Timneh-Cape Hybrid


Active member
Oct 3, 2021
Timneh-Cape Hybrid,
Blue-crowned Conure
I have recently come into possession of a accidental hybrid of a Timneh African Grey and a Cape parrot. This is an incredibly rare bird, and not much has been documented about them. I know that every bird is very unique, but I’ve been looking to document what I learn from the bird I have. (Which is why I joined this forum). I will get him in about two months, after the current owner finishes hand feeding.
So far, this it is the friendliest bird I’ve ever seen, and looks like a large timneh, with a tint of green, and also had some blue at the edges of his feathers. Under his wings on his back, is very colorful.


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I look forward t reading about your unusual bird.
you are going to need lots of pictures.
I have recently come into possession of a accidental hybrid of a Timneh African Grey and a Cape parrot. This is an incredibly rare bird, and not much has been documented about them. I know that every bird is very unique, but I’ve been looking to document what I learn from the bird I have. (Which is why I joined this forum). I will get him in about two months, after the current owner finishes hand feeding.
So far, this it is the friendliest bird I’ve ever seen, and looks like a large timneh, with a tint of green, and also had some blue at the edges of his feathers. Under his wings on his back, is very colorful.
very interasting keep us updated i would really love a clear image of him
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I’ll make sure I get better pictures next time I see him! I realized when looking through my photos of him, that you can only see the blue on his wings at a certain angle
Wow. That inter-species breeding (and cape and grey parrots are 2 different species) is so rare, its almost unbelievable. Like a cat and dog having a litter. If this is true, and not just a color mutation, this bird is going to need a very good Avian Vet available. Why? I think he is going to have all sorts of genetic issues at points in his life, due to this unique pairing. Just thinking about embryo and egg development blows my mind! Hey I hope I am dead wrong, and he lives a full and uneventful life, but be aware of the above. I hope you stick around here a long time, because we will all be very interested his life story!
Holy moly, I never thought that'd ever be possible, a poicephalus and an african grey hybrid!!! We're not only talking here about different species, but also hybrid of different genuses (Like the Pionus and Amazon hybrids, yes, that exists too!!!). This is all so exciting and interesting!!! But as Wrench mentioned, you're gonna need a really good experienced avian vet to make sure Arno (love the name btw, my little Pascal was almost Arno) is good and healthy, as you could count on that maybe some health issues or anomalies could happen due to the hybridisation.

Now you gotta do the double the work in researching, not only about Timnehs but Cape parrots too xD
Welcome to Parrot Forum!
As stated by several members, accidental hybrids come with an increase in unknown /undocumented possible health issues. Searching out a Certified Avian Vet (CAV) in your area. And assure that you visit regularly for detailed health and wellness examinations.
Again, welcome to Parrot Forum!
Welcome to the forum! I am also looking forward to more pictures and hearing more about him. He is beautiful and I'm wondering what he will look like grown.
I agree that there is a higher chance that he will have issues, and I hope that won't be the case.
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Went to visit Arno, and I got a lot more pictures!
The owner claims that hybridization issues are mostly a problem for later hybrid generations, and that a first generation hybrid like Arno should be alright. Doesn’t mean I won’t look out for him extra carefully though!
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Arno is home, still in his travel cage. Setting up his new one right now!
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Arno has been home for a month now, not too much has changed with him yet, but I do have more pictures.
You can really see his color when he is in the sun, I didn’t add a filter to the the pictures, either.
Arno's colours are absolutely stunning! I am so obsessed with him, he is such a cool bird.
It’s not often I find myself jealous over someone’s bird.
This bird is an exception.
absolutely beautiful and one of a kind.

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