I am considering getting a large parrot.


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Dec 30, 2024
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Sorry for being another one of these people contributing to the same topic ad nauseum.

Anyway, I live in Dublin, Ireland. I am considering getting a large parrot as a first bird, but I have four (current!) problems:

1. I am worried my bird will live an inactive life, both in terms of physical exercise and being stimulated by new environments. Even if we get a car, gas is expensive. Maybe biking with the bird would be the most viable solution. Still, it would mostly be contained within a single large city. Also, I wish I would be able to flight train it to make it happier and I am worried I will be an idiot and lose the bird. I wish public transport were not anti-pet.

2. Irish veterinary care for birds is concerningly limited. Instead, it is heavily dog and cat focused.

3. Socialisation will likely be a big detriment to my would-be-bird. I live in my parents' house because of the insane prices of rent. We are all introverted and might as well not have any human friends, merely acquaintances. Our relatives live in a different country.

I want my bird to be able to not only tolerate but be happy with all 3 of us. If it were to choose only me and be on the verge of aggression to my parents I cannot have a bird, and that breaks my heart. I have seen Onni the Cockatoo and watching that human woman is heartbreaking.

4. B-a-Y macaw? Umbrella cockatoo? Currently have my eyes set on a galah cockatoo or a BF Amazon. Regardless, how much do these parrots fit me or my lifestyle? Well, I have no way to find out! I have fuckall experience and nowhere can I volunteer. No foster choices from what I can gather. I just have to hope I get the right bird with the right personality, which worries me severely. No, research on a species on the Internet is not adequate.

Do I just risk it and get a large parrot? My heart is really set on it. Feels almost like a perpetual, nice daydream. Maybe a naive one by the parrot stories I have read. Not just an itch to be scratched, but a large mental bandage that cannot be ripped off until I get that fix.
I think the real stickie points are.

Friendly to all family members.
And lack of proper veterinary care.

It’s not ez to get a bird that will be friends with everyone. I think it’s less about species and more about the individual bird and how it’s socialized.
From my experience the amazon parrot is more likely to be a one person bird.

The ratio of dog/cat vets to avian vets must be around 10 to 1 everywhere but major cities.
Most of us struggle with this issue.

Training your bird for free flight is best left to experts and even then accidents can happen.
Please do more research both on here and elsewhere. Parrots are a big responsibility on the owner and those in the household. A LOT of things you take for granted must be removed from the house to keep them safe and healthy, like ALL non-stick cookware, anything scented, like candles and stuff, perfumes and the like, appliances have to be checked to see if they too have teflon or other PFOA coatings. Next, parrots get very attached to their person - who takes care of them when you are gone - to work or holiday. Will the rest of the family put up with the mess and screaming that ALL parrots make. Big birds - bigger mess and louder screaming. Bigger bites too, and all parrots at some point bite. These are essentially wild animals being invited to live in our houses. The concessions to be made are ALL on your side.

You dont say what your living and economic conditions are- very important for parrot ownership. A student living at home is a terrible candidate for a parrot. Triply so for a large one.
Did not know what is irrelevant, so I made my post too comprehensive.

For example, about a parrot's physical activity? Dogs have to be walked. I do not like that my would-be-large parrot would be leashed and stay on my shoulder or arm - or wherever is comfortable - and essentially be inactive if I need go outside.


I am aware of your warnings. I have had a Jack Russell Terrier, so I absolutely am aware what I am getting myself into. And I have no doubt parrots are even more of a handful, and uglier behaviourally, than the aforementioned species. I have read a lot on knowing the horrible stories of regretting parrot as a pet, etc.

Ultimately, this all seems like a guessing game unless I can get to foster a large parrot for at least a month, and even that is too short of a time frame. But I will likely not get to the chance due to where I live.
Oh, economically we are very stable and could afford a large parrot. Likely a large macaw is out of the picture, though.

I am not a student. I am at home for the majority all day every week. Of course, the talk about the unpredictable future is an entirely different story.
Large birds often live very long lives. I think the warning that was given to me was something about a permanent toddler with scissors attached to its face. The reason everyone is brutally honest about owning parrots is to discourage those who’s interest might not be long lived. This unfortunately happens a lot with birds and its not fair to the bird.
Many adult human beings can’t handle the responsibility of a pet like a dog, cat or hamster and people often get exotic pets and lose interest or get in way over their head caring for an animal that they cannot meet the needs of.
If you’re truly on board with the good, the bad and the ugly for the long haul and you have the time, money and dedication you might be a good candidate. You just need to be sure this is what you want long term. If there is any chance you don’t think you’ll have time for the bird at some point in your life that is a deal breaker.
I wouldn’t focus on a large bird so much as finding the a bird whose personality works with yours.
Your future parrot doesn't need to travel outside of your home to have a full life. Id discourage it because there are too many dangers and its not necessary. Many of us let their parrots fly inside our homes with supervision for fun and exercise.

