Radom question about macaw beak?


New member
Jul 25, 2012
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Michigan, USA
Blue and Gold macaw named Oliver
12 years old
My blue and gold macaw, as well as about every picture i have seen of macaws has white stuff on their beak, I was just wondering what it is?


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there beak grows like fingernails. thats y u have to get there beak trim. so that should be fine
If you're referring to the white 'cracks', I've read that it can be the result of Vitamin A deficiency. (Depends on how deep the cracks are - if they're bad, then have a chat with the avian vet for dietary requirements)

Otherwise, if its the white edging where the skin meets the beak, I think it's the same as the little flap of skin we have at the base of our nails/cuticles. I could be wrong though. Why not ask your avian vet next time you're in there for a checkup? :)
Pretty sure it's normal. Google pics of blue & golds and they all have it :) I agree with Alisana it's probably like a cuticle.
Thanks everyone, I guess as I'm just a little worry wart because he's my first macaw. I will ask the vet about his vitamin a, just to be sure. Thanks :-)
MAC, our B&G Macaw has the same things.

From what I've read and others mentioned here it is due to the growth of the beak, like fingernails.

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