Hello Everyone! I am sooooo thankful to have found this website!!!! Whew! I am a total newby to the world of parrots.
Let me tell you how this came about.
My neighbor across the street from me was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She is in the early stages of treatment. When she called me to her home to tell me, it was a tender and emotional time. She knows I love animals as much as she does. And, she confided in me that she had to part with her parrots because of her doctor's orders. Plus, I believe she knows how sick she is to become with treatment and although she has family, she doesn't want to put the responsibility on her loved ones to care for her birds.
Well, I'm 55 years old myself, and realize that time is starting to pass pretty quickly. I wouldn't go out and get a new pet at this age for fear of something happening to me in the next 10 to 20 years. But, I was so compelled with compassion to help my neighbor, I volunteer to take the birds immediately. My deal is "when she gets better, she can have them back."
What I have inherited is a gray head conures, and a lilac crowned Amazon. Now, these birds I suspect are pretty old. For one thing, my neighbor told me she got them from another owner years ago. I don't expect to do much with these birds as far as training and will enjoy their presence and keep them healthy until they go. In the mean time though, I have so many questions!!! Please help me if you can.
I love these little bird icons, they are so cute!!! Anyway, as a child, my mother and grandmother had parakeets. I remember my mother use to put a cuddle bone in the cage for the birds to sharpen their beaks. She also had a special sandpaper type perch to help keep their little nails down. Also, I remember my mother putting a special grit in their cage for their digestion. Do owners of parrots do the same thing? Where do you get these items? I live way out in the boondocks, so I suppose I would have to shop on line.
I probably should borrow a book from the library too on caring for parrots. But for now, could someone outline the basics of parrot ownership for me? These birds are darling. I have cleaned their cages nicely, and give them fresh water twice a day with their food. I found they really enjoy apples in addition to their regular seeds.
Thanks in advance to anyone generous enough with their knowledge and time to help me get started.

My neighbor across the street from me was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She is in the early stages of treatment. When she called me to her home to tell me, it was a tender and emotional time. She knows I love animals as much as she does. And, she confided in me that she had to part with her parrots because of her doctor's orders. Plus, I believe she knows how sick she is to become with treatment and although she has family, she doesn't want to put the responsibility on her loved ones to care for her birds.
Well, I'm 55 years old myself, and realize that time is starting to pass pretty quickly. I wouldn't go out and get a new pet at this age for fear of something happening to me in the next 10 to 20 years. But, I was so compelled with compassion to help my neighbor, I volunteer to take the birds immediately. My deal is "when she gets better, she can have them back."

I probably should borrow a book from the library too on caring for parrots. But for now, could someone outline the basics of parrot ownership for me? These birds are darling. I have cleaned their cages nicely, and give them fresh water twice a day with their food. I found they really enjoy apples in addition to their regular seeds.
Thanks in advance to anyone generous enough with their knowledge and time to help me get started.

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