celebrex helped him, I'm just kind of shocked that this was the choice of drug, or that he's suggesting that your bird should be on it long-term, and I highly suggest you get a second-opinion from another Certified Avian Vet soon.

The reason this is concerning is because Celebrex is an NSAID, and a Cox-II NSAID at that...Celebrex and pretty much all other Cox-II NSAID drugs are well-known to be dangerous when taken long-term, as they have a very high incidence of causing heart attacks, strokes, blood clots/aneurysms, and then also bleeding ulcers in the stomach and intestines, as well as bowel perforations. All of these are extremely common with the use of Celebrex, so for that reason it's typically only used for acute arthritis pain, and then a safer arthritis drug that is not an NSAID is typically used daily over the long-term...

I know that you're extremely happy that your bird is back to his old self, but the only reason he's back to his old-self is because the swelling, nerve impingement, etc., basically his pain has been relieved by the NSAID, and there are many much safer drugs that he can be given that will do the same thing for him and that are meant to be used continually over a long period of time...Celebrex isn't that drug...I wouldn't ever give any of my birds, my dogs, or myself Celebrex for much longer than to get their immediate pain and disfunction under control, and then I'd discuss switching them to a much safer maintanence anti-inflammatory and/or steroid or pain med...but not a Cox-II NSAID like Celebrex, which has such a massively high incidence of potentially fatal side-effects. (And those are in people and dogs; the thought of keeping a little Green Cheek on it for very long is very scary to me, as there wouldn't be much at all you could do if a serious problem did arise)...I'd highly suggest you get a second opinion from another CAV soon, as you do not want your bird on the Celebrex for a long period of time...


Active member
Nov 3, 2014
About 20 years ago I used Celebrex on a daily basis for knee pain. I was an avid runner at the time and it helped. I didn't like the side effects which for me were weigh gain.


Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
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Thank you so very much for all of your helpful information! It is so much appreciated!
I will be in touch with my vet again to ask about alternatives for Celebrex as was suggested and what a new plan of action should be.


Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
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Update: Spoke to my avian vet yesterday who calmed some of my fears regarding daily use of Celebrex for Booboo. Booboo is on a very low dose and if he were to experience side effects, I would have seen some by now. Blood testing next month will ensure his liver and kidneys are not being affected. Although Booboo tested negative for Borna, it could have been a false negative. A nerve biopsy could possibly give us more information, but I am not going forward with this at this time and the vet agreed since you have to make sure you get the right nerve when doing this biopsy. Booboo seems to be reacting positively to the Celebrex as if he does have Borna. He is happy, animated and gaining weight (one of the side effects of Celebrex is weight loss). I'll update after next month's blood work.


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Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
Obviously I'm not a Vet, but I respectfully and totally disagree with your Avian Vet, as the statement that "If he was going to suffer side-effects from the Celebrex, he'd already have suffered them" is illogical and untrue; by the very nature of the way GI Bleeding/Perforations and blood-clots/aneurysms develop, it's using these types of Cox-II drugs over-time that not only allows them to develop, but actually encourages them to develop. With much safer NSAID's available to treat neurological pain, swelling, etc. that can be safely used long-term, Celebrex is just not a safe choice...and "weight-gain" is a side-effect of Celebrex, not weight-loss.

I'm not trying to challenge your vet or influence you either way, as I know you're glad that it's helping him. I am only giving you my professional and educational opinion, and what I would do with/for my own birds, dogs, or myself for that matter. With such a small bird, the risk of GI Bleeding and/or Perforation is probably the most-common issue that long-term use of Cox-II NSAID's causes, with sudden Stroke and/or Aneurysm being the scariest/riskiest with long-term use. Celebrex is not a drug that has a lot of "acute" side-effects, and that's where I totally disagree with your Vet, and you can easily look that up for yourself online on many, many sites. It's the long-term use of Cox-II NSAID's that presents issues, so the statement your Vet made to you that "if he was going to suffer side-effects from Celebrex, he would have had them already" is very confusing to me, as it's counter-intuitive to the very nature of the drug and how it's well-known side-effects develop, occur, and more-so when they typically occur...

Again, just my two-cents, as I wouldn't feel right or like I was doing the responsible thing by not responding....


Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
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Thanks for your information EllenD. At this time I have to rely on my avian specialist who has experience using Celebrex on birds. Liver and kidney failure is the first to present as a side effect; thus causing the bird not to eat and therefore lose weight. When Booboo first started showing signs of illness, we immediately addressed it. I am well aware that usually the pet owner doesn't usually know when a bird is sick until the sickness is pretty much far along. I attribute his complete turnaround of weight gain, alertness and playfulness to the use of the Celebrex. I feel that he lost weight and was not eating when he didn't feel well. With the advice of my vet, we may change the daily use, but that won't happen until his vet visit at the end of the month. I need to rely on her expertise.
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Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
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Thank you EllenD! I appreciate your feedback. We have a vet visit on 10/29 and I will bring up an alternative to Celebrex.


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Where in CT are you located?? I'm in Wallingford and I have been going to The Kensington Bird and Animal Hospital in Kensington for over thirty years. They are EXCELLENT people there.

I also never heard of parrots using Celebrex :confused: I am very happy to read that it has helped your little one out significantly!



Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
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Hello Jim,

Thank you Jim for your feedback! Kensington Bird and Animal Hospital is where we bring Booboo. They are EXCELLENT. Took him/her for a re-check last week and results of blood work came up great! My vet believes that Booboo does have the borna virus and
Celebrex is used to treat that virus and it has brought our little GCC back to normal. We will continue with the very small dosage. There have been no adverse effects. We have also requested a DNA test to determine whether Booboo is a boy or girl.


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I think sun conures should be prescribed for treatment of bipolar disorder and OCD. Just an observation.


Aug 27, 2018
Green Cheek Conure
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Found out today that Booboo is a girl! :)


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Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Congratulations on Booboo gender reveal!!! Yippie a girl!!!! And alsvi and well you did a great job nursing back to health!!


New member
Jun 25, 2023
Hi! I know this thread is a few years old. I was just curious if your Boo-boo was still on Celebrex? Or how she was doing?
I have recently been faced with the challenge of Bornavirus in my Alexandrine. And I have requested Celebrex. After reading this thread, I am curious as to what are the safer options that I could ask about?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that your vet chose Celebrex as the treatment...I believe I commented on your prior post, and stated that it didn't at all sound like Borna Virus to me, but rather a neurological issues/spinal cord issue, which is exactly what it is if the Celebrex has worked. I mentioned that if you didn't want to do imaging tests to find out exactly what the issue is, then your vet should try either anti-inflammatories and/or corticosteroids...While I'm glad the Celebrex helped him, I'm just kind of shocked that this was the choice of drug, or that he's suggesting that your bird should be on it long-term, and I highly suggest you get a second-opinion from another Certified Avian Vet soon.

The reason this is concerning is because Celebrex is an NSAID, and a Cox-II NSAID at that...Celebrex and pretty much all other Cox-II NSAID drugs are well-known to be dangerous when taken long-term, as they have a very high incidence of causing heart attacks, strokes, blood clots/aneurysms, and then also bleeding ulcers in the stomach and intestines, as well as bowel perforations. All of these are extremely common with the use of Celebrex, so for that reason it's typically only used for acute arthritis pain, and then a safer arthritis drug that is not an NSAID is typically used daily over the long-term...

I know that you're extremely happy that your bird is back to his old self, but the only reason he's back to his old-self is because the swelling, nerve impingement, etc., basically his pain has been relieved by the NSAID, and there are many much safer drugs that he can be given that will do the same thing for him and that are meant to be used continually over a long period of time...Celebrex isn't that drug...I wouldn't ever give any of my birds, my dogs, or myself Celebrex for much longer than to get their immediate pain and disfunction under control, and then I'd discuss switching them to a much safer maintanence anti-inflammatory and/or steroid or pain med...but not a Cox-II NSAID like Celebrex, which has such a massively high incidence of potentially fatal side-effects. (And those are in people and dogs; the thought of keeping a little Green Cheek on it for very long is very scary to me, as there wouldn't be much at all you could do if a serious problem did arise)...I'd highly suggest you get a second opinion from another CAV soon, as you do not want your bird on the Celebrex for a long period of time...
Meloxicam (aka Feldene) is also an NSAID.

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