Dominic the Galah is flying!


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
Tonight, all the fids were having playtime and, as usual, Dominic was parked on my son's wrist. The Beaks flew just a little too low over his head for comfort and without warning, he spread his wings and flew up to the top of the microwave (which is mounted high on the wall)! Wow! As we all stood about praising him, Dom set sail again and flew clear across the kitchen to land on top of his cage, where he promptly put himself to bed. I think he has Bad Thoughts about the Beaks just at the moment...

Since he's been on an all-pellet diet, Dommie's biggest lipoma has shrunk visibly. He seems to feel a lot better and this shows in the way he's a lot more adventurous and tries to get about much more. Fancy him taking flight, just like that!!! The other morning, I even found him at the top of his boing, where he's never attempted to go before. This bird is coming along in leaps and bounds, bless his little heart.

As things are at the moment, Dom seems to be afraid of the Beaks, at least when they fly low over his head. They're curious about Dom, but I don't let them near him for fear of a bite-fest. Should I be leaving the three birds alone to get acquainted, or should I still separate them for now? I'm not sure who'd be in the worst danger: the Beaks have their massive bills, but Dom weighs about twice what they do and is very aggro when he's crossed. What would you suggest I do???


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Another SWEET update on Dom! :) He's just continuing to surprise you, isn't he?

If Dom still seems afraid of the Beaks, I'd be cautious about letting them interact together. A "fear" bite can be quite nasty. :(


New member
Apr 28, 2013
Alice - Galah cockatoo
Great to hear, he seems to be making wonderful progress!

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