Thread about dreams!


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2022
Ur mom’s car
Ricochet - Cockatiel
Cricket - Budgie
This is a thread where you can share whatever you brain comes up with when you are asleep. Even the ones your brain decides “oh man, this story I made is scary. Time to be scared!” AKA: nightmares.

Here was the most recent one (I’m gonna be little vague about this one)

For some background to have this dream make more sense:
So, my ex is psychotic. He would often express his thoughts of harming people and taking the lives of others. He found my house a day after I told him the town I was in and was oddly excited about. Even though we are on quite literally polar opposites of the planet, nothing is stopping him from convincing his mother to fly out of Australia and to Alaska, especially since they are fairly well off and can take vacations.

So, now you have a little info, this nightmare will make sense.

I was hanging out in my room when I heard a knock. I go and answer since no one else was home. The peephole is foggy, so I answer the door and there he is. I notice he has a knife. I try to slam the door shut but he barges in. I start running away and he follows, trying to “angrily poke me” (iykwim) and my house has an upstairs area for some reason, and I bolt up there. He is lost in the halls now, calling for me to come and “talk” to him. “Lee, come out, come out, wherever you are…” He said as he walked through the hallway. He tried entering my room but it was locked. He swore and noticed the upstairs area, and he went up there. He noticed the bathroom door was shut and so, he broke down the door. “I know you’re in here.” He said, chuckling. He slowly opened the shower curtains and saw I wasn’t there. “What the f-“ and before he could finish his sentence, he was tackled by a police dog. Then, as he was being dragged by Cupcake the German shepherd, a police officer walked up to me, told me I looked like “a disfigured turkey” and I woke up.

I am kinda nervous that the slimeball (my ex) will find me and harm or even end me. But then I realize “oh yeah, we have a bunch of weapons lying around, and even then, he’s 5’1” and scrawny. I’m like 5’7” and built like a brick.” So I’m not super worried.

My absolute favorite dream:

Rico was the size of a quetzalcoatlus and he had a saddle on (think ARK Survival Evolved, Argentavis saddle)

And we were flying around, people becoming horrified by the giant bird the size of an airplane flying about. Then, I landed Rico in the petco parking lot people were staring at us. I grabbed a pickle and I threw it at the petco, shouting “YOUR MOTHERS ARE ALL ALPACAS YOU SLIMY ANIMAL ABUSERS!” The manager and CEO come out looking like the typical bad guy who is rich in a movie and they are also terrified of the giant cockatiel being ridden like a horse by some random teen. “Who tf are you?” The manager asks. “Me? My name? Nah, why do you allow animal cruelty?” I asked. “Because we want money, duhhh.” The manager said. I whistled to Rico as a command to grab the evil manager, and so Rico did, and we flew off with the manager in Rico’s talons, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!” “EXCUSE ME!!! PUT ME DOWN!” “HEY!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING?! PUT ME DOWN, NOW!” He demanded but rico and I only laughed. We set him into a jail cell, and Rico flew off with me clinging to the saddle and we went to a coffee shop. He got a muffin and I got a slice of kiwi pizza. Then I woke up.

So, what are your dreams?
My best dream with birds.
standing in my backyard and I hold my arms out cruciform position and a whole bunch of wild birds fly in and land all over me.
It’s a great feeling of love and trust from all the wild birds.
Sometimes there are parrots and sometimes just the normal local birds.

I will write my bird nightmare later.
In my dreams I sometimes have more birds that I ever even owned. All of a sudden I have three conures and one is red and blah blah I somehow end up with several birds, never owned, probably the coloring never existed, but it's like oh yeah thats my's really weird when I wake up.
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My best dream with birds.
standing in my backyard and I hold my arms out cruciform position and a whole bunch of wild birds fly in and land all over me.
It’s a great feeling of love and trust from all the wild birds.
Sometimes there are parrots and sometimes just the normal local birds.

I will write my bird nightmare later.
I would give my soul to have a dream like that! It sounds quite magical!
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  • #6
In my dreams I sometimes have more birds that I ever even owned. All of a sudden I have three conures and one is red and blah blah I somehow end up with several birds, never owned, probably the coloring never existed, but it's like oh yeah thats my's really weird when I wake up.
What was the strangest bird in your dream?
What??? So basically some random dog got hurt and died?
Yeah, I guess? But I was crying and I was REALLY upset in the dream. It had a name (forgot what it is tho) and I was thinking about how it was only 5 years old and too young and how I'd only had it for like 2 years or something along those lines.

Which is exactly how I'd react if a pet died.

Except I've never had a dog.

So uh...

Idk lol
I had a cooper hawk hanging around. I dreamed that I seen a bunch of wood piled in my yard and when I pulled the wood away there was all the birds he killed and I woke up bawling.
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Yeah, I guess? But I was crying and I was REALLY upset in the dream. It had a name (forgot what it is tho) and I was thinking about how it was only 5 years old and too young and how I'd only had it for like 2 years or something along those lines.

