Two become One.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Was playing with camera again today, and was shocked to find that Bucc and Luke (my son) are merging into one.

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For me its a lot of fun, they need a lot of stimulation but also a lot of alone time. You get to know when they want to be with you and when they want to be left alone. They are comical and loving, not the cuddliest of parrots but for me I wouldn't be without him. I can't ever remember life before he came here. They don't take to new things very easy. But I wouldn't be without him.

Luckily Bucc gets on with everyone in the family, cats, dogs, kids and hubby, he even tolerates the parakeets, all of them.
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bill said:
That is a cool photo. You seem very devoted to your pets peta,you should be very proud of yourself for that. :D

Thank you Bill, that is such a lovely thing to say. I am very devoted to each and every one of my pets. So much so that I will not go on holidays as I can't take them all with me. I have a dog who is very old and is unable to travel now, so thats out. I don't like leaving them with anyone else as they can't look after them like I do. :confused: (Well thats what i think anyway) My friends here don't have birds and don't understand my commitment to them, so that leaves them out, but I'm happy with my life and the family feel the same as I do so its okay.

Thanks Emily,
I think my statement should go out to everyone here also. You all seem to care a lot for you pets and that is an awesome thing. I here of too many people neglecting their animals and I want people to know this is not on in my book.We take on the animal therefore we take on all the responsability that this animal brings be that good or bad. And I will drink to that.:)
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Bill we have a GREAT bunch of people here, everyone cares a great deal about their animals, and all other animals. Its a great site and I hope we continue to grow and meet many more new animal lovers.

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