TRAVEL CAGE, types & size's ?

I agree, that's why I posted this on page #2.

(On Kings site, they want $239. Kathy has the best price by far !)

Bird Cage, Java Wood Perch, Avian Supplies, Pluck No More, Bird Food Travel Carriers

If these from Kings Cages weren't so much, $118, I would buy one as I have a large cage from them and the quality is top of the class. The purpose handle looks strong too.

Carriers and Travel Cages for Birds - DISCOUNTED!


After having taken another look, the first two Kingscage pics are jacked up and don't match the sizing. Carriers and Travel Cages for Birds - DISCOUNTED!
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  • #42
Pretty bird !

Do you carry your cage around ?

Forrest just got his new sleep cage. A real breeze to put together.
I think he likes it. Just have to get a hidey hut. Now when it hails, (he is in a room with a skylight and we had hail the other night) he can sleep by Mommy's bed. Or if we have fires again this year he will have a great cage in case of evacuation.
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  • #43
Sorry, but what do you mean by,....jacked up and don't match the sizing ?

I agree, that's why I posted this on page #2.

(On Kings site, they want $239. Kathy has the best price by far !)

Bird Cage, Java Wood Perch, Avian Supplies, Pluck No More, Bird Food Travel Carriers

If these from Kings Cages weren't so much, $118, I would buy one as I have a large cage from them and the quality is top of the class. The purpose handle looks strong too.

Carriers and Travel Cages for Birds - DISCOUNTED!


After having taken another look, the first two Kingscage pics are jacked up and don't match the sizing. Carriers and Travel Cages for Birds - DISCOUNTED!
Pretty bird !

Do you carry your cage around ?

Oh is very sturdy even though it looks as though it isn't.
I can carry it from room to room and outside so he can sun.
I am very pleased with it. It is the one from Amazon. Avian adventures poquito hotel
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  • #45
It was too late for me to cancel the cage I bought from Midwest, so I'll see if I like it or not. If not, I'll send it back and buy the Kings (like yours) from Kathy. Even though it's $118, it may be worth the extra $40 if I can not use a handle. It just doesent make sence to have a travel cage without a handle to carry it around. :confused: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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  • #46
I received the carrier today. Very easy to put together and dismantle.

The perch/handle is,.....for carrying and even says so on the outside of the box. I really like it and for the price, don't think it can be beat. It's higher quality than the typical white cages sold everywhere, especially for our parrot's.

The locks for all the doors could be better quality, but for what it is, works just fine. Very pleased.


I think you will be happy with it. I certainly am.
We use a small dog crate for traveling if need be, but usually we just leave her out in the car. For hotel rooms, if you're bird can be trusted not to chew and destroy everything, a simple pvc stand will do, as it is light weight and easily taken apart. Also it gives plenty f freedom and can be built very huge, but taken apart for storage in the car.
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I guess if you did a lot of traveling that would be ideal, but I just can't justify spending that much for an occasional outing. I try to justify what I buy all the time and I buy way too much as it is. LOL The sad thing is I can usually find a reason to justify my extravagance with Forrest. My husband says he eats better than we do. He is one lucky bird.
we dont use it very often, just for vet trips and the like, but we simply got a cat-carrier from cheap-as-chips (our local discount store) and drilled a perch into it. lol

would a budgie cage (I think it's like in the pic or a bit bigger) be ok as a temporary travel cage? just to take my sun out for half an hour or to the vet or something.... It's still quite unused and maybe with some better perches and appropriate food bowls could it be ok? as I don't really have the money for a new travel cage...:(
thanks.... but I really would be just temporary, cause I wouldn't take her on trips just yet, she's still too young and not really trained the best for things like traveling and going on vacation (she is still only 6 mnths old)... so when she is a bit older and trained better she will also get a new and better travel cage to take her with me :D

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