We Got Him/Her!


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Nov 12, 2016
Sun Conure
:D Meet our new little buddy!!
I know the three day no touch rule, but on the ride over, he/she was just stuck in his/her cardboard box, but he/she seemed nervous so i stuck my pinkie in there for comfort, and then he/she just decided that he/she wanted out, so he/she came out and just cuddled on my hand and curled up in my hair the whole ride home.
Now that ive gotten to really get a look at him/her, i noticed that he/she might be a sunday conure, but i definetly doubt him/her being a pure breed of either jenday or sun, because he has plenty of green on his nape and back of head, but he/she has the trademark yellow wing spots of a sun! honestly i could careless, hes/shes so incredibly perfect and my boyfriend and i are in love with her/him! i cant wait for the 14 day return date to be over! i dont like it being an option and i hate the idea of him/her ever going back. i put him/her away and hes/shes adjusting well, sweet baby is already the best decision we've ever made and its barely been 5 hours! im starting him/her on chop soon, but for now he/she will adjust and become comfortable!! and in a few weeks hopefully his/her first check up!! (if she/he is comfortable enough)
Now he/she needs a name! but we are at a loss! ive considered the name Autumn, its the season he/she was adopted and hes/shes the color of a tree in transformation, but i still dont know him/her well enough for a name, ill wait for him/her to be comfortable and show his/her true personality, for now we call her/him birdy :) :orange:
Wish us luck! i hope we can be the best parronts for her/him, ill be coming to you guys for advice on the little stuff! you guys are amazing!


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Sep 14, 2013
Columbus, GA
Eclectus, CAG, BH Pionus, Maximilian’s Pionus, Quakers, Indian Ringnecks, Green Cheeked Conures, Black Capped Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries, Diamond Doves, Zebra Finches, Society F

What 3 day no touch rule? That would be terrible for a new birds, especially a snuggle baby conure :(

The return policy actually protects birds from a lot of situations, but I'm glad you don't plan to return him!

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Forget the three day thing, your baby will dictate everything!

Why not use your post name? Moomoo is very different, gender neutral, and very cute!


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Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Congrats! Mark this day, it will be one you treasure for the rest of your life.


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Nov 12, 2016
Sun Conure
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the pet store says to leave them to adjust for a few days, but i agree he/she is too cuddly!! and i didnt think about naming him/her that! that would be so cute! but my nickname is Moo, and people in the house call me by that, so im not to entirely sure if he/she will be getting confused about that! lol and yes i will mark and treasure this day! i just wish i knew the hatch date!!!! oh well, they say he/she was in the store for six months, so maybe 8 or 9 months old? either way he/she is a ham! thank you all so much for your support!

<3 he/she already gives kisses!!! :') <--tears of joy!


Supporting Vendor
Oct 9, 2016
Middle of nowhere (kentuckianna)
Roommates include Gus, Blue and gold macaw rescue and Coco, secondhand amazon
Don't pay any attention to 3 days, no touch. That's more for fearful parrots, so the new parronts give them enough space to settle in. If your baby is happy to hang out and cuddle, take advantage of the bonding time.


Oct 1, 2016
Sun Conure - Loco
I agree about the 3 day thing, theres no set rules. Some phobic birds may want to be left alone for a week, while some want to cuddle before you even get home like here. My sun was the same way. As far as what species he is, its possible he is just a young sun conure and hasnt had his first moult yet (their first feathering consists of all green wings and "dirty" yellow/orange feathers with green thrown in. Time will tell with this one, but to me it looks like a sun, maybe possibly a sunday like you said. He should be having his moult soon so you will find out once his new feathers come in. The second feathering usually still has more green on the wings than an adult, but it will be clear that its beginning to go yellow, same with the nape and breast area. Keep us updated! Sun conures are great birds though sadly put up for rehoming so often because people see their beauty and dont research, then decide they dont like the noise. I dont understand how one could rehome such an amazing little bird, they have amazing personalities and are truly fearless little birds. I highly suggest harness training now when he is young as it will become helpful, and dont know if he is clipped or not but Im very against it, they absolutely love to fly and are acrobats in the air; if you harness train him he can fly at home and be taken out in harness and you wont have to worry.


