OMG! All of Boomer's tail feathers ejected at the vet!!!

Lol, I don't think the vet did anything to intentionally hurt Boomer. Poor boy just got scared and things got dicey. That vet most likely saved his life recently, it's just shocking to see all the feathers (they're so pretty!). It reminds me of the way lizards will lose their tail while trying to get away. It's a reminder if the reptile past of birds...quite a neat way to evade predators. A cat trying to grab a parrot would end up with a face full of feathers looking stupid if that happened, so it could be a valuable trait under the proper circumstances. That poor little guy! Hopefully he's done with the vet for a while. He's going to have a pin-cushion butt as that grows out.
really?? i dont think that can happen. ever heard of grabbing a birds tail completly off?? but still, poor boomer! that must have HURT! i hope his tail comes back though. is he clipped? i must be sounding sort of mean, but i do not think birds have a defence mechanism. well maybe there is, but shedding off your tail is not one of them. birds wont get rid of their tail at any cost cause wont be able to fly.well give boomer baby an extra pat for being okay even after losing his tail :p
Wow that is crazy that his tail just fell off. Reminds me how some lizards lose their tails when they feel threatened to aid themselves in a quick escape. Although it seems more likely that the vet could have accidentally pulled the feathers out while handling him. But, I don't know. Don't fret too much.

Wow, that's a bit extreme! You must have died...why doesn't he let the owner in with them? I'm sure the vet isn't some sadist doing this on purpose, but that looks like things got a little out of control and there was an accident.

Avian veterinarians will sometimes bring the bird to a back room or ask the owner to leave so that the bird won't see his owner while the examination is happening. This is to prevent the bird from placing a grudge against his person.
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Avian veterinarians will sometimes bring the bird to a back room or ask the owner to leave so that the bird won't see his owner while the examination is happening. This is to prevent the bird from placing a grudge against his person.

Yes, I think that is why the vet doesn't let you in the back during the examination and gave Johann that explanation the first time he brought Booms there.
Poor Boomer! But you have to admit, he looks awful cute with his little quail butt. And his feathers are so pretty!

I think Kalidasa hit the nail on the head. Anyone who has seen Jurassic Park knows that birds have reptile that makes total sense that the tail feathers would come out, much like a lizards tail! :22: I often call Sundance my little T-Rex, he looks exactly like one when he attacks.

I'm so glad little Boomer is feeling better, i'm sure his tail will be back before you know it! I hope the vet will let you in the room next time.
:eek: Oh YOWSER!!! :eek:

...but you know what???? Boomer is STILL as gorgeous as EVER!!! :D

You've gone through so much with him lately. HUGS to you and scritches for Boom Boom!!

The tail will grow back, and I honestly don't think he'll have any problems regrowing the new feathers. Once you see them coming in, you can give him either baths more frequently, or just spray his "back" side more often to ease the itching. :)
Thank goodness they will likely grow back with no problem! It is indeed a classic prey response - shed something so the rest of you can get away! Many years ago we saw male cardinal feathers on the snow and feared the worst for the wild male that frequented our feeder - cat prints, a bunch of scarlet feathers ...

But a few days later, "Bob" as we now nicknamed him, was seen at the feeder, flew a little oddly with no tail, but otherwise seemed unharmed!
Boomer is gorgeous, regardless. It does sound like a "prey response" as Pet of the Day and others have mentioned. This vet has taken great care of Boomer, especially this last time when he rapidly became so gravely ill. Luckily, those beautiful feathers will grow back. Hang in there. (((Hugs)))
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You guys are the best. Thank you for all the encouragement!!!!

I try to see the good in this (even though there is none). At least I get to have a caique for a couple of months - he looks like one with that stub butt. I know he doesn't understand me but I tell him how beautiful he is, with or without his tail.

Here's hoping his pin feathers grow out fine with no bleeding!!!
Avian veterinarians will sometimes bring the bird to a back room or ask the owner to leave so that the bird won't see his owner while the examination is happening. This is to prevent the bird from placing a grudge against his person.

Yes, I think that is why the vet doesn't let you in the back during the examination and gave Johann that explanation the first time he brought Booms there.

Unless it is surgery, where my birds go, I go. I stay calm and reassure them and believe it or not, I can safely hold them sometimes better than the vet tech and my birds are used to me holding them so it's helpful for the vet. When I went to the animal ophtalmologist, the vet tech had trouble holding my GCC breeder as the body, head and beak had to be very still to have her eye examined and I offered to hold her and it was quick and efficient and much less stressful for my girl. I give the vet tech a chance to do it but if I see her struggle or my bird stressing, I step in.
And none of my birds have ever held a grudge toward me! The same goes for my dogs at the vet.
How is that "stub-butt" looking? The new tail feathers poking out from under the contour feathers yet? ;)
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  • #32
Hi James,

He still has a stub butt lol! I've actually grown fond if it. I noticed what I think are the beginnings of fresh pin feathers, hardly poking out yet. It's been a little over a week now I think. I'll try to take photos soon.
Hi James,

He still has a stub butt lol! I've actually grown fond if it. I noticed what I think are the beginnings of fresh pin feathers, hardly poking out yet. It's been a little over a week now I think. I'll try to take photos soon.

It's probably easier to cuddle him and tuck him in your shirt without worrying about that long tail :D
Boomer tried to escape the vet by using ''lizard's technique''? :) Hope he'll grow the tail back ASAP.
Poor little Boomer! Lots of hugs from us, especially Kiwi, she knows what it's like to lose tail feathers!
Poor Boomer! But you have to admit, he looks awful cute with his little quail butt. And his feathers are so pretty!

I think Kalidasa hit the nail on the head. Anyone who has seen Jurassic Park knows that birds have reptile that makes total sense that the tail feathers would come out, much like a lizards tail! :22: I often call Sundance my little T-Rex, he looks exactly like one when he attacks.

I'm so glad little Boomer is feeling better, i'm sure his tail will be back before you know it! I hope the vet will let you in the room next time.

Hahaha I think mine looks like a triceratops when he gets mad, he puffs up his feathers around his head!! So cute!!

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