Parrotlet -Temperatures


New member
Jan 17, 2008
My house goes down in the low 50's here during the winter. I am planning on getting a parrotlet, would a night bulb of some be advisable for a heat scource?
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Inside or outside?
If its ok for you,then its ok for him,....I think.
He has feathers and you don't, or shouldn't.
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I don't know, I get kinda freaked out when the heat in my apartment gets into the lower 60's ... I would check with an Avian Vet on this one ... I am not sure what else to say ...
If you put in a bulb, when will he sleep?
He will need darkness to know its night time a go to sleep.
I wish more people would post coz you make a valid point and I would love to see an expert answer.
If you put in a bulb, when will he sleep?
He will need darkness to know its night time a go to sleep.
I wish more people would post coz you make a valid point and I would love to see an expert answer.

Yeah, great point here Red ...
I can say this with certainty.
It gets very cold at night here in Australia and the native birds seem to handle it ok.
So if I budgie can survive when its 1 or 2 degrees, most other birds should also.
Please wait for an expert, coz I don't want a stiff bird on my hands.
I live in Canada and I havn't had any problems with my birds with the temperature at night. Mine doesn't go quite as low as 10 degrees maybe 15. I would get in contact with a vet and ask.

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