GCC and certain toys


New member
Apr 12, 2013
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Green Cheek Conure
My GCC is 1 and a half year old. He is starting to get into his toys more. He loves playing with the paper, his favorite toy are bottle caps from sodas (don't worry we wash them).

I found this squid toy with a bunch of hanging rope and beads. It's called the Giant Squid Bird Toy. Says it is good for small to large birds but I think he will love it and can learn to use it. Also I am worried he might be scared and I don't know if birds can be scared and be traumatized? I don't know if that is a thing. When he is around other people and animals he acts big haha, but in the end he is a coward and very lovable. So what are your advice for this big of a toy? Don't get it, start outside the cage?
Birds can definitely become scared, traumatized, and if the situation is scary enough(for them) can become a lifelong fear. When Kenji was only three years old his original parront had a divorce with his wife, she ran around throwing boxes which he found horribly scary. He was so afraid he managed to break a part of his wing. Now many years later he still has a very strong fear of boxes.

If you are worried that a toy may be scary try leaving it around the room, on a table near the cage, or hanging it on the outside of the cage for a few days before moving it into the cage.
Alright, thanks. Also since you brought up that topic, how do birds react to people arguing? Like a couple? Are they like kids and they pick up on the tone? Should we (if we slip and happen to argue) do it with a smile and a happy tone?
hahaha, yes if you find yourself arguing doing so in a happy tone with cheerful faces is better for the fids. Although hopefully you don't find yourself arguing often.

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