New member
Hi all.....just going to ask a few questions. You all know Reggie is a rehomed bird that in my honest opinion was not treated very well....not physically, but emotionally. We have had him now for almost 3 months. He is gaining my trust, will let me rub his head, scratch his wings when he leans up on the cage and will almost stand on his head when I do this, in fact he will put his whole head in his food bowl while I am rubbing him. I would love to hold him, but we have not got that far yet, he won't even come out of the cage when we leave the doors open, his wings are clipped from the previous owner. He started taking food from us by opening the door and he would take it....well one night my husband gave him something and Reggie lunged and bit him...I know this will happen. The previous owner told us that the only way to get him out of the cage is to grab him with a towel, that is how she did it the day we went to get him and she called him a choice name that I won't repeat here. I just don't know where to go from here. He is about 15 yrs. old she said. She said if it didn't work out she would take him back, well I said "you are never getting him back"!!
She said she gave him fruits, veggies....but he won't eat them for me, so I am going to make it interesting for him, guess foraging and carrot strips weaved in the cage wires. We also bought him a bird kabob so we can hang the veggies and fruits. sorry this is so long.....
Overall he is doing great, I love this bird with my whole heart.....I want him to be happy any advise would be appreciated.....
thanks, Jody and Reggie

She said she gave him fruits, veggies....but he won't eat them for me, so I am going to make it interesting for him, guess foraging and carrot strips weaved in the cage wires. We also bought him a bird kabob so we can hang the veggies and fruits. sorry this is so long.....
Overall he is doing great, I love this bird with my whole heart.....I want him to be happy any advise would be appreciated.....
thanks, Jody and Reggie