Green Cheeks cages


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Pazu - Green Cheek Conure - Hatch Date ~27 September 2014~
I know bigger is better when going for cages but due to room restrain my boyfriend and I have been looking at this cage:
Peru Top Opening Parrot Cage with Stand - Antique

Width 56cm x Height 81cm x Depth 43cm
Total cage height is 139cm
bar spacing 10mm
wire strength 2mm

We both like a cage with an open top. The cage would be in our living room, where we spend pretty much all our time at home when not sleeping, cooking and washing.We intend to have the bird (that we don't have yet) out pretty much all the time we are in, less with guests in the house but not caged completely for guests, we want the bird to see visitors as a good thing.
I'm also heavily considering getting a small bird gym for out of cage play.

I can't find reviews on this cage but seen it recommended for small conures and it's the perfect size for us, but does anyone know about this cage? It's a rainforest cage although not sold on their main website.
What do people think??
Personally open top cages make me nervous! There have been posts on this forum, and others, where birds have managed to unlock the top or where the dowel has come loose and the bird has either been injured or killed.
I have a friend who has a similar type cage & she had her brother fit a larger diameter dowel in the top opening and the dowel is fixed open using stainless screws & fender washers.....the top stays open most of the time, but on the few occasions when she does close it, she uses stainless quick links...she didn't trust the closures either.....
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That's a bit scary there guys! But fair enough, I'll look into the open top more. Though still considering.
I have an open top for my lovebirds. I use the stinless quick links also for when it's closed. No problem with the quick links
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That cage is the idle size/shape for the room... I think depth we can't go much bigger but the other dimensions could be bigger I guess.
The problem is chills, the room has 2 glass sliding doors (covered by a floor length curtain mind you), and the best spot in the room is next to our sofa. That's by a wall and well out of the way of the back for and the door in and out of the room itself. We're OK with mess so we're not worried about a seed skirt. The only place in the room where we could go all out bigger is next to the TV, one side is next to the glass doors and the other side is next to the door in and out the room.
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I have an open top for my lovebird mango. I use a rope perch when it's open. When it's closed it's clipped shut securely. You can manage an open top with safer alternatives
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I'm thinking still open top. The bird won't be left unattended while it's open and we won't always open it, like when we have guests.
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