What Kind?

I dont have a conure, but I want to adopt a blue-crowned one day when we have some more space.
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I have recieved good news from my mom that I will be possibly getting a second Sun Conure!!! It's more as play/cage mate for Alliee. I will be getting another girl, from the same breeder, from the same parents! SO she will literaly be sisters! Oh I am excited! Now I just need to find out when my breeder will be breeding her Suns!!!
I have a Sun Conure and a Green Cheek,hope to be getting a Blue Crown baby this fall.
None yet, my new baby is still being raised, but will be ready to come home by December. He (or she) will be a Yellow-Sided Green Cheek. I am excited and terrified all at once...:green2:!

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