
New member
Jan 23, 2022
African grey
So I went to the vet yesterday and they gave me a pill -I believe itā€™s name is carnitrix- they told me to either feed him it directly or crush it and put it with the food.
My first question is that the food Iā€™ll feed him is going to be moist as he has to be hand fed because heā€™s weak?

Second one is Can I mix the pill with water as itā€™s easier and I can make sure he drink it all
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it's dangerous to give water by syringe as they can easily choke.

You could ground and mix with applesauce or the support food yiu are making him
I made a vegetable ā€œpurĆ©eā€ and she seems to like it so Iā€™ll be doing that
a vegetable puree alone does not have needed fats and protein.

Though I'm very glad you were able to get food into her. Some food is better than no food. .

Can you explain how was diagnosed with this protozoa infection?? Its almost unheard of in parrots.

Did a veterinarian see her ?

This medicine is
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a vegetable puree alone does not have needed fats and protein.

Though I'm very glad you were able to get food into her. Some food is better than no food. .

Can you explain how was diagnosed with this protozoa infection?? Its almost unheard of in parrots
She doesnā€™t have Protozoa infection as soon as winter came she became less and less energetic so I took her to the vet and he gave me a pill vitamins for the water and liquid medicine.
She doesnā€™t have Protozoa infection as soon as winter came she became less and less energetic so I took her to the vet and he gave me a pill vitamins for the water and liquid medicine.
We're bit confused - you said the vet gave you carnitrix which is for treating trichomoniasis (Trichimonad is a protozoa)

was your bird seen by a certified avian vet?
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We're bit confused - you said the vet gave you carnitrix which is for treating trichomoniasis (Trichimonad is a protozoa)

was your bird seen by a certified avian vet?
Yes he was seen by a certified vet he didnā€™t give us the name for what he had he gave us vitamins a liquid medicine and those pills, and told us to keep him warm and return if he doesnā€™t get better for a checkup
Yes he was seen by a certified vet he didnā€™t give us the name for what he had he gave us vitamins a liquid medicine and those pills, and told us to keep him warm and return if he doesnā€™t get better for a checkup
Did they take his poop for any microbio testing? Odd to give such medicine without saying or testing anything. Does anything states on the paper you got after the checkup?
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Did they take his poop for any microbio testing? Odd to give such medicine without saying or testing anything. Does anything states on the paper you got after the checkup?
I asked the vet why that medicine was necessary they also gave me meloxicam.
I am really confused because I went to one of the best vets in my country and paid a good sum off money they did not test his poop the doctor asked me how his poop is I said watery and asked what the symptoms are:
Weakness -she cannot go up to her Pearch-
Watery poop
Sleeping a lot
No energy-she went from being energetic loud and always moving to barely being able to move-.

The doctor then held her and inspected her feathers and bottom , eyes and mouth he weighed her. And that was it he then gave me the three medications told me how to give it to her then I left.
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I asked the vet why that medicine was necessary they also gave me meloxicam.
I am really confused because I went to one of the best vets in my country and paid a good sum off money they did not test his poop the doctor asked me how his poop is I said watery and asked what the symptoms are:
Weakness -she cannot go up to her Pearch-
Watery poop
Sleeping a lot
No energy-she went from being energetic loud and always moving to barely being able to move-.

The doctor then held her and inspected her feathers and bottom , eyes and mouth he weighed her. And that was it he then gave me the three medications told me how to give it to her then I left.
The doctor says that the treatment -carintrix- is for principal Protozoa infection.
So melaxicam is for pain. The other for protozoa .
Protozoa in the states in parrots is just about unheard of, but I don't know about other countries. Has your bird been with chickens, doves , or pigeon? Does it have plaques in the mouth ? ( classic symptom)

Though birds can get Giardia and that's a protozoa. Usually treated with a different meds im unsure ( so it could work) if treated with meds you given.

I'm not a veterinarian, we didn't see your bird. So we are just trying to provide our experience and information. You can call your veterinarian and ask them to clarify why these medicines were chosen and what he thinks has made your burd sick? A certified avian veterinarian who saw your burd knows more than we do. But....I don't know, at all but I think you need antibiotics .
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Your burd is definitely critically ill. Your support care if food abd warmth is very important.
Here is a video on making support food. Also if yiu can get a hold of hand raising baby bird formula comes in a powder. And make up fresh each time you feed , mix well and make thicker than recommended fir baby burds , but still able to draw up in syringe. Feed around 20 ml st time 3 times a day. Baby burd formula has complete nutrition.

Also fir warmth you are aiming for sn environment temp of 85f. Never place a sick burdvon a heating pad. But you can clip on one to the back of the cage and let heat radiate out. If the burd won't chew on it or cords.

If your burd has been having a lot if loose stool. You can get human baby pediolyte, as long as no artificial sweetners. And use that instead if water to make your feeding formula. But only do that once. To help replace electrolytes. My vet had me do thst when mine had bad diarrhea, but one time only.

Also serving cooked mashed sweet potato can help. Serve warm as they seem to like it better that way

Good luck with your baby. Keep us updated
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