Does anyone know anything about "Fancy" green-cheeked conures

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Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
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New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
So, Christy and I were at "a store that shall remain un-named" on Monday and we saw a "Fancy Green-Cheeked Conure" I haven't been able to find any information about the differences between a "fancy" and a regular green-cheeked ... anyone have any info?
Maybe the fancy ones use special forks for their salad and put their pinky feathers up when they drink their tea...maybe they have a special accent too :D
Maybe the fancy ones use special forks for their salad and put their pinky feathers up when they drink their tea...maybe they have a special accent too :D

Oh you, you are funny, you know that ... :25:

I offically nominate Minzer as forum clown --> :29:
Lol, sorry Tex, couldn't help myself. I'm always the one in class yelling out the comments that everyone else only thinks...guess that translates here as well.

But I just did some searching too for ya, and it looks like maybe they're the same thing, just one of them has a name that might cost you more! I could be completely wrong though, maybe the conure people here would know...I'll leave it to them!
Great, I am surrounded by comedians! :p
Have just done a search here also, and it seems to me that they are the same thing, only one has "fancy" at the beginning of their name. :confused:
tell me about it, I did notice that this one's colors were a little more muted, but that was about all the difference that I could see ... and the fact that he had a "BIG-MACAW" attitued, attacked fingers that were placed into his cage ... ferocious little thing ... :LOL:
GCC are know to be a bit nippier that is why I went with a sun/jenday but I don't think it is that bad maybe they were reffering to a mutation like yellowsided, or cinnamon, or pinapple and they weren't sure -you said the colors were more muted this sounds kinda like a cinnamon. Just a guess
tell me about it, I did notice that this one's colors were a little more muted, but that was about all the difference that I could see ... and the fact that he had a "BIG-MACAW" attitued, attacked fingers that were placed into his cage ... ferocious little thing ... :LOL:

Not ferocious, he just had loads of character. :rolleyes: :D
Omg i almost got a green cheek a like a month go.. well actually like a week ago because it was the last baby and it was dirt cheap. but im glad i ddn't get and it got sold. hmm fancy green cheek... ive never heard of fancy conure.. id say its just a scam.. like fancy budgies.
Fancy budgies at least the ones I've seen actually have extra litte heart marks by their face.
lol the only budgies that aren't considered fancy are the normal green and blue ones.
I've even found a site for "Fancy Lineolated Keets", the only difference was the colouring and the price. :eek:
It's like from breedersa lutino teil will generally cost you more than a normal they are both cockatiels the only difference is the color but if you prefer the color then you pay the price
I recently also saw a "fancy Green Cheeked" conure in a pet store. Comparing that with the Green cheeked in another store (same store, different location) I didn't see much difference. The "fancy" may have been a little brighter on the colors. But, when looking at pictures of normal green cheeks I see that both birds in the pet store seem to have brighter blue on the wings. If I remember correctly, when I asked the employee what the difference is he said they are more colorful. Go figure... Could it be that some breeders have some nice colorful pairs of normals? Not different enough to name them as a different type so they just say fancy. By the way, price was the same at this pet store - fancy or not. Well now that I've written all this, not sure if it really brought any new light on the subject. :31:
Could it be that some breeders have some nice colorful pairs of normals? Not different enough to name them as a different type so they just say fancy.

That's exactly what it is. They are the same species, just different coloration. This is like a human with brown hair versus blond hair. In every way but color those birds are the same. Of course when it comes to birds many people can be racist :eek:
our petstores here have fancy ones too. some say what mutation they are and others dont. i know there is cinnamon,pineapple,turquiose,yellow-sided and a couple more mutations. the other colors sell for 25 to 150 more here depending on the mutation.:green2::yellow1::greenyellow::blue2::grey:
Did he have an extra colour, I think the shop is pulling peoples legs or maybe to rise the price, they are probably not sure, so they attache an extra word.
Yellow sided, pineapple, and cinnnamon green cheek conures are also refered to as fancy green cheeked conures. Cinnamon green cheek conures have lighter colored heads and reddish orange tummies as opposed to regular green cheeks which have dark brown colored heads. The cinnamon green cheeks tend to bite less and seem to enjoy preening your finger (nose, ears, etc.) more than the regular green cheeks. The regular green cheeks tend to be more vigorous in their play which can result in not always intentional bites while the cinnamons seem to be better for cuddles as they seem to be more gentle. I have no experience with the yellow sided or pineapple but I've been around numerous cinnamon and regular green cheeks and hands down the cinnamon is less of a biter. Both types of birds are very clowny. Fancys cost more due to the color and in my opinion a more gentle disposition.:rainbow1:Keep in mind this is what I've noticed in general and birds vary to different extents within their own species. The birds upbringing and the owner can dramatically direct the birds behavior. A bird starving for attention (pet store birds) may seem ferocious to someone not around birds much. If you go back to the store try seeing if the bird wasn't trying to preen you. Birds don't always use their beaks to bite. They also use them to clean/ preen others in their flock. Pet birds have no choice but to reach out to humans to form flocks. Desperately trying to preen someone can easily be mistaken for biting.
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