Random Quaker Parakeet Fears—“chicken” bird


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
Today I brought Willow (Quaker) into my room for some petting and bird time while I read. He wouldn’t settle down and kept stretching out like a very tall skinny bowling pin. I asked him what was wrong but he kept flipping his wings and not perching quietly. Can’t recall if he was squawking.

I looked at where he was staring and I saw that my computer cord was dangling as it had not dangled before. I unplugged the computer because it seemed like he was afraid of the cord. When the dangling cord was gone he seemed ok and settled in and relaxed for a nice long head scratch. I figure there must be a generalized “snake” fear way back in their minds.

This Quaker and my previous Quaker seem to be really funny about long cords and cables. As in, unusually scared of them. They also hate the Dustbuster and the vacuum and have other random ‘hates’. I have had to get rid of neat household items because my Quaker is so scared of them and would stare at the item and scream the warning siren scream at it. At times this has been frustrating (like I got an abstract owl lamp on clearance from the fair trade store and I had to sell it on Craigslist because she alarm screamed at it). (That bird was also scared of flies and spiders and would alarm scream and stare until I got rid of the creepy crawly.)

Are there other species of parrots that are so paranoid and “chicken” about things? Or is it just Quakers? My ex husband used to tease my Quaker with these items and I admit that sometimes the fears were quite random and kind of absurd. But I recall being a small child and randomly scared of things so I figure it’s like that and the poor bird shouldn’t have to be around something that scares them.
Today I brought Willow (Quaker) into my room for some petting and bird time while I read. He wouldn’t settle down and kept stretching out like a very tall skinny bowling pin. I asked him what was wrong but he kept flipping his wings and not perching quietly. Can’t recall if he was squawking.

I looked at where he was staring and I saw that my computer cord was dangling as it had not dangled before. I unplugged the computer because it seemed like he was afraid of the cord. When the dangling cord was gone he seemed ok and settled in and relaxed for a nice long head scratch. I figure there must be a generalized “snake” fear way back in their minds.

This Quaker and my previous Quaker seem to be really funny about long cords and cables. As in, unusually scared of them. They also hate the Dustbuster and the vacuum and have other random ‘hates’. I have had to get rid of neat household items because my Quaker is so scared of them and would stare at the item and scream the warning siren scream at it. At times this has been frustrating (like I got an abstract owl lamp on clearance from the fair trade store and I had to sell it on Craigslist because she alarm screamed at it). (That bird was also scared of flies and spiders and would alarm scream and stare until I got rid of the creepy crawly.)

Are there other species of parrots that are so paranoid and “chicken” about things? Or is it just Quakers? My ex husband used to tease my Quaker with these items and I admit that sometimes the fears were quite random and kind of absurd. But I recall being a small child and randomly scared of things so I figure it’s like that and the poor bird shouldn’t have to be around something that scares them.
My GCC can't function, won't eat a snack, won't train, won't do anything but stare if there is a dot of some kind on the ceiling. Most if the time it's just a black smudge or dust, I have to get it off the ceiling for him to feel safe again.
My QP is pretty comfortable with most things, but he does have his fears. He HATES tape measures, they terrify him.
Strangely enough, I would never bring my snakes near my birds but occasionally they can see me in another room through open doors holding a snake and they aren't scared, I guess because I'm holding it and being calm it must be safe?
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Of course! The black spot will resolve into a scary hawk or eagle.

I came home from a dance carrying a helium balloon and was woken at dawn by my Quaker staring up at the ceiling and alarm screaming. She would not be persuaded to calm down. I finally popped the balloon (in another room) and the bird calmed down.

My birds hate tape measures also. They uncoil and get long and skinny and terrifying… what’s not to dislike? Also whenever I move a tall lamp they freak out. Bird brains. Some things are just hardwired I think.
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I am wearing a wrist splint and Willow has decided it MUST be removed. As in, chewed off. He does the same with face masks. (Jasper bites anyone wearing a face mask.)

I am happy that he isn’t upset by it, but I keep being tempted to take it off because he’s fixated on it. And I really need it. Aaargh! But he’s calmed down and is sitting on his basket, 6 inches from my nose, crunching his beak.
my fids definitely don't like anything snake like...cords definitely agree instincts .

Quaker are usually characterized as bold...
If I buy a new toy they are climbing on it as I hang it. Unpacking new stuff from boxes and bags they are all over it, seeing if they can grab something

I thought mine were bomb proof till today! My new parrot stand is causing drama!!!
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my fids definitely don't like anything snake like...cords definitely agree instincts .