Which is exactly how I'd react if a pet died.

Except I've never had a dog.

So uh...

Idk lol
That’s really interesting. Never heard of a dream where something like that happened.
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  • #11
I had a cooper hawk hanging around. I dreamed that I seen a bunch of wood piled in my yard and when I pulled the wood away there was all the birds he killed and I woke up bawling.
Aw poor birds :( thankfully it was just a dream, and no real birds were harmed!
Aw poor birds :( thankfully it was just a dream, and no real birds were harmed!
No I really did have a cooper hawk that got a ton birds. I was very upset even though I know he was just trying to survive. That's probably why I dreamed that I found all the birds.
This is a thread where you can share whatever you brain comes up with when you are asleep. Even the ones your brain decides “oh man, this story I made is scary. Time to be scared!” AKA: nightmares.

Here was the most recent one (I’m gonna be little vague about this one)

For some background to have this dream make more sense:
So, my ex is psychotic. He would often express his thoughts of harming people and taking the lives of others. He found my house a day after I told him the town I was in and was oddly excited about. Even though we are on quite literally polar opposites of the planet, nothing is stopping him from convincing his mother to fly out of Australia and to Alaska, especially since they are fairly well off and can take vacations.

So, now you have a little info, this nightmare will make sense.

I was hanging out in my room when I heard a knock. I go and answer since no one else was home. The peephole is foggy, so I answer the door and there he is. I notice he has a knife. I try to slam the door shut but he barges in. I start running away and he follows, trying to “angrily poke me” (iykwim) and my house has an upstairs area for some reason, and I bolt up there. He is lost in the halls now, calling for me to come and “talk” to him. “Lee, come out, come out, wherever you are…” He said as he walked through the hallway. He tried entering my room but it was locked. He swore and noticed the upstairs area, and he went up there. He noticed the bathroom door was shut and so, he broke down the door. “I know you’re in here.” He said, chuckling. He slowly opened the shower curtains and saw I wasn’t there. “What the f-“ and before he could finish his sentence, he was tackled by a police dog. Then, as he was being dragged by Cupcake the German shepherd, a police officer walked up to me, told me I looked like “a disfigured turkey” and I woke up.

I am kinda nervous that the slimeball (my ex) will find me and harm or even end me. But then I realize “oh yeah, we have a bunch of weapons lying around, and even then, he’s 5’1” and scrawny. I’m like 5’7” and built like a brick.” So I’m not super worried.

My absolute favorite dream:

Rico was the size of a quetzalcoatlus and he had a saddle on (think ARK Survival Evolved, Argentavis saddle) View attachment 50516View attachment 50517
And we were flying around, people becoming horrified by the giant bird the size of an airplane flying about. Then, I landed Rico in the petco parking lot people were staring at us. I grabbed a pickle and I threw it at the petco, shouting “YOUR MOTHERS ARE ALL ALPACAS YOU SLIMY ANIMAL ABUSERS!” The manager and CEO come out looking like the typical bad guy who is rich in a movie and they are also terrified of the giant cockatiel being ridden like a horse by some random teen. “Who tf are you?” The manager asks. “Me? My name? Nah, why do you allow animal cruelty?” I asked. “Because we want money, duhhh.” The manager said. I whistled to Rico as a command to grab the evil manager, and so Rico did, and we flew off with the manager in Rico’s talons, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!” “EXCUSE ME!!! PUT ME DOWN!” “HEY!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING?! PUT ME DOWN, NOW!” He demanded but rico and I only laughed. We set him into a jail cell, and Rico flew off with me clinging to the saddle and we went to a coffee shop. He got a muffin and I got a slice of kiwi pizza. Then I woke up.

So, what are your dreams?
Isn't the confused imagery in dreams fascinating, funny and sometimes scary, at least until you wake up and shake the cobwebs out of your brain!

My disturbing dream had nothing to do with birds but I'll share it anyway just for laughs. It was In 2018 or 2019. It was a fairly typical dream about being chased but this one is unusual because of who was chasing me. I dreamed I was being chased through a huge parking lot and I was terrified. I knew who was chasing me but I don't know why- I just knew I must not let him catch me! After a long scary chase he caught me pinning g me to the ground! I was in a complete panic, making fearful moaning sounds while I slept beside my husband. He woke up and tried to awaken me but I became more terrified because I thought he was my attacker! Suddenly I awakened and opened my eyes and blurted out "it's Donald Trump! He was trying to kill me!"
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My dreams are all beyond messed up :ROFLMAO:
Do you dream of disaster pizza? Disaster pizza is white bread with v8 vegetable juice baked on it, half melted ghost pepper cheese, burnt anchovies, soggy pineapple, whole cloves of garlic, and some wilted cabbage on top.
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  • #17
Isn't the confused imagery in dreams fascinating, funny and sometimes scary, at least until you wake up and shake the cobwebs out of your brain!

