What is the best parrot to get?


New member
Apr 4, 2018
Bobbie - Green cheeked conure
This isn't for a long time yet, I like to have all the information possible before getting a new bird.
But, what would you say is the best parrot?

Ive always wanted an African grey or cockatoo... but I just wanted some insights of what kind of behaviour problems etc people have with their pets!

Just so I then would know what to expect, if you get me?
Well, since you have a Tiel and like them, but want to, at some point, in the future, move to a larger version, target a Mac! Fundamentally, the same Parrot just bigger in every way!

If you wish to be very open to all possibilities, go to a rescue and bring home the Parrot that chooses you!!! Since bond development is one of the most important part of a life long relationship with a Parrot. Why not let them chose you? It continues to be one of the best approaches to Parrot selection.
Sailboat is right! It's much better to have the parrot pick you. Don't worry you'll know when you've been picked.
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Well, since you have a Tiel and like them, but want to, at some point, in the future, move to a larger version, target a Mac! Fundamentally, the same Parrot just bigger in every way!

If you wish to be very open to all possibilities, go to a rescue and bring home the Parrot that chooses you!!! Since bond development is one of the most important part of a life long relationship with a Parrot. Why not let them chose you? It continues to be one of the best approaches to Parrot selection.

That does sound like a good idea :)
Thankyou, as I said I wont be for a while but I have got a very open mind for any parrot.

Yes it is definitely better if they choose you, I found that with Kiwi as I was able to start training on day one!
I am partial to cockatoos, specifically Goffins! Frankly, toos are an acquired affinity and definitely not for everyone. Love their personalities, playfulness, goofiness, and cuddly nature. Goffins can be a bit more independent and less neurotic than others.
I only have a cockatiel but I have always dreamed of getting a larger species someday, like a macaw or cockatoo. What is stopping me is 1.) Noise factor - where I live (renting a duplex) I only have permission for small birds. 2.) Price to upkeep - It will be several thousand dollars for the bird, cage, toys, and food in just the first year. 3.) Longevity - They live SO much longer than tiels, that's a heck of an appetite to fill daily with fruits, vegies, nuts, etc. 4) Time - I work full time and wouldn't be able to provide the attention they need, would want to wait until I can stay at home full time.
I’m not telling you what bird too pick but a baby Goffins would be great for you they are great parrots they have excellent dispositions I bought one for my nine year old son but I take care of her she is awesome.
Cockatoos and Greys are as different as night and day. And even if you research the characteristics of both breeds, it still doesn't mean that the bird you pick will behave in that manner. Each bird is as different, as you and I.

I agree with the earlier comments. Go to your local bird shelter and get acquainted with the birds. You might find yourself falling in love with a Macaw. :)
Many helpful comments, most recently... what eagle just said!
Or you might fall in love with a pint sized conure!
Or maybe a teeny-tiny parrotlet that thinks it’s the size of a hyacinth [emoji5]

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Thankyou everyone for the comments!
It was lovely to wake up to all of these and read through!

Great advice from everyone, I think when the day comes where I want a bigger parrot, ill go to a shelter and see what will happen, at least then I can do a bunch of research until then ;)
They ALL have their good...and BAD points lol. If I could,I'd be owned by one of each species lol.
Mac's intrigue me..and scare me lol. Those huge beaky are intimidating to say the least. But I have had the opportunity to meet one or two absolutely lovable Mac's.."mush mac's" as people call them.

Having a bird pick you is absolutely the way to go. Amy chose me,and in our nearly thirty years together,our relationship has been wonderful. Oh sure there are still some awkward/bad moments,mostly when her hormones run rampant,but overall she is a wonderful Amazon. Well socialized..goes to just about anyone,loves going places in the car etc etc.

BB chose me also. When we first met,he was with three other siblings,just 4.5 months old.His brothers/sisters scurried away when I lowered my hand down,but not little Beebers..he looked right at me and hopped on my hand to run up my arm to my shoulder to let out little 'teil chirps in my ear. Right then I knew he was the one.

Even when I got him home and scooped him out of his little "take me home" box,he perched on my fingers,looking around,then again,up my arm to my shoulder.I didn't even bother to put him in his new house until a few hours later.

Now,nearly two years later,he is the most AMAZING 86g's of fluff and spirit and song I have ever known. He will go to most anyone (as long as you don't wear a ball cap :eek:) Loves to death his "Uncle DJ"...will whistle the wolfie whistle THRU THE PHONE anytime he hears DJ's voice.
When DJ comes to visit,The Beebs will fly from my hand,right to DJ's shoulder and launch in with wolfie whistles and other songs,telling DJ all about his day!

OK..sorry..thats enough braggin' lol...BB is the best $150 I ever spent. If I knew he would turn out the way he has,I would have gladly paid $1000.
I don't know why I never thought of a cockatiel earlier. I think this amazing forum has/had a great influence on my decision.. THANKS MY FRIENDS!!!!
:D :D :D

I know what you mean, Jim. Sometimes I think “when I don’t have Bumble anymore, I’m gonna get an Amazon. No a cockatiel. I mean a gray. No a budgie. Budgies are so cool and underrated. So are tiels. Yep, a tiel. But Amazons do that smell thing. I want to smell happy bird smell. Yep, Amazon it is. Oh gosh conures are soooooo cute and silly. A conure for sure!”

And then I realize that Bumble actually needs to outlive me because I can’t bear the thought of losing her. And maybe she will. Captive parrotlets seem to have a lifespan of <15, but that would put me in my early 60s and my mom didn’t make it past 52.....and of course should there ever be an after-Bumble, I would rescue an older bird because I don’t expect to live to be 100.

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I know what you mean, Jim. Sometimes I think “when I don’t have Bumble anymore, I’m gonna get an Amazon. No a cockatiel. I mean a gray. No a budgie. Budgies are so cool and underrated. So are tiels. Yep, a tiel. But Amazons do that smell thing. I want to smell happy bird smell. Yep, Amazon it is. Oh gosh conures are soooooo cute and silly. A conure for sure!”

And then I realize that Bumble actually needs to outlive me because I can’t bear the thought of losing her. And maybe she will. Captive parrotlets seem to have a lifespan of <15, but that would put me in my early 60s and my mom didn’t make it past 52.....and of course should there ever be an after-Bumble, I would rescue an older bird because I don’t expect to live to be 100.

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Awww Inger...with your attitude and personality and loving-ness of all things big and small...you'll make it to 120! ;) And with the way you take care of Ms Bumble,she'll be chirping and peek-a-boo'ing right next to you!

I know what you're saying about "this one or that one" lol. It IS so hard to decide!
Like I previously said..this forum is a wonderful place,the members and wealth of info that is here is great!

I went to a parrot show to meet different kind of birds before I got my grey. It was a good experience. Cockatoos are neat - I held one at the parrot show and it was very friendly and interactive. Then it opened its beak and attempted to blow out my eardrums, so I moved "cockatoo" a few steps down on my ranked list of parrot types :D

It's good to get experience...
Hahaha! Yeah, my BFF has a ‘too. You noticed they aren’t on my list of birds I’ll get when...

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