I think the reason your economic situation was mentioned is because you commented that gas for a car, which your post indicates you do not have access to, is too expensive to take a parrot out for a drive. How would you get your parrot to an avian vet a couple hours' drive away without a car in Dublin, where half the year it gets too cold to take a tropical parrot outside?

Vet care for a large parrot should be planned for at least $500 USD a year, and that's just for well bird check ups including necessary lab tests, toenail trims, dietary and behavioral consultations, etc. If your parrot gets sick or injured vet expenses can get pretty high.
And parrot toys, too! Parrot play usually consists of destroying a given object, hopefully one of his wooden toys (and not your door lintels or picture frames). My small amazon, Salty, goes thru about $90 USD worth of toys a month. And he is not really an avid chewer. He prefers to beat up on his metal bell toys. However, when he likes a new wood toy, he can reduce it to splinters in an hour or two. $10-15 - gone just like that. A large parrot needs larger toys ( more $) and macaws in particular can be really avid chewers.
Maybe I am a bad parront, but in the 50 years I have cared for my macaw, I have never once taken him out in public except for hauling him in a dog carrier from my car to the door of the avian vet’s office. 🥴 My vet has repeatedly told me to keep my parrot on the “down low.” People steal parrots. They fly away. Stuff happens. In good (sometimes bad) weather, my bird goes outside in his outdoor cage. He loves it! That is good enough for us. Free flying is absolutely, positively out of the question.

I would be concerned about the lack of avian vets in your area. Here in Florida, we are spoiled for choice. There are 3 avian vets within a 15 minute drive from where I live. I have never had an emergency, but it’s nice to know that I have 3 choices if there were one. Standard issue vets know very little about birds. It is a risk you have to be willing to take.

Most importantly, you have to understand that birds are not dogs. They pick their favorites and that is it. The odds of your parrot loving (even tolerating) everyone in the house are not good.

From what you have written, I would advise you to abandon the notion of getting a large parrot. A dog might fit your lifestyle better.
Maybe I am a bad parront, but in the 50 years I have cared for my macaw, I have never once taken him out in public except for hauling him in a dog carrier from my car to the door of the avian vet’s office. 🥴 My vet has repeatedly told me to keep my parrot on the “down low.” People steal parrots. They fly away. Stuff happens. In good (sometimes bad) weather, my bird goes outside in his outdoor cage. He loves it! That is good enough for us. Free flying is absolutely, positively out of the question.

I would be concerned about the lack of avian vets in your area. Here in Florida, we are spoiled for choice. There are 3 avian vets within a 15 minute drive from where I live. I have never had an emergency, but it’s nice to know that I have 3 choices if there were one. Standard issue vets know very little about birds. It is a risk you have to be willing to take.

Most importantly, you have to understand that birds are not dogs. They pick their favorites and that is it. The odds of your parrot loving (even tolerating) everyone in the house are not good.

From what you have written, I would advise you to abandon the notion of getting a large parrot. A dog might fit your lifestyle better.
The point of me asking about a parrot's physical activity was due to the limited information I have found - not because I expected a parrot to be walked like a dog!

I know that parrots pick favourites, that was one of the reasons I chose to post my predicaments of owning a parrot here. Again, I am confused how you got the notion of me expecting parrots to act like dogs.

Your future parrot doesn't need to travel outside of your home to have a full life. Id discourage it because there are too many dangers and its not necessary. Many of us let their parrots fly inside our homes with supervision for fun and exercise.

I think the reason your economic situation was mentioned is because you commented that gas for a car, which your post indicates you do not have access to, is too expensive to take a parrot out for a drive. How would you get your parrot to an avian vet a couple hours' drive away without a car in Dublin, where half the year it gets too cold to take a tropical parrot outside?

Vet care for a large parrot should be planned for at least $500 USD a year, and that's just for well bird check ups including necessary lab tests, toenail trims, dietary and behavioral consultations, etc. If your parrot gets sick or injured vet expenses can get pretty high.
>your economic situation was mentioned is because you commented that gas for a car [...]