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Jun 13, 2016
planet earth
Green Cheek Conure: Peridot hatch date 4-21-16. nine budgies

How old is he? I'd say he's definitely a sun conure, their feathers look like that until they get their adult ones. Good Luck!!!


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Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Congrats! Unless the bird is timid or aggressive (giving clear signs it does not want to interact), the sooner you get them interacting and used to their new family, the better! This little one looks like a real snuggle bug:)


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Nov 12, 2016
Sun Conure
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not sure on the age, about 8 or 9 months, and sadly petsmart says they dont clip, but that he did come from the breeder already clipped. and yes i do plan on full-flight and harness training. my boyfriend hates his wings being clipped. flying is a privilege only bestowed to birds, its selfish of humans to take that little bit of freedom that a pet bird has by clipping its wings. he will be allowed to fully grow them come molting season!! or whenever they happen to fall.
I could never rehome this sweet baby! i couldnt imagine it! ive already broke my heart with the millions of impulse buy and neglect stories that people do with birds. i would love to rescue abused and neglected parrots in the future when i have money and space, but atleast i can give this sweet little one a forever home!
as for the noise, psh. he screams but hes not obsessive. my crow use to be excessive! and not for attention! so there was no training it out of him. he would just sit and "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" for an hour straight! lol little goof ball, he still flys by our house or lands in the back to CAW to us and ask for food! lol
For me ive been doing exactly one month of intense research, my whole life i wanted a parrot because when we were young my grandmother and my sister and i raised sweet baby cockateils from the egg, till death (or sadly, escaping out the front door, only once though, fullflighted cockateils) so on and off id always be reading about the proper care for parrots and i always rescued wild birds, usually pinkies that have fell from the nest, and the occasional fledgling needing refuge from the hungry cats. luckily they all flew away into the wild to be happy. but its only been the past two months that ive been doing extensive research and the absolute DO NOTS! i even put off buying a space heater untill im for sure the one i buy isnt toxic to birds, even though its for the garage and the bird will probably never be around it, id just rather not risk it ever being around him in the first place.
its honestly super sad when people get pets and think they are decorations to sit pretty in a cage or something. you wouldnt expect that behavior of a dog would you? whats the difference with the bird, except for being smarter and more inept than the dog. all the more reason it should receive bounds of love, care and attention.
plus i tell my dogs to shut up and quit barking, id never tell this little guy he cant be a bird! he will scream if he wants (i wont reward it) he definitely wont be punished for it! you dont tell a baby to shut up, why would you a bird?
my only worry is puberty! or should i say pu-birdy!!! haha, punny. :)


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May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
What an OBVIOUS angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oct 1, 2016
Sun Conure - Loco
It sounds like he found a great home! I feel the same way about flight and although unfortunate, a lot of breeders clip just because; Loco was the same way but I made sure he fledged the best he could with the feathers he had and now he flies like a wild bird, so dont worry. Seeing you have similar opinions on this, not sure if you have the space or its possible in your current situation, but I dont cage my little guy and hes super well behaved. He only lands on the 4 acceptable places (his sleep cage, boing/toy set up, ledge by the door, and top of the couch) and is pretty good about releiving himself in rhe right spot. A bird room ir a totally bird safe apartment isnt possible for everyone though, so dont worry, just an idea, and its important he is trained fairly well and able to fly before allowed these privileges. As for the noise, a healthy sun (and most parrots for that matter) only vocalize during certain points of the day.. usually morning, then afternoon and sunset , and then of course contact calls once you come home or leave, or if he cant see you, but like said when in the house you can teach that other noises are better in getting your attention. I have the same plans once I have more space and financial stability, but I think its good to start off with a young handfed bird before rescuing just so you have some experience when faced with more complicated issues. As far as puberty, Loco really hasnt shown any signs of sexual behavior, though there was a point where he was a bit aggressive last year and he was being cared for by family while I was in Colombia for a few months. If that was puberty, it was nothing! It may still come, but I wouldnt worry too much compared to a too or an amazon.


