Willow’s thread


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
Willow and I went walking on the mall today. It’s quite warm and sunny and I’m not sure how many more days I can expect to take him outside. So I refreshed his clip (he dropped some old feathers) and once he was cool again we went out shopping.

We stopped at the art store and Willow was duly admired. I kept finding art supplies that were the same colors as him. I wish I could crochet or knit! I’d love to have a shawl the same color as Willow.

P.s. entered this in “So many Quakers, not enough months” calendar contest. ??
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Great Thread and with Willow starring will only add to its interest and joy!!

Just an FYI, my dear Mrs. Boats elected to learn both crocheting and knitting using the internet as a how to source. She stated that crocheting just took to long, but she enjoyed it. She still knits and has made several baby blankets as her side of the family has expanded greatly during the last couple of covid years.

Looking forward to following the adventures of Willow.
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Willow and I were watching YouTube videos today. (First I watched some budgie videos with Jasper after seeing how interested Jasper was.) I found that Willow was not as interested in the budgies as Jasper was, but Willow kept trying to grab Big Bird with his beak.

I think Willow liked the yellow color (of Big Bird) since Willow did not try to beak Mr. Rogers.

I’m still introducing Willow to new toys. I thought he would like a cardboard loop from a TP roll, but he ran away when I brought it near him. Yet he is ok with the jingle bell ball that he was slowly accustomed to months ago. Why is the ball ok but the shreddable TP roll is not? Who knows? I think I will start showing willow the shreddable tp loops and chopsticks that my last Quaker liked to build with and chew up, and maybe Willow will eventually want to play with them, too.
Willow and I were watching YouTube videos today. (First I watched some budgie videos with Jasper after seeing how interested Jasper was.) I found that Willow was not as interested in the budgies as Jasper was, but Willow kept trying to grab Big Bird with his beak.

I think Willow liked the yellow color (of Big Bird) since Willow did not try to beak Mr. Rogers.

I’m still introducing Willow to new toys. I thought he would like a cardboard loop from a TP roll, but he ran away when I brought it near him. Yet he is ok with the jingle bell ball that he was slowly accustomed to months ago. Why is the ball ok but the shreddable TP roll is not? Who knows? I think I will start showing willow the shreddable tp loops and chopsticks that my last Quaker liked to build with and chew up, and maybe Willow will eventually want to play with them, too.
Willow and I went walking on the mall today. It’s quite warm and sunny and I’m not sure how many more days I can expect to take him outside. So I refreshed his clip (he dropped some old feathers) and once he was cool again we went out shopping.

We stopped at the art store and Willow was duly admired. I kept finding art supplies that were the same colors as him. I wish I could crochet or knit! I’d love to have a shawl the same color as Willow.
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I love the picture, but how are you able to take Willow out of the house, riding on a basket? What do you do to keep him from flying away? (I didn't know what you meant about refreshing his clip so maybe that has something to do with it . . . ?)
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I checked his wing clip before I left and knew that he was unable to fly at all. Then we went to a pedestrian area to take advantage of a warm sunny day. Willow is very tame and I am very aware of the things that startle him so he perches calmly.
Now I understand! It still seems to me to be very brave of you, though . . . I'm glad you both enjoyed it.
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I had a very bad cold (or maybe covid?) last week and did not spend much time with my birds. I am still very sniffly but feeling a lot better. Willow is out with me right now and is crunching his beak contentedly.

I gave him a cheerio to chew on but he doesn’t like them very much. Nibbles a little bit and drops the cheerio.

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Awe, so sweet. Hope you are feeling better.
Mostly better. Still sniffly. Going to end my isolation since I’m not feverish and wondering if my apartment is dusty and causing sneezing now that windows are closed.

I just had a long bird snuggle time with Jasper and then with Willow. Both were happy to have pets and kisses. I learned last week that both birds like hot tea with honey. (Jasper tries to grab the rim of the tea glass with his foot; a bit gross.).

I am asking them “want drink?” before they get a drink in hopes they will learn to ask. Then “thank you!” after the drink or treat is given. People really like it if your parrot is polite. It’s a big hit with little old ladies. (“Oh, what a polite little bird!”).

QPS calendar photos are due at the end of October and I’m going to look through my pics for some good ones of Willow. I need to take them in landscape format.

Halloween approaches and mini pumpkins and glass gem corn are available. I will see if glass gem corn will pop! Both parrots will look striking next to an orange pumpkin. Maybe I should draw a bird face on it?
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  • #13
Willow and I are having afternoon bird time and Willow is a bit antsy. Might be because Jasper is squalling in his cage. But Jasper can’t be out at the same time, so he will have to wait.

I thought it was going to be sunny today and birds could go outside but it’s cold and rainy.☹️

Today I tried my clip in hair extensions. They don’t quite match Willow but they’re close.
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  • #16
Willow is pinchy today as I try to remove some pinfeather sheaths. He keeps turning his head to the side and pinching my thumb. I wonder if he’s angry that I didn’t spend much time with him last week?

Anyhow I stopped trying to groom him and told myself to respect his limits. If Willow doesn’t want to be groomed I will leave him be. And now he’s standing on one foot inches away from me, crunching his beak happily.

So I guess he just wants to sit by me without me fixing pinfeathers. Ok. He’s ok with an occasional kiss on his head but just doesn’t want me touching pinfeathers.

I am short of breath and tired after being sick the last two weeks and feeling like I’m not getting enough done. Also Jasper often fusses when I am having Willow time, but they can’t be out together because of WARRING TESTOSTERONE storms.
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Willow and I are having a nice long snuggle today. And yesterday he sat on my shoulder through an online writing class. He has figured out he can get right close up to my neck so he can stay in contact if he wants.

Jasper was just out but was squirmy after 15-20 min so went back to his house. He has a big wicker wreath to chew up. I can’t let him perch on Willow’s basket because he’d destroy it in a minute.

Both birds but especially Willow are full of pinfeathers on head and neck and want me to fix them but can only tolerate a little bit. It seems uncomfortable. We are preening and then doing some flaps in between to work off energy.
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Willow and I listened to Salty’s recent audio clip and Willow was very impressed. Then YouTube skipped to Pluto the talking Quaker Parrot whom we’ve heard several times now. Pluto is going to convince Willow that talking is cool.

Willow and I talked and played along with Pluto until we got to “what does the pig say?” Willow’s pig and rooster and chicken all say “smooch smooch smooch”! Willow likes playing peekaboo, too, but we played gotcher beak and Willow GOT my finger. Time to settle down.
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I got all ready for my one pm zoom meeting and then remembered it was changed to three pm. So I have two hours to play with birds before my meeting. Willow is being snuggly today which makes me happy. He’s been testy the last two days.

Anyhow here’s Willow and me today. He’s getting lots of kisses and is so soft!
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Willow was talkative when we had a brief snuggle in the early morning. He speaks quietly but told me "pretty bird" and "come 'ere". He is clear-spoken but soft!

right now Willow is sitting on my hand licking the bridge of my nose. He's been doing that for fifteen minutes! And he has a wet tongue. There 's nothing on my face; no makeup or perfume or lotion; in fact i just washed it so i dont know why he does this. Maybe its like nibbling my (nonexistent) beak to him ?

hes really cuddly this afternoon but Jasper is contact-calling so I need to return Willow to his cage and get Jasper for some pets.
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