Good catch. Makes me sound contradictory. I wish I wrote gas is getting frustratingly expensive relatively, not because we cannot afford it .

I should have mentioned I am not getting a parrot until at least I get a car. And it gives me more time to think this through.

I am afraid I am asking too much and replying too late, but I will bite. Does anyone have good quality pellet recommendations in Europe, preferably non-UK? Which ones do I avoid? Harrison's is not available online. I was recommended Nutribird - which is available here - but I dislike the colourful pellet look. I will look at TOPS when I get the chance locally. Also, I see good store recommendations for toys here , but again, most are situated in US likewise. Bird toys are very limited in my local pet shops (There was a lovely Etsy DIY toy shop I cannot find anymore to link it, but still only limited to US/CA), another deterrent in getting a bird. I have already read on which materials are not recommended or are outright toxic to buy for birds.
I think the idea that you may think parrots are like dogs is because dogs are the most common and most beloved household pets and the ideal parrot you describe that likes all family members or at least can be trained to like all family members sounds more like a dog than a parrot. Parrots can be trained but they are much less agreeable and people pleasing than dogs. You mention how unacceptable it would be if your parrot liked you but aggressive toward your parents. You can almost count on your parrot disliking a family member or even being aggressive toward them. What would you do if that happened? Rehome the parrot? When a dog has behavioral problems a dog trainer can help correct the problem. Professional parrot trainers are unheard of in most parts of the world and not all that effective for things like that when they are available.
When you adopt a parrot you must be prepared to accept the good, the bad and the downright ugly aspects of their personality.

One way to get around the unavailability of the best parrot pellets is to make your own parrot food called "chop" from available grains, grain products, legumes and fresh or frozen vegetables. There's a resource on Parrot Forums that gives recipes for chop.
I think the idea that you may think parrots are like dogs is because dogs are the most common and most beloved household pets and the ideal parrot you describe that likes all family members or at least can be trained to like all family members sounds more like a dog than a parrot. Parrots can be trained but they are much less agreeable and people pleasing than dogs. You mention how unacceptable it would be if your parrot liked you but aggressive toward your parents. You can almost count on your parrot disliking a family member or even being aggressive toward them. What would you do if that happened? Rehome the parrot? When a dog has behavioral problems a dog trainer can help correct the problem. Professional parrot trainers are unheard of in most parts of the world and not all that effective for things like that when they are available.
When you adopt a parrot you must be prepared to accept the good, the bad and the downright ugly aspects of their personality.

One way to get around the unavailability of the best parrot pellets is to make your own parrot food called "chop" from available grains, grain products, legumes and fresh or frozen vegetables. There's a resource on Parrot Forums that gives recipes for chop.
One can argue I can subliminally attribute a dog's characteristics to a bird because a Jack Russell is all the experience I have as a pet. I can understand that perspective.

That is why I wish I got any bird experience before truly owning a parrot. What if, instead, my parents would be ok with an uninviting parrot as long as I am happy? That is a question I will not have an answer to.
Why not get a budgie or a cockatiel as your first bird? Neither of them would be aggressive to anyone and yes, they are parrots. I have had a cockatiel and I currently have 19 budgies, 11 of which have freedom to fly in my house during the day. They are friendly, easy to tame, and easier to take care of compared to larger parrots.
Why not get a budgie or a cockatiel as your first bird? Neither of them would be aggressive to anyone and yes, they are parrots. I have had a cockatiel and I currently have 19 budgies, 11 of which have freedom to fly in my house during the day. They are friendly, easy to tame, and easier to take care of compared to larger parrots.
Because I have my heart set to an amazon, whatever that means given my limited knowledge. Kind of aversive to reply because I appear indecisive. Maybe a goffin too, but I am worried it would be too much of a handful like the umbrella/moluccan.

Actually, budgies and caiques are my others picks. Budgies being lower in the priority because of their low lifespan. I do not want to buy a small parrot just for the sake of knowing whether I will be able to handle larger parrots (whatever that also means) instead of wanting the small parrot itself.

And I get it, it does appear tasteless of me to do a "small parrot" and "large parrot" distinction, as if the former is inferior. At least in the manner I have chosen to do so.
I had a Goffin and she was a beautiful friendly bird but an enormous handful. I got her as a newly weaned baby. She was obsessed with being cuddled and would get angry, bite and scream when I stopped. She wouldn't sit in perch stand. She hated men except for my husband.
i really don't recommend one.

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