Green Cheek Conure or Senegal Parrot?


New member
Nov 10, 2011
This will be my first parrot, (I've owned smaller birds in the past) and I was wondering if anyone could help me out? It'll probably be a couple years before I get enough money to keep it, so at the moment I'm just researching.
I'm 16 right now, done with high school, have a job, and not planning on going to college, unless I can stay at home. Right now I have maybe 2-3 hours to spend with my theoretical parrot, but probably will have more time in the future.

I'd like a bird that is cuddly, (that's kind of important!) and relatively quiet. Meaning, not too screechy. Talking is optional. I kind of want a good buddy bird, the kind that's ok with riding around the house on your shoulder while you work. I'd like to teach it tricks. I don't want a boring couch potato bird, but at the same time, I don't want an overly hyper-active bird. A bird that is friendly to everyone would be good.

And...that's all I can think of at the moment. I know, it's kind of idealistic. :) And I do realize that personality depends a lot on the individual bird. So, what do you think? Would a Senegal or a Green Cheek Conure be good? Or should I go with a Pionus? Or is there another breed I don't know about that you would recommend? What are the pros and cons of each of these birds?

Thank you in advance! I'll be thinking about it and hopefully in a year or two I'll have already decided. :)
You have to realize a lot can change between now and when you get your theoretical parrot. It's good you see the expenses that go into it by saving. Birds are not a cheap pet! It might be good to go through this forum and check out the threads about the different species. It'll give you a good idea of what people are struggling with, enjoying, discovering, and you'll learn a lot. Most of the information I learned came from this forum :) I have a Black Cap Conure and a Blue Headed Pionus :)
This will be my first parrot, (I've owned smaller birds in the past) and I was wondering if anyone could help me out? It'll probably be a couple years before I get enough money to keep it, so at the moment I'm just researching.
I'm 16 right now, done with high school, have a job, and not planning on going to college, unless I can stay at home. Right now I have maybe 2-3 hours to spend with my theoretical parrot, but probably will have more time in the future.

I'd like a bird that is cuddly, (that's kind of important!) and relatively quiet. Meaning, not too screechy. Talking is optional. I kind of want a good buddy bird, the kind that's ok with riding around the house on your shoulder while you work. I'd like to teach it tricks. I don't want a boring couch potato bird, but at the same time, I don't want an overly hyper-active bird. A bird that is friendly to everyone would be good.

And...that's all I can think of at the moment. I know, it's kind of idealistic. :) And I do realize that personality depends a lot on the individual bird. So, what do you think? Would a Senegal or a Green Cheek Conure be good? Or should I go with a Pionus? Or is there another breed I don't know about that you would recommend? What are the pros and cons of each of these birds?

Thank you in advance! I'll be thinking about it and hopefully in a year or two I'll have already decided. :)

I think you're describing a cockatiel... :)
I'd like a bird that is cuddly Conures are cuddly birds. It is a committment of your time, energy and money for at least 25 years or so.
I think you can try Indian RingNeck or Senegal. They are quieter type of birds but also smart and can perform tricks ~~ esp Indian RingNeck .. ^^
A green cheek conure or a pionus would probably be good. I dont know to much about pionus but the first poster has both. I have one green cheek and he is awesome. He gets out about 3 hours a day and hes happy with it. Just make sure you give him a bunch of toys to chew on and play with. Sprite is super quiet. The only time he screams is if he isn't out in the morning when hes used to being out :p For example, I get up at 6 and leave at 7ish for school so he always gets out around 6:40, and a few days ago I stayed home sick and slept till 10. He was screaming louder than ever when I woke up haha!
Green cheek conures LOVE to snuggle. In act, they practically demand it. My pineapple green cheek will literally force herself into my palm (or in the area between my neck and shoulder if I'm laying down) when she wants to be held and/or snuggled. However, they are also quite hyper, full of energy and love to play, too. They are also quite free willed and can be nippy if you try to force them to do anything they don't want to do. They do require a LOT of attention and want to be around you (or on you) at ALL TIMES, lol.
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Thanks for your help everyone! I'm kind of leaning toward the GCC, but I'll have to actually see and play with one to be sure. I am also considering a cockatiel, but I'm worried about the dust.
Aaah! Soooo many choices!
The best is go down to the pet shop ~~ and look around .. maybe you will find your "love at first sight" ~~^^

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