God I feel so STUPID- Lost bird

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Dec 5, 2014
Michigan, USA
5 Parrots, 8 year old Blue-fronted Amazon, 2 1/2 yr. old African Grey, 2 3/4 year old Senegal. 5 month old ekkie, 5 month old Albino parakeet. Major Mitchell Cockatoo, passed away at age 68.
I just Lost Birdell (Senni)....

Never leaves my shoulder even outside, and went to move a tree in a container that's ready for planting and low and behold she took off...quite a ways.....currently 85 to 120 feet in a real tall pine...nearby. I can see her through binoculars but no way to get her down. So I dragged her other smaller cage way out there in hopes she'll see that as a safe place.

There's hawks nearby and she's next to a nest in the pines with some pissed off birds very close by.

I should have known moving things like a stick, tree, or large object would startle her, how could I be sooooo stupid......

I don't like clipping wings of birds, but surely now I'm having second thoughts about that as this is stressing me out.

No way to climb that pine tree without breaking your neck, can't call fire department because they would not beable to get a truck across a muddy field....I'm screwed here...she is slowly coming down but still a good ways up there.
Oh no!!! I hope she comes down soon! Is she recall trained at all? Please keep us posted.
Oh no!! I hope you are able to get to her:(
:eek: Oh no!!! I'm so sorry, Michael!

You'll get Birdell back! Think positive, but don't put your life at risk, ok?
Oh no! Hope you get Birdell back ASAP. There's plenty of talent on the forum with similar experience and great outcomes. Please keep us advised.
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Oh no!!! I hope she comes down soon! Is she recall trained at all? Please keep us posted.

Not 100 % recall, still work in progress. I'll keep you posted. Laura, you are from Michigan....Are you familiar with any vets from your area you were in in Michigan? Reason I asked, our vet which is in Frankenmuth, Dr. Buck, had so sort of legal fall out recently and everybody is pulling out of the vet, mostly all avian clients....I don't have the full scoop yet what happened but it's not good.
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:eek: Oh no!!! I'm so sorry, Michael!

You'll get Birdell back! Think positive, but don't put your life at risk, ok?

I'll keep you posted !!
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Oh no! Hope you get Birdell back ASAP. There's plenty of talent on the forum with similar experience and great outcomes. Please keep us advised.

I made a 35 foot log pole with a T-perch and climbed the ladder 20 feet up(max) but only cared r higher up....sigh. but she has come down alittle...just have to do it patiently and keep calling her.

She'll get hungery soon..

Its kinda far away for you, but we take ours birds to Dr. Julie Cappel at the Warren Woods Vet. on Scheonherr in Warren.
Be patient and wait it out.

THE LESSON I LEARNED WITH TUSK THE LAST TIME: Better to have the bird stuck in a tree where you know where he is, than flying off to the hinterlands, where you have to track them down and find them again...

I've done this more than once...

Hang out under that tree and wait. Go back periodically and check on the bird.
Oh Michael, I'm sorry about Birdell. I hope you have her back safely before she has time to get hungry. Please be careful and keep us updated.
Oh no!!! I hope she comes down soon! Is she recall trained at all? Please keep us posted.

Not 100 % recall, still work in progress. I'll keep you posted. Laura, you are from Michigan....Are you familiar with any vets from your area you were in in Michigan? Reason I asked, our vet which is in Frankenmuth, Dr. Buck, had so sort of legal fall out recently and everybody is pulling out of the vet, mostly all avian clients....I don't have the full scoop yet what happened but it's not good.

Sorry it has been many many years since I lived there also I lived WAY up north by Oscoda.
I'm so sorry to hear this about Birdell :(. Just follow the advice of our members who have been there too. You don't want to startle or spook her away from the tree.. Best of luck Michael. Please keep up posted.
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Its kinda far away for you, but we take ours birds to Dr. Julie Cappel at the Warren Woods Vet. on Scheonherr in Warren.

Thanks......I heard of her and heard she's pretty good.

There's one in Lansing too....which is probable the same distance as warren....

Dr. Buck in Frankenmuth not sure what happen, but she's allergic to birds anyway, and wears a mask, gloves and breathing cup when handling the birds....scares the hell out of them. Plus she upped her charges to over $3000 dollars just for office visit and blood work, nothing else. She never sets an exact price, one person can come in for same treatment and be charged 1500, another for same treatment will charge $ 3000...has many many clients teed off. Plus she's killed 4 birds now with wrong stuff....not sure of the whole details but I'm not going back to her either.
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I'm so sorry to hear this about Birdell :(. Just follow the advice of our members who have been there too. You don't want to startle or spook her away from the tree.. Best of luck Michael. Please keep up posted.

Well in that respect took a chance, and startled her out of the tree with a ball thrown up there...it worked....she flew back to the house and is sitting in tree just above the roof of house. I may be able get on the roof and get her as the branch she's on over hangs just a few feet off the roof.

Problem is it's a it' two stories up, and has the ribbed steel roof, oil painted and it's not exactly easy to walk on without chancing it and sliding off. She's still up there pretty high.

I may get a rope and use that as support so I don't fall off the roof.

What we go through to save and protect our birds. aww heck I love um too much.
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Be patient and wait it out.

THE LESSON I LEARNED WITH TUSK THE LAST TIME: Better to have the bird stuck in a tree where you know where he is, than flying off to the hinterlands, where you have to track them down and find them again...

I've done this more than once...

Hang out under that tree and wait. Go back periodically and check on the bird.

Well Good news is I took a chance and startled her out of the tree, she flew back to the house and is sitting above the roof of the house in a tall oak tree. The roof is 2 stories up, metal ribbed and slippery. If all else fails by close to sundown, then I'll have to tie off a rope and scutter down the roof to that side and get her. Hopefully not, So for now, just have a coffee and sit it out for a while...least she's just over head.

Now to keep an eye on the hawks....they would find senegal's tasty and we do have a few that venture into the yard almost daily.
Oh My Word, how can you be calm?
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