urgent: Patcho is sick


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
My Pacho has come down sick.
Watery poop, loss of apatite. Listless with her neck feathers all fluffed up.
looks like she may be having trouble breathing to.
This happened within the last 2 days.
Have an appointment with the Avian certified vet first thing tomorrow.

All your thoughts and prayers are welcome.
Oh, no... well, you probably know all this, but put her in a nice warm, quiet situation and maybe sit up with her if you can. You have my thoughts and hopes all night and tomorrow, my friend.
Oh, no... well, you probably know all this, but put her in a nice warm, quiet situation and maybe sit up with her if you can. You have my thoughts and hopes all night and tomorrow, my friend.

Same as above!!! Keep a very close eye on her breathing! Clicking and/or tail-pumping are an indication of serious problems breathing. If you hear and/or see that be at the Vet Clinic first thing!
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She is spending the day in my son's room. it's quiet and warmer that the other rooms (all my son's computer stuff running all the time).
She has eaten some banana and I have given instructions to soak some pellets in orange juice. All my amazon's like to eat pellets this way.

I am thinking this could be liver trouble. I HOPE it's just an infection.
Fingers crossed here for yall!! Sounds serious! Keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!
She is spending the day in my son's room. it's quiet and warmer that the other rooms (all my son's computer stuff running all the time).
She has eaten some banana and I have given instructions to soak some pellets in orange juice. All my amazon's like to eat pellets this way.

I am thinking this could be liver trouble. I HOPE it's just an infection.

Can't fully rule that out, but seems more like an Air Sack infection.

Keep her drinking! If she likes orange juice use that with water also available separately.

Remember to tell your CAV what she has been eating and drinking over the last 72 hours as the diet can effect some of the values in a full screen blood test!
Thinking of you and Pacho tonight, Wes. Given Pacho's condition, arriving at the clinic opening may be helpful. They usually drop everything for significant cases. Really hope this turns out to be simple and fully treatable.
Any updates Wes?????

She is spending the day in my son's room. it's quiet and warmer that the other rooms (all my son's computer stuff running all the time).
She has eaten some banana and I have given instructions to soak some pellets in orange juice. All my amazon's like to eat pellets this way.

I am thinking this could be liver trouble. I HOPE it's just an infection.

Can't fully rule that out, but seems more like an Air Sack infection.

Keep her drinking! If she likes orange juice use that with water also available separately.

Remember to tell your CAV what she has been eating and drinking over the last 72 hours as the diet can effect some of the values in a full screen blood test!

Sending positive thoughts your way! There are several possibilities re a diagnosis, try not to worry and please update us, soonest. Rooting for Pacho to be back to full health very soon. :)
Scott is dead on right... If it was my birdie I'd be sitting in the parking lot with the bird ..to heck with any appointment. Time is critical when a bird is showing symptoms you described. Lucky for me..in my area we have a Vet ER that handles exotics. Lived here for years and just recently found this out. Might want to ask around your area as well. Fingers still crossed here for yall... pray we hear something positive from you soon!!
Good thoughts from Salty and I , Wes. Hoping the CAV can catch what ever this thing is.
Eating and drink still are good signs.
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So. Back from the vet.
Blood drawn should have the results tomorrow morning.

Vet did a crop culture and a fecal culture.

Crop culture showed Gram - outnumbering the good bacteria.
Fecal culture showed Gram - and good bacteria about even.
X-ray to dangerous to perform with Pacho's health as is.

The first time I had Pacho into the vet they talked about the Gram - bacteria problem. Since then we have avoided giving any food the her that we had eaten from. She get's no kisses to her beak/tongue/ So where does it come from ??

As for waiting at the vet's office I agree and would have done so If it would have helped.

#1 Before I left for work (75 miles one way) I considered a vet trip but I did not know about the watery poop and the fact the she was not eating. It was only after she had been under constant monitoring in my son's room that this was discovered.

#2 The avian certified vet does not work a full 8 hours at the animal hospital. So waiting outside a building that does not have the vet you need is not helpful.

#3 The avian certified vet that I go to is the ONLY one within a 45 minute drive AT LEAST. Just because my location shows So California does not mean I am in the center of the Los Angeles basin. I live in the high desert area Palmdale Lancaster. IF you can find a 24 hour vet that has an avian certified Dr. PLEASE let me know. I would like to find one.

#4 At the time of day I found out about the poop/eat issues it would have taken me over 2 &1/2 hours to get home in traffic. I would not have made it home until the office was closed.

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So. Back from the vet.
Blood drawn should have the results tomorrow morning.

Vet did a crop culture and a fecal culture.

Crop culture showed Gram - outnumbering the good bacteria.
Fecal culture showed Gram - and good bacteria about even.
X-ray to dangerous to perform with Pacho's health as is.

The first time I had Pacho into the vet they talked about the Gram - bacteria problem. Since then we have avoided giving any food the her that we had eaten from. She get's no kisses to her beak/tongue/ So where does it come from ??


Bacteria is commonly found all around us. As we travel about each day, we unknowingly pass though colonies that catch a ride. In addition, the foods we buy, gathered from our gardens and general yard work are also collection points. Add what floats in on the air that enters our home and our Parrots (like the species in the Wild) are surrounded. Now, by limiting contact with our wet surfaces i.e. lips that limits access to those bacteria that we normally carry.

So, even when we are careful, some bacteria will find there way to our Parrots. Their health is as important as our limiting exposure. There is a constant War between the bacteria and other micro bugs around us. This supports the need for us to provide not only our Parrots, but ourselves a diet that helps our bodies have the resources to fight and win the vast majority of these wars.

So, we wait until tomorrow for the test results.
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Scott said... then for whatever reason.. perhaps something lacking in diet.. (vitamin C for instance) a birdies immune system may not be great... and it takes very little for the bad bacteria already present in their systems to get out of hand...
It sux that your access to a vet is so limited!. Hats off to ya for the supreme effort you are doing to help your birdie. And do ask around. Like I said, I lived in Charlotte for 25 years and just recently discovered an avian specialist 20 minutes up the road. What really peeved me off was my regular vet would send me home with "no diagnosis try giving him this" and never referred me to the expert up the road. Crossin fingers you have a competent vet! Gonna worry alongside ya for your birdie.!!! Gonna check back for updates here often... best of luck!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the update.
WOW... you've really been through it. Pacho, too, of course. I only hope things clear up and it will soon all have been worth it.
You're a great guy, Tex ol' buddy. I have enjoyed our chats along the way, and I know how you love your birds. I'm with ya.
I'm so sorry to read of Pachos sickness. I hope and pray he recovers quickly and things get back to normal at home!
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Bloodwork and prognosis

The blood work came back Just before the office closed.
I think the vet was surprised that Pacho is still alive based on the test results.
Short answer is liver and kidney failing.
I don't remember the numbers except 1. My mind kindof went into a fog.
The number I remember was I think for the kidney. He said a high normal would be 350. Pacho's reading was 2,000.

I can't give up on her. He recommended giving her Gatorade. I asked about giving her baby (bird) formula and vet said was good idea.

I have given her small amount of both. It looked like she liked it at least a little bit. I don't like having to manhandle her to do this. More stress she does not need but it's her only chance if she has any at all.
She tried tp bite me but she has very little strength. It's been about 1/2 hour and looks like she is holding food down so far.

I stayed home from work today (without pay) but I must go back to work tomorrow. I broke a toe a week ago Sunday and used up what sic leave I have because of that.


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