Need opinions on this air purifier


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2017
One Quaker, Nico
Hey folks,

I just wanted to double check on this air purifier my mom brought home for Nicoā€™s room. Itā€™s the Holmes HAP242, and it has optional ionization. Optional as in, a mechanical switch that turns it on and off.

Would this be safe to use for short periods? Iā€™d just like to use it for a couple hours a day maybe to suck up the dust and dander Nico makes.
The optional Ionization part is a serious issue. Never use it in the same home as you're Parrots. Consider using tape to avoid the Ionization unit being turned on!!
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The optional Ionization part is a serious issue. Never use it in the same home as you're Parrots. Consider using tape to avoid the Ionization unit being turned on!!
Yeah thatā€™s my concern.

But wait- So I can use it as long as thatā€™s switched off or I should just not use this purifier at all and get a different one? Sorry if Iā€™m being dumb my brain is a bit fried right now.
If you can return it and get a different one, there are several Holmes units that do not include ionization (like the HAP8650B-NU-2) as well as other brands that donā€™t (I know some people like levoit and theyā€™re similarly priced).

If you canā€™t return it, I think itā€™s ok as long as you are confident that the ionization feature wonā€™t get turned on. We have a Germ Guardian we used to use that had an optional ionizer too; we replaced it ages ago with something without an ionizing feature and use it in our bedroom now, but we simply never turned the ionizer on and therefore didnā€™t have an issue.

If you really want to reduce dust youā€™re going to need to leave it running all day. It isnā€™t going to pick up dust that has settled on surfaces either, so you will still need to dust and clean the room as usual. It does make a great deal of difference for air quality though!
All of my air purifiers have the ionization option, we just make sure we never use it. We've had these for 7 years with no issues.
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If you can return it and get a different one, there are several Holmes units that do not include ionization (like the HAP8650B-NU-2) as well as other brands that donā€™t (I know some people like levoit and theyā€™re similarly priced).

If you canā€™t return it, I think itā€™s ok as long as you are confident that the ionization feature wonā€™t get turned on. We have a Germ Guardian we used to use that had an optional ionizer too; we replaced it ages ago with something without an ionizing feature and use it in our bedroom now, but we simply never turned the ionizer on and therefore didnā€™t have an issue.

If you really want to reduce dust youā€™re going to need to leave it running all day. It isnā€™t going to pick up dust that has settled on surfaces either, so you will still need to dust and clean the room as usual. It does make a great deal of difference for air quality though!
I canā€™t return it, itā€™s been in use for a while- but I can buy a new one if itā€™s an issue! Price isnā€™t the problem, I want Nico to live lol.

Ok, thatā€™s great to hear! Iā€™m the only one that will be using it I think, but I can tape the whole extra button over and tell my family.

Oh, ok, thanks for the advice! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping to prevent, heā€™s making the desk all dusty from all the stuff he throws šŸ˜‚ But also itā€™s just not good for him either to be breathing that in. Yes it definitely does! I used to use one even with my budgie and even then it made a difference!
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All of my air purifiers have the ionization option, we just make sure we never use it. We've had these for 7 years with no issues.
Thank you for the input!! That makes me feel better.

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