Help pleasea! Level of urgency 4 out of 10.


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Jun 26, 2013
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Seattle, Washington
Lilo - Female Green Cheek Conure ~ Pal - male cockatiel ~ Pheobe - female cockatiel
Hello all! :) I was wondering, we are getting this Amazon cage for Sonic! Yay! But the thing is.... I don't know the dimensions.... it is rusty, he said it would need a wash down and a disinfectant wash. If we need to repaint, what paint? It is cheap and we don't have lots of money to spend... this would be nice. He said a Senegal would work but I don't think he understood my question. I need to know what the bar spacing is! So main question here, sorry, if this works, what can I disinfect and paint with it with? What bird safe paint would work if repainted? Thanks so much! :rainbow1:
I wouldn't put a Senegal in an Amazon cage if the bar spacing is 1". Sonic may try to wedge through the cage bars.

And as for repainting an old cage, if Sonic is a heavy chewer, I wouldn't take the risk at all, unless you can get the cage professionally powder coated, which can be quite costly.
please don't use a rusty cage. probably a death sentence. I throw them out all the time, after mashing them up so they can't be used again.
A Senegal's head won't get through 1" bars, but that's besides the point. Get a 'newer' appropriate cage. It's not worth refurbishing someone's rubbish IMHO.
I'm sure Sonic is much better off in a smaller cage for now until you can save up for a new one or used one in good condition. A rusty cage is never a good call, and painting anything a parrot comes in contact with is a major hazard.
Ok, thanks guys. I really didn't feel ok about this situation... the cocktail cage is basically for conures, multiple cocktails. It is a breeder cage and is already powder coated. It is big and the bar spacing is good for a Sennie. The first cage is two inch bar spacing. Not happening! All in all the cocktail breeder cage is best. :)
It's alright for now anyway, as long as he doesn't bite the bars. Sennies have powerful beaks as you know!

I wouldn't even feel alright being the seller of a cage that was too old and used up :eek:.

Robin's 20 year old cage not only has sentimental value now and always will, but I couldn't in good conscience pass it on. People just want to see if they can get a buck for an old cage instead of trashing it when they should. I plan to use the old cage in the garden and put plants or seasonal flowers in it.
He might have been molting if you see feather on the bottom of the cage it alright just molting but it might be parasite make sure to go to a vet to be sure I would never let my bird suffer nor any other animal but yea don't worry you should make a vet appointment every month
It's alright for now anyway, as long as he doesn't bite the bars. Sennies have powerful beaks as you know!

I wouldn't even feel alright being the seller of a cage that was too old and used up :eek:.

Robin's 20 year old cage not only has sentimental value now and always will, but I couldn't in good conscience pass it on. People just want to see if they can get a buck for an old cage instead of trashing it when they should. I plan to use the old cage in the garden and put plants or seasonal flowers in it.

My mother did that with my step-grandmother's old macaw cages. She painted them bright colors, filled them with plants, and they look AWESOME! I'll have to take pictures sometimes. It really is a fab use for an old cage if you have a big yard.
It's alright for now anyway, as long as he doesn't bite the bars. Sennies have powerful beaks as you know!

I wouldn't even feel alright being the seller of a cage that was too old and used up :eek:.

Robin's 20 year old cage not only has sentimental value now and always will, but I couldn't in good conscience pass it on. People just want to see if they can get a buck for an old cage instead of trashing it when they should. I plan to use the old cage in the garden and put plants or seasonal flowers in it.

My mother did that with my step-grandmother's old macaw cages. She painted them bright colors, filled them with plants, and they look AWESOME! I'll have to take pictures sometimes. It really is a fab use for an old cage if you have a big yard.

I'd love to see pics of that :). I think I'll just let mine be out in the elements and over time it will get all rusty, and give a nice "rustic" look. A plant that climbs and wraps around the bars would be nice too.
Try a bird store, or an avian vet. They will probably have used cages for sale.
So, I went and looked at it, Perfect! It is rusty and needs a bit of touch up but bar spacing and size was perfect. So my grandpa is going to pay for it to be re powder coated! Yay! I am excited and happy to get him a good cage. It is made for zons and CAG so the bars are sturdy. :D yay!

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