Looking for Quaker NestCam


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
I’m sure you have seen falcon cams or eagle cams online. Well, I’m wondering if there’s a Quaker Parakeet nest cam out there somewhere. Something that might show babies being raised inside the big apartment nest.

It seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to wire an existing nest with a wireless video camera. But I can’t find any inside the nest, only videos of the outsides of nests.

If you know of a Quaker Parakeet nest camera, please post a link.
I’m sure you have seen falcon cams or eagle cams online. Well, I’m wondering if there’s a Quaker Parakeet nest cam out there somewhere. Something that might show babies being raised inside the big apartment nest.

It seems like it wouldn’t be too hard to wire an existing nest with a wireless video camera. But I can’t find any inside the nest, only videos of the outsides of nests.

If you know of a Quaker Parakeet nest camera, please post a link.
If putting cameras on wild Quaker's nests, make sure it's legal in your area first. Here's a small camera that I think would work quite well!
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Alas, there are NO wild Quaker parakeet nests in this location. It is too cold and rural.

But, that is a possible explanation for why there AREN’T more nest cams out there. I am guessing that it is not legal to interfere with wild bird nests. ?? However, since Quaker Parakeets are not native to the US, perhaps that would allow a loophole?

It seems to me that having video of cute baby Quaker Parakeets growing up from egg to adult bird would help people to be sympathetic to the plight of these birds.
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I posted this question on the QPS discussion list and am now hearing about nest box cameras in years gone by, and possibly one current nest box cam. I will update.
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I can turn it for u if u like :)
That would be great. Or tell me how. I always get pics published sideways and I don’t like it.
So, how do you ‘turn’ the photo when selecting an avatar? Or, do I need to rotate it in another program and then bring it in?
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Here u go :)
I just use the edit button and turn it but im on apple so it might be different for other phones
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View attachment 37406
Here u go :)
I just use the edit button and turn it but im on apple so it might be different for other phones
Ok. I will find and then mess around with the edit button and hopefully my pics will soon be right side up. (Actually, I saved YOUR version of the photo to my library and then imported it. My avatar is now right side up. Thank you!)

I wanted Willow to stand on the tree but he would not. The tree was not in my apartment but in a common area, so it was scary. But I think the photo is ok anyhow.
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