Quaker are usually characterized as bold...
If I buy a new toy they are climbing on it as I hang it. Unpacking new stuff from boxes and bags they are all over it, seeing if they can grab something

I thought mine were bomb proof till today! My new parrot stand is causing drama!!!
New parrot stand?! How scary! It must be watched carefully for days before it becomes safe.

All my Quakers have had these predator phobias but Willow has the worst neophobia. Scared of the bath dish in bottom of his cage so he must come in the shower with me.

He seems to disregard my mess as “outside the cage” and therefore not relevant. Thank god.

He’s yawning and I can see all the way down his adorable gaping maw. 🥰
The things that bother Ralph enough to set off a Quaker alarm call are people wearing bright orange clothing and scenes on television of people running.
I doubt that a tape measure would bother him. He's fascinated by the retractable cord on the vacuum cleaner, and insists that I pull it out and make it spring back again, over and over.
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The things that bother Ralph enough to set off a Quaker alarm call are people wearing bright orange clothing and scenes on television of people running.
I doubt that a tape measure would bother him. He's fascinated by the retractable cord on the vacuum cleaner, and insists that I pull it out and make it spring back again, over and over.
That’s really strange.

Lucy used to be fascinated by tooth brushing. She would watch me, staring raptly, and then try to imitate me by chomping her beak and moving her head. Wonder if it would have been more realistic if she had two working feet. God help us all. Her babyhood accident (in which her leg was broken) may have saved us all from nuclear annihilation.

Lucy also thought the teapot was ‘singing’ to her. Too funny!
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Laundry carts can be added to the list of “things that scare Willow”. This cart had a 6 foot tall rack for hanging clothes on. A neighbor had one sitting outside her door and Willow was so freaked out he launched himself off my shoulder. Made it 10-15 feet down the hall, too.

We had to pass the cart on the way back to my apartment and we stayed far on the other side of the hall. That was ok.
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My budgies won't function or move when I start to clean their cage because I DESTROYED THERE STABLE WORLD!!!,THEY EVEN HATE HATE SWINGS CASUES THEY ARE ALSO DESTROYERS
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We saw a UPS truck this afternoon, through a ground-floor window, which was exciting. THEN I noticed a fire truck right across the street and I moved away from the window so Willow did not detonate. Poor poor Willow.

We live on the fifth floor. I am wondering if I should move Willow’s cage away from the window or block the view, since he is a bit excitable. The only thing that’s really upsetting to see from his cage is the garbage truck on Thursday morning. Otherwise I don’t hear him going off much. So I assume he is ok.

What do you think?
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Willow is having a nice long head scratching tonight after not getting much time the last few days. (I had a cold last week and, I think, an infected tooth.). He is going between wanting to stand on my hand and look around the room, and wanting to stand on his basket handle and be petted or lean into my right hand. If he doesn’t get what he wants, he flips his wings and yells.

Willow is very funny about his cage still. He wants me to come get him, yells, and then I come over and he runs from the branch on outside of his cage to the inside to defend the cage from me, the intruder. Then he has to settle down before he will come out again! It’s very strange.

I cut some dried mango into tiny strips last week, but I think I’m going to halve the strips again because he is a tiny bird. I want to give him more treats for the same amount of mango.

Just now I was holding his beak with my right hand and scratching his head with my left hand. What a goofy bird! Today I am not being preened as much as usual. I think I have a petting debt to fill.
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I noticed one new thing that Willow is NOT afraid of: Willow gets very excited to see a corn chip bag. He’s not a very head-bobby Quaker but when I ate some chips today that little head went up and down like crazy!

I didn’t want to give him much due to the salt but he doesn’t get excited over many things. So I gave him a fraction of chip and he was happy. (Then I put him back in his cage so he could get a nice long drink of water.
I noticed one new thing that Willow is NOT afraid of: Willow gets very excited to see a corn chip bag. He’s not a very head-bobby Quaker but when I ate some chips today that little head went up and down like crazy!

I didn’t want to give him much due to the salt but he doesn’t get excited over many things. So I gave him a fraction of chip and he was happy. (Then I put him back in his cage so he could get a nice long drink of water.
My Quaker bobs his head up and down too when I'm eating something crunchy :LOL:
Ralph does the head bob when he likes something, wants something or agrees with something I said, and when he wants me to do something that amuses him, repeating it over and over. :)
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Lucy did lots of head bobs. Sounded a lot like your guy. Willow is much more stoic, I’d have to say, was going to say relaxed but he’s very alert and on guard.

Your Ralph has a sweet little green face. He reminds me of Lucy.
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