
New member
Apr 16, 2020
I have two green cheek conures and in the summer I will go to at least 4 camps which I am actually sad about because I will miss my parrots soooo much. :02: But at that times my family will take care of them. But we will also go to programs together. I donā€™t know what to do with my parrots at that time. I know some people who could take good care of them but they probably wonā€™t let two random parrots out in their homes because they will poop on everything and also may bite them because they donā€™t know them. I would take them with me me but if we get there I canā€™t keep them in a travel cage neither in someone elseā€™s room. So do you have some suggestions? They come out of the cage every day so that is why this is a problem. Thank you
Azur, ZafĆ­r and Juli.

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