Hello from Puerto Rico


New member
Jan 24, 2017
Dalí (Baby Sun Conure)
I am a new conure mommy. We have a baby sun conure and his name is Dalí. We live in Puerto Rico and I am hoping to find some answers in this forum. Any advise from those who share their lives with a Sun Conure is welcomed. Until now my experience with this beautiful little guy has been no different than the experience I've had having my own babies. Same needs,schedules and attention required. I already love him. He is the cutest little thing in our house, everyone here loves him. :orange:
I see that you found the secret to caring for young Parrots.

Loving Parenting Works every time.

Take the time to explore and read the different Forums for additional information, starting your species and that into the supporting Forum. The Search Feature is a strong tool and can be found just below the Banner at top of the page.

Lots to do and learn and then pass along to others!

Welcome to the Parrot Forums!!!
Welcome to the forums, thanks for joining! There are many members with conures, so please ask any questions. Seems you are ahead of the game with your experiences!
Welcome from Iowa! I visited Puerto Rico once back in college for a swimming training trip, just beautiful!!

Sun conures are awesome! I owned a Jenday years ago and he was the best, they are similar to Suns, but I love the yellow coloring on the wings of the sun. I'm sure he's liking the weather there!
A warm welcome to you and Dali! Your baby sun conure sounds wonderful! Congratulations to Dali for finding such a loving family.

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