*My macaw diet*foods that she eats -Need opinions and plz post your macaw diet too


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Oct 26, 2012
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Blue n gold macaw
*My macaw diet*foods that she eats -Need opinions and plz post your macaw diet too
My blue & gold macaw has 1 year and dont eat many foods .. Her diet is 70% fruit (pineapple, papaya, mango, banana, orange) 15% seeds / nuts (sunflower, nuts, Buriti, peanuts) and 15% pellets. She dont eat vegetables, just destroy it.. Lack some vitamin in the diet? I always put other fruits but she does not eat.. Help please!
I personally wouldn't feed that much fruit~ my macaw gets pellets in the morning and a vegetable, rice, pasta, quinoa mix for dinner. He gets fruit every other day for a snack. Oh and a few nuts every day. No seed except flax in his dinner. Occasionally he will get eggs, chicken, yogurt and other healthy "people"food. Try cooking a sweet potato and mash it a bit , if he eats it you can sneak some other veggies in it , same with oatmeal and scrambled eggs.
Good advice here. Way too much fruit, you need to up the grains quotient and try to get some veggies in. Birdy breads are great ways to get birds who won't eat veggies to trick them into eating them. I'm sure some quick searching will turn up recipes and there are off-the-shelf mixes you can get as well.
Thank you all!
I will add pellets, veggys and nuts, here in Brazil we have Macadamia, and buriti nuts, I LOVE BURITISits a awesome palm that grows around almost all the areas with water, the BURITI is the main natural feeding of parrots in the wild! I love to go watch and photograph parrots like macaws, mini macaws, parakeet, conures and amazons in nature, and all this at a few kilometers from my house.. I love my country! Look my bird pics in Perfil Mayron Magerl | Wiki Aves - A Enciclopédia das Aves do Brasil
My macaws eat 1/3 roudybush pellets 1/3 goldenfeast mix bonita loco and 1/3 fruits/veggies
I'm not familiar with all the fruits available in your area (lucky you! :D ), but apparently one favorite of a GW macaw is the kraabu fruit. I don't know anything about the fruit itself, but apparently this particular GW *loves* the seed inside! Doesn't care much for the meat (the edible part for humans) of the fruit but the seeds he goes bonkers over!

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