My disturbing dream had nothing to do with birds but I'll share it anyway just for laughs. It was In 2018 or 2019. It was a fairly typical dream about being chased but this one is unusual because of who was chasing me. I dreamed I was being chased through a huge parking lot and I was terrified. I knew who was chasing me but I don't know why- I just knew I must not let him catch me! After a long scary chase he caught me pinning g me to the ground! I was in a complete panic, making fearful moaning sounds while I slept beside my husband. He woke up and tried to awaken me but I became more terrified because I thought he was my attacker! Suddenly I awakened and opened my eyes and blurted out "it's Donald Trump! He was trying to kill me!"
I was literally like “wholy sniz! This is scary!” But the ending has me sobbing. The end was absolutely hilarious!

That reminds me of the nightmare my best friend had that was similar to yours, but instead of her chaser being trump, it was peppa pig’s evil twin and she (my friend) got possessed by peppa pig 😭💀
Once time I had such idea to create such thread but I forgot/was too lazy. ;)

I've had too many bird dreams to choose any right now... They are different kinds - some of them are about my real birds, in others I have more birds or I just dream about any parrots... or even about characters created by me... Sometimes I am a parrot... (even this happens)
There are even single times when I dreamt about this forum... lol
Do you dream of disaster pizza? Disaster pizza is white bread with v8 vegetable juice baked on it, half melted ghost pepper cheese, burnt anchovies, soggy pineapple, whole cloves of garlic, and some wilted cabbage on top.
mannn wtf
This is a thread where you can share whatever you brain comes up with when you are asleep. Even the ones your brain decides “oh man, this story I made is scary. Time to be scared!” AKA: nightmares.

Here was the most recent one (I’m gonna be little vague about this one)

For some background to have this dream make more sense:
So, my ex is psychotic. He would often express his thoughts of harming people and taking the lives of others. He found my house a day after I told him the town I was in and was oddly excited about. Even though we are on quite literally polar opposites of the planet, nothing is stopping him from convincing his mother to fly out of Australia and to Alaska, especially since they are fairly well off and can take vacations.

So, now you have a little info, this nightmare will make sense.

I was hanging out in my room when I heard a knock. I go and answer since no one else was home. The peephole is foggy, so I answer the door and there he is. I notice he has a knife. I try to slam the door shut but he barges in. I start running away and he follows, trying to “angrily poke me” (iykwim) and my house has an upstairs area for some reason, and I bolt up there. He is lost in the halls now, calling for me to come and “talk” to him. “Lee, come out, come out, wherever you are…” He said as he walked through the hallway. He tried entering my room but it was locked. He swore and noticed the upstairs area, and he went up there. He noticed the bathroom door was shut and so, he broke down the door. “I know you’re in here.” He said, chuckling. He slowly opened the shower curtains and saw I wasn’t there. “What the f-“ and before he could finish his sentence, he was tackled by a police dog. Then, as he was being dragged by Cupcake the German shepherd, a police officer walked up to me, told me I looked like “a disfigured turkey” and I woke up.

I am kinda nervous that the slimeball (my ex) will find me and harm or even end me. But then I realize “oh yeah, we have a bunch of weapons lying around, and even then, he’s 5’1” and scrawny. I’m like 5’7” and built like a brick.” So I’m not super worried.

My absolute favorite dream:

Rico was the size of a quetzalcoatlus and he had a saddle on (think ARK Survival Evolved, Argentavis saddle) View attachment 50516View attachment 50517
And we were flying around, people becoming horrified by the giant bird the size of an airplane flying about. Then, I landed Rico in the petco parking lot people were staring at us. I grabbed a pickle and I threw it at the petco, shouting “YOUR MOTHERS ARE ALL ALPACAS YOU SLIMY ANIMAL ABUSERS!” The manager and CEO come out looking like the typical bad guy who is rich in a movie and they are also terrified of the giant cockatiel being ridden like a horse by some random teen. “Who tf are you?” The manager asks. “Me? My name? Nah, why do you allow animal cruelty?” I asked. “Because we want money, duhhh.” The manager said. I whistled to Rico as a command to grab the evil manager, and so Rico did, and we flew off with the manager in Rico’s talons, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!” “EXCUSE ME!!! PUT ME DOWN!” “HEY!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING?! PUT ME DOWN, NOW!” He demanded but rico and I only laughed. We set him into a jail cell, and Rico flew off with me clinging to the saddle and we went to a coffee shop. He got a muffin and I got a slice of kiwi pizza. Then I woke up.

So, what are your dreams?
Whenever you think about your scary ex, think of how short and scrawny he is and think of him as a harmless Smurf.

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