Is my Conure in heat?!


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Half-moon Conure
I couldn't find anything about it online and I'm not even sure birds do that, but that is what her behavior seems like. For the past few weeks instead of hopping onto my hand when I go to her cage, she will shy away from my hand at first, then come up to it and rub her head, bite my hand (very softly) and lift her leg up one at a time and gently touch my finger.

She is molting too, so could she just be giving me a hint that she wants me to preen her? If so, she is typically sensitive about me touching her head and I could use some tips on how to get her comfortable.

The main reason I am concerned is because it has been hard to give her the attention she needs when I can't pick her up. I don't want this to last so long she eventually becomes distant. If anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Hi. What's your conure's name and age?

How long have you two been together?

Birds, male and female, definitely have their hormonal episodes. But this doesn't sound like that. Could there be some other reason she is shy or afraid to step up, like do you look different (glasses, hair color or length, etc.). The molting can range from mildly uncomfortable to very annoying and uncomfortable. It also taxes their energy and nutrition more when they are molting.
When you say she "lift her leg up one at a time and gently touch my finger" -- Is she lifting her foot like she would if she was starting to step up, or is she lifting her leg and touching your finger with some other part of her body?

See if she'll step up some other way, like on to another part of your hand, like on to thumb with hand in a soft fist posture, or even in to the palm of your hand. Maybe she feels unstable with the feathers molting. How much is she molting... a normal amount?
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Hi! Thanks for the reply. Her name is Billie and shes about 15 years old. She belonged to my mom most of that time, but wasn't getting the attention she needed so I took her about a year ago and shes been with me ever since.

Now that you mention it, I had long hair for years and just cut it all off recently. (I feel kind of dumb for not even thinking about that haha!) She will lift her leg just as if she was going to step up, but just touches my finger with her foot and then retreats. But now that I'm considering my haircut, it makes sense that she wouldn't be completely sure I'm the same person and she might be afraid to step up.

One strange thing though, is she will rub her head and wings on my hand now instead of stepping up. She never used to do this, even when she was feeling playful and happy.

She's molting the same amount she usually does.

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