Quaker Parakeet ‘punishment bites’


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
Yesterday, Willow Quaker didn’t want to come out, so I left his cage open and got Jasper out. I was petting Jasper and talking to him and guess who came tearing out of his cage?

So I stepped Willow up and and put him on my shoulder, petted Jasper a bit more, and put Jasper back in his house. (That’s right, it’s not fair. But Jasper has been known to bite very hard and fast when he’s upset, and I wasn’t sure if Willow on my shoulder would be upsetting.)

Then I tried to step Willow up and he gave me a quick hard pinch—what I call a punishment bite. He gave me a couple more of those and I decided that since he was otherwise behaving himself I’d let him calm down before removing him from my shoulder. Besides, every time I put my hand up he bit my fingers. But he was not biting my ear or bluffing towards my face.

Willow settled down once we’d stepped away from Jasper’s cage and went into the lobby of the building. Then he stepped up on my hand and even went to say “hi” to a neighbor.

I’m wondering about these punishment bites. Lucy did not bite at all except for a very few rare occasions when I had screwed up and she felt I deserved some good pinches. Now Willow is biting less and less but he was not happy with me yesterday and did give a few punishment bites. Is this a Quaker parakeet thing or do all pet parrots do this? They are firm, hard pinches; not tearing bites; and don’t break the skin. Sometimes apologizing to the bird for my misdeed stops the bites.
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for me these kind of bites fall under naughty, bullying, controlling. And I let them know its not allowed, I tell them thats not nice, in a firm voice with eye contact..then I move them to a perch.

I think quaker will try to test and bully: ( as other species may as well)

Its been a long long time will try since I had any shoulder issues. Years ago with Ta-dah my green cheek.
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I am sure Willow was not impressed with Jasper being on my hand and Willow on my shoulder. I wanted to see if I could do that (since they both want ‘out’) and I guess I can’t have both out at the same time.

Or, Willow is getting me back for giving Jasper a treat when he comes over for one after Willow has refused to come out. That will always get Willow out of his cage.
me not having a Quaker

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for me these kind of bites fall under naughty, bullying, controlling. And I let them know its not allowed, I tell them thats not nice, in a firm voice with eye contact..then I move them to a perch.

I think quaker will try to test and bully: ( as other species may as well)

Its been a long long time will try since I had any shoulder issues. Years ago with Ta-dah my green cheek.
Do you use the wobble correction when they bite like that?

I don’t know if that’s still considered a good negative reinforcement for parrots.

Willow has taken to sometimes giving a pinch when I first step him up off his door. I THINK it’s because I’m by his “house” but I still don’t like it. It isn’t gripping my finger with his beak, it’s bending down to give me a nip and looking at me, like “you have been told.” But what have I been told? Clearly I’m not getting something.

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