New member and new owner!


New member
Apr 12, 2015
Fischer's/Masked mix Lovebird (Mango)
Jardine's Parrot (Bean)

Over the rainbow bridge:
Green Cheek Conure (Atai)
Hello everyone!
I just got my first parrot, ever, yesterday. He is a 1.5 year old GCC, very cute and fun. His name is Atai :3
He is a bit shy; in the store he would walk all over me and talk to me but now that he's here in his new cage he likes to hide in the back - which I'm sure is nothing for me to worry about at this point!
He's very interested in what I do, and blinks a lot when I talk to him along with tipping his head, but runs from my hand. If I do manage to get him out (not by force, and it's only been once) he steps up perfectly, but I can tell he is uncomfortable and wants to go back to a perch - or the back of the cage. He will test food from my hand but won't take it, and he won't eat anything fresh... yet!
Oh, and he sleeps hanging onto the side of his cage xD

So, that's all I know about him so far! I love him dearly already :3
Any tips for me and my greenie?

Hello and welcome!
Love the name Atai!
Sounds like Atai is just getting used to his new home, and with some patience and a little time he is going to be even more friendly than when he was in the store:)
Sometimes fresh veggies take awhile to catch on, just keep trying:) He will soon learn that they are delicious.
I am so glad you joined us, and I would love to see pictures of your new baby!
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Here's his favorite place to hide... And sleep!
Aww,he is gorgeous! Looks like he has the snuggling part figured out:)

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