Pls Help. Have these babies been neglected?


New member
Dec 17, 2022
Hi all, I would really like some answers to these questions. I am VERY concerned. I decided to buy cockatiels off of Craigslist. And the images that were shown and the descriptions of the birds made it seem like the person was taking care of them correctly. It seemed like he had very good knowledge of them as well. When I got them he rushed to give them both to me and quickly took the money and left. I noticed a few things that were DIFFERENT from the pictures off of craigslist. The tail, the wing feathers, and how scared they were. The grey birds tail is COMPLETELY shredded. He said its due to the perch being close to the wall, and sent me instructions on how to take care of a bird. Second, I noticed the yellow birds wing feathers were cut off. If you see the circle I made and zoom in, you can see that its a straight line, like someone cut it. Overall, the birds look like they were neglected and I am very concerned. I will attach pictures of the Craigslist post and what I RECEIVED. Please help. I have parakeets and I know this is a red flag.


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It looks like the Lutino bird has had that wing clipped and the other well, it’s tail look shredded.
The grey ones wings are also clipped.
Baby birds are prone to destroying/damaging their tail feathers as they are clumsy when young.
Seems like a sketchy situation altogether.
They’re probably scared since they’re in a new home.
I would just keep them in a quiet room, maybe cover part of the cage if they’re really uncomfortable. Give them anything they’ll eat, whatever they were weaned onto.
It looks like the Lutino bird has had that wing clipped and the other well, it’s tail look shredded.
The grey ones wings are also clipped.
Baby birds are prone to destroying/damaging their tail feathers as they are clumsy when young.
Seems like a sketchy situation altogether.
They’re probably scared since they’re in a new home.
I would just keep them in a quiet room, maybe cover part of the cage if they’re really uncomfortable. Give them anything they’ll eat, whatever they were weaned onto.
I also think the wings have been clipped and the grey one has a damaged tail which babies sometimes do because they can be quite clumsy. These are not in itself signs of anything nefarious going on. The birds being frightened by a new situation is to be expected. The birds don't appear dirty- that would concern me much more. As for the rushed handover and exchange of money, there may be a perfectly legitimate reason for this such as an appointment they were running late for, kids or pets in the car, fear of coming in prolonged close contact with someone who may be sick or have sick birds. It would have been nice if the seller had explained their rushed demeanor, however the seller may just have poor social skills.

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