Flighted - so far, so good.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
***Novel Alert!*** :rolleyes: :eek:

Well, after thinking about it, I've decided that I'd let the fids flight feathers grow out and see how it went. (They still have around 2-4 more to grow in though.) The reason this is posted in the conure section is because this pretty much has to do with the girls' flying. Oliver is a lazy perch potato :rolleyes: (I'm working on that) and I've yet to see him fly so far.

First off, I just want to say that I will always respect people's opinions on clipping or leaving flighted, I know everyone has their reasons and I really don't want to start a debate. :)

With their new ability to fly around, this also means access to Oliver's cage, which honestly is just access to trouble. Oliver can't stand Bella and Zora, but only if they get into his 'territory'. But if they don't bother him, he's fine with that and they all just respect each other's space. Now they always fly over to his cage, and honestly I find that too much to risk.

Now, obviously, I can't let them out at the same time, so they all get a little bit less out time than they used to, and not one of them is happy about that at all. They were all grouchy the first and second days, but they adapted. They still get about 4-5 hours out, each. (Sometimes even 6 or so when I wake up earier than normal on some days.) Before it was 2pm-8pm, all of them at the same time.

The girls' have become more active (Even more than they were, they're like hyperactive toddler monkeys now.) and I find the flying really good for exercise. :) It's really great for me too, they just fly over when I open the fridge. :rolleyes: And no more carrying them down the hallways now, I just run after them! :p They seem to be a lot more chipper and all-around content. Nipping is also to a minimum!

I'll update you guys on how the flying is working out, but I bet you guys are tired of my book, huh?
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It's been going fine, except nobody told me how hard it is to get a flighted bird back in their cage! :p Defenitely like my 2 y/o brother; bedtime is horrible. Wish me luck guys.
If they are flying to Olivers cage just watch their toes when they are on his cage. or maybe put something on the top of his cage so that he can't bite them thru the bars:)
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Well, the problem is that when Olivers door is open and he's out, they try to fly inside his cage. Then he out right tries to attack them. (Of course, I always get there before that happens!!!)
Thanks for sharing. I am at the point where Boomer's flight feathers are starting to grow so your thread is helpful to me. I got him clipped from the breeder but I want to see how he does fully flighted. It's great to read that Bella and Zora are doing well and behaving for the most part. It gives me something to hope for.

My greatest worry about keeping Boomer flighted is not being able to take him outdoors and him getting sassy with me (I heard some birds turn into brats).

Keep us updated! :)
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I heard about that also, and honestly it got me really worried.But besides being grumpy the first 2 days about their lessened out time, they're doing great behavior wise! Bella's nipping actually was solved, she LOVES flying and is really happy now. Tell me how Boomer takes to it too! :)
Jasmine is fully flighted and she has a mad five minutes each day when she zooms about the lounge. I'm also teaching her to 'come' and fly to my wrist. I'm getting her used to an aviator harness for outside play in spring. Flying keeps her fit! Even though she can fly she tends to stick to me like glue so it hasn't stopped her being cuddly :)
Please be careful, I just lots my sweet parrotlet because she flew right into a wall after getting spooked! :(
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Please be careful, I just lots my sweet parrotlet because she flew right into a wall after getting spooked! :(

Bacemt, I am so sorry that happened. :( Was she normally a good flyer? Mine are great, and I trust them enough to at least slow down... I'm sorry for your loss. :)
Ty! She was a very good flyer, I kept her flighted because I thought she would be safer, as I have to cats. I miss her dearly, it gets easier everyday, but the heartache is still there and always will be! :( The house is so quiet, no little chirps...
bacemt, I'm sorry for the loss of your parrotlet! On the contrary, if your parrotlet was clipped and couldn't fly, and your cats are hunters, she could have been in more danger. Unfortunately, there are pros and cons to each side of the clipping/flighted debate.

ConureCrazy, maybe Oliver needs some stationing training? (teaching him to ignore the girls) And the girls target training? (i.e. teaching them to fly back to their cage on command)

It sure sounds like they are enjoying their flight, though!
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Well, once Oliver attempts to get to them, they fly back to there cage. It's like there thinking "Hey, maybe we could try going back there again! Let's go- OH nope, nevermind! Fly back!"

From the fist 2 days there were flighted without separation, they usually landed, saw Oliver, and flew back. Oliver usually only lunges, but honestly I don't want to take that chance of them getting hurt. They know to fly back to 'home', though, to be completely honest, I've never heard of stationing training. Is it like... "stay"?
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Thanks for the amazing link! It's a great article. :) I am looking more into it!
I need to try this out on my own cats! It's been one week since my sister and her family moved in with me (moved back to the states from NZ), and my cats absolutely do not like my nephew or my sisters two cats! Unfortunately, one of "my" cats is on a special diet, and can't eat much of the store bought foods... so I need to go and pick up some special soft food for him and see if I can make everyone get along! It'll be fun, no doubt! LOL

Best of luck with your feathered ones!
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Thank you! Hope the cat's work out! :p
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Keeping flighted birds is so much different than having them clipped... They are a lot happier. Look at their favorite hang out spot. :p

I also have covered Oliver's cage a quarter. They ALWAYS fly to that one spot, so I just covered it to protect their toesies and now they just land on the chair..
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An update-

I was really worried because Bella and Zora started becoming nippy and bratty, and would be really grumpy. Well. Turns out that it was just their big molting attitude! I was so relieved when the feathers stopped falling, the pins stopped coming, and the birdies stopped nipping! I thought it was because they're becoming more independent from being flighted. Nope, phew. :eek: Once it stops raining (it been pouring on and off for a week :( I'm getting sick of it.) I'm going to take them out in their carriers!!! :D It will be my first summer and spring with the fids so WOO HOO! Hope it turns out well. :D

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