Green cheek, Crimson Bellied, & other pyrrhura conures?


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Virginia, U.S.
Kakariki (Kirby) Cockatiel (Shiro) Jenday Conure (Jojo)
I always thought all Pyrrhura conures were the basically the same. (well, as far as the same can go in species, besides individual ones) but I was reading a book and apparently some are calmer/less cuddly or less nippy etc.
So whats the difference between GCCs, crimson bellied, black capped and the other Pyrrhura conures like pearly?

Which one is the cuddliest, and which is the least loud and least nippy? Are some calmer then others?

If you have a crimson or pearly or other pyrrhura conure, what are they like? Thanks, XD I have a lot of questions
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I'd also like to know because I'm hoping to get some kind in the next few months. Blacked capped are cuties too:) I'm trying to wait till my local bird fair in October so I can see lots of types and personalities, and which takes to me best. Only problem is there is a green cheek in a petstore I'd like to save. He has some cage aggression issues but I think it is because they towel him to get him out and it terrifies him:( I visit him weekly and seems to remember me and is cuddly outside his cage.
I have a crimson bellied and she is quite different in personality than a green cheek. She isn't super cuddly, but she is generally very quiet and sweet. She isn't nippy at all and is very easy going. She isn't nearly as bossy and hormonal as green cheeks can be.

If I am not mistaken, I think crimson bellies are considered a subspecies of the pearly conure, so I would imagine their personalities are similar. Of course, every individual bird is different, so even within the same species the personalities can vary greatly.
My understanding is that the Maroon belly and Green Cheek species are very similar to one another, but that the other pyrrhura species are more distinct. Here is a link to the pyrrhura breeder's association species rundown, FWIW: Pyrrhura Breeders Association
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I'd also like to know because I'm hoping to get some kind in the next few months. Blacked capped are cuties too:) I'm trying to wait till my local bird fair in October so I can see lots of types and personalities, and which takes to me best. Only problem is there is a green cheek in a petstore I'd like to save. He has some cage aggression issues but I think it is because they towel him to get him out and it terrifies him:( I visit him weekly and seems to remember me and is cuddly outside his cage.

Oh yeah, forgot about black capped, also wondering about those.

See, I like laid back, but then again I like the playfulness of a green cheek.

Well, I like cats more then dogs so I guess that means I would like a kind of laid back kind.
But I also want cuddly...
Now im confused.
Only problem is there is a green cheek in a petstore I'd like to save. He has some cage aggression issues but I think it is because they towel him to get him out and it terrifies him:( I visit him weekly and seems to remember me and is cuddly outside his cage.

That's how I got my Sun conure. My ex and I would always go to our local pet store and visit him. I know buying birds from these places only encourages them to get another to sell, but Carlisle pretty much fell in love with my ex. (now my ex and I are friends and due to unforeseen circumstances Carlisle lives with me and is my little love bug :p)
They have a sun conure too who is a complete cuddle bug, no issues at all but they want $600 for him which is insane. Also I've heard his scream when I leave, he is a LOUD baby. Lol

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