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Nov 12, 2016
Sun Conure
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It sounds like he found a great home! I feel the same way about flight and although unfortunate, a lot of breeders clip just because; Loco was the same way but I made sure he fledged the best he could with the feathers he had and now he flies like a wild bird, so dont worry. Seeing you have similar opinions on this, not sure if you have the space or its possible in your current situation, but I dont cage my little guy and hes super well behaved. He only lands on the 4 acceptable places (his sleep cage, boing/toy set up, ledge by the door, and top of the couch) and is pretty good about releiving himself in rhe right spot. A bird room ir a totally bird safe apartment isnt possible for everyone though, so dont worry, just an idea, and its important he is trained fairly well and able to fly before allowed these privileges. As for the noise, a healthy sun (and most parrots for that matter) only vocalize during certain points of the day.. usually morning, then afternoon and sunset , and then of course contact calls once you come home or leave, or if he cant see you, but like said when in the house you can teach that other noises are better in getting your attention. I have the same plans once I have more space and financial stability, but I think its good to start off with a young handfed bird before rescuing just so you have some experience when faced with more complicated issues. As far as puberty, Loco really hasnt shown any signs of sexual behavior, though there was a point where he was a bit aggressive last year and he was being cared for by family while I was in Colombia for a few months. If that was puberty, it was nothing! It may still come, but I wouldnt worry too much compared to a too or an amazon.
Hes given as greeting calls! we dont want to spook him so before we walk into the room hes in we start saying "hi buddy, *whistle whistle* were coming in", and as soon as we turn the corner and he sees us he gives a clear and chearful little schreechy chirp, and we say hello and hes quiet the whole time just pressed against the bars to interact with us or clambering down to the door if hes wanting out!
Your bird has the life! i want that for my guy real bad.
unfortunately, free roam isnt an option, we have labs, and they are trained well enough to know that when the bird is out of its cage, he is not be gocked at or smelled or bothered. they know this from when we had our crow. they usually would ignore him or just leave the living room if Constantine were out. but i wouldnt trust them unsupervised. labs are bird dogs, and sure they listen while youre watching, but ours are especially known for doing very bad deeds behind our backs (ie. eating bread or cookies off the counter or sleeping on the couch) no cats though, the dogs would eat the cats even if we told them no! but our dog hally once broke the wing of a fledgling we rescued because she decided to mouth it! got a pretty solid spanking and an hour of shun (no inside no attention) and has never bothered a bird since. turns her head the other way when we show her the new guy. lol she knows how upset we were with her that day and she loves us too much to make us upset at her, shes also too old for that crap. the baby bird healed fully! i looked up a wing sling technique and within 2 weeks no sling and by the third week she took off as happy as a blackbird can be.
if it werent for our dogs, and also the lack of space (three bedroom house with five people, every room is spoken for and full of cords, clothes and beds). so we have a large cage. as tall as i am so no way he can be low to the ground, and just today we've had him out four times! when he cooperates and wants to come out lol little character he is. :)
oh and the best thing! i read somewhere that they enjoy mealtime with the family, so i made biscuits and gravy and my boyfriend and i went in there with our food and began eating and he worked his way from the top branch of the cage to his food bowl just to eat some pellets with us!! it was so sweet and i was so surprised and i felt welcomed as if he let us into his flock, like a moment of solidarity! pure bliss! and then he came out and we had a pleasant little training sessions of "step up"s, "kisses" and appropriate bite pressure (which hes mostly so gentle anyways theres no need for it) usually only lasting 3-5 minutes!
More perfect than i could have imagined, and in my eyes he was gold before i got him, so thats saying alot!
<3 <3 <3 <3 im loving the support and the help! im glad we see eye to eye. a birds a bird and he should be allowed to fly forever free at heart! Plus, less stress and boredom, better health and muscle mass, and just all in all a great way to avoid them ever being a plucker! :)

Edit:really quick! Is cooked white minute rice okay? or should i only use the normal rice? i have no problem taking the extra time to prepare a small warmish meal for my little buddy to feel more comfortable. or do you guys suggest his first round of chop tonight? (will have to go to store, no biggy, but might have pestisies because its save mart!! would prefer trader joes or something.)
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Jul 25, 2016
San Diego
golden conure, Katie & Marco
I had a similar experience when my little boy came home. he flew from California to North Carolina and when I picked him up at RDU I was worried he'd be scared so I left him in his carrier until I got home. The moment I got home I sat on the floor, opened his cage door, stuck my hand in, and he scrambled up to my shoulder and pressed his body against my face under my hair and didn't move. after a little bit I gave him some grapes and other food I had ready for him and the rest is history!

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