Pineapple Green Cheek Conure needs a new home, requires special care.


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Dec 5, 2023
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Pineapple Green Cheek Conure
Hi, I have a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure named Tiki and she needs a new home. I got her from my grandma who past away 3 years ago. I kept taking care of her because she was such a sweet heart. She is very clingy and loves people. She is also handfed and prefer to eat from a person's hand than her own bowl. Her favorite things to do is playing with a bell and cuddle with her human companion. I use to work from home so she would sit on my shoulders for hours before going to bed at night. When I first received her, I was worried that she wouldn't warm up to me but she did within a week having. Unfortunately, due to family situation, I have to move to Australia and Australia won't allow any passenger on flight to bring any type of birds. She is now 4 years old. I am looking for someone who is patient and have a lot of free time to take care of her. I am not asking for money because I just need some proof that you can take care of Tiki. I am happy to hand over her cage and large supply of food that will last over 1 year. If you're interested, please email me about your experience with birds who needs human companionship, your schedule so I know that you have a lot of free time, and a picture of a part of your home that you would like to have Tiki stay.

I am also located in Orange County, California.


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Did you find tiki a home? I am looking for a clingy gcc

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