What baby bird is this?


Active member
May 8, 2013
1 green cheek conure (Kumar)
2 male budgies (Charlie and Diego)
Got everyone out back, and as I was checking my margaritas I see this tiny baby bird sitting perfectly still, at first I thought he was a leaf, then a lizard. :). Anyway looks like he's just chillin' waiting on his parents, just wondering what sort he is? He's so cute! Had to take a snap before I walked away for good.
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Cute. I'm useless with wild birds, I'm sure someone knows though! :)
We had a nest of house sparrows in our pool room and they looked a lot like that. Maybe look at other species of sparrows
Looks like it could be a baby Mockingbird.
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It's definately not a sparrow, I'm not sure, I don't even know if we have mockingbirds here....
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It's a goldfinch!
It is a finch of some sort, but I am not sure....I don't remember what Gold finch babies looked like so I guess it's a gold finch like you said....
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Update: no one ever came for him, he never called his parents or made a sound, and he grew weaker by the hour. After the whole day passed with no parents in sight, I stared feeding him worms which he immediately accepted. After a few of those he got a little stronger after a while, then I started stuffing him with worms, as many as he would take, then later gave him some soaked high protein puppy food. He seems normal so I put him in a tree a few feet away and that's where he'll pass the night. Hopefully his parents are around, or I'll basically have to keep feeding him....he's not very far from fledging, but he definately can't eat on his own. Poor thing!
He sure is! They feed on bugs and berries... You know I should of known by the first picture since I found a nest of babies years and years ago....Unfortunately I don't see them around my yard since I don't have any berry plants to offer them, except my black berry, it seems they haven't discover that yet or I have none to eat myself...lol....
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UPDATE!!! He IS a waxwing! Your right! Anyway, it started raining last night, so he spent the night in my garage, next morning at 6am I started feeding, and he got stronger by the minute, and started calling. I took him outside and he called and was getting a response, so I placed him in a magnolia outside my kitchen window, and lo and behold, his mother came right away and started feeding him, so ALL IS WELL he's back in his mothers care, both parents have found him and feed him every few minutes. What a relief! :)

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