yellow sided conure?


New member
Aug 6, 2015
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one Pineapple, nine budgies

I just got two conures, one is regular green cheek, another I'm not sure, is it a yellow sided?




I just got two conures, one is regular green cheek, another I'm not sure, is it a yellow sided?



I'm not 100% on this, but the one on the right looks like a white cheek conure. As far as I know, it is still a green cheek specie.
Looks like a maroon bellied conure to me, personally.
without seeing their backs/tails they both look like regular green cheeks. Though the one you thought might be yellow sided is quite red on his breast where it should be that white-ish and black feathers, but that may be a camera thing.
Your other bird seems to have a very dark belly too, where it'd normally be red? This a camera angle thing of is it that dark? Nothing wrong, i'm just curious.
thank you for your quick reply, I'll try to take a clear picture tomorrow morning.

A picture in better lighting please :) it is not a yellow sided, I can say that. But it does appear to have an unusual amount of red high up on his chest. That is not a normal gcc trait or a maroon bellied trait. If it is a maroon bellied conure, the head will be green instead of grey.

To my knowledge, there are actually no species of pyrrhura conure that has red there, except the "high red" yellow sided gcc. Yellow sided is a sex linked mutation, but I'm not sure what causes the "high red" coloring in addition to the simply yellow sided form. It could be that whatever genre is responsible for that red in a yellow sided is effecting the color of your bird. Other possibilities would be that he is a hybrid with another species, or that he has a medical condition that is causing the feathers to be the wrong color (more common than you think).
Here is the pictures I took this morning, I will try to take more clear pictures later.

When I bought it, it is said yellow sided, however, I found it's not the same color with yellow sided, and even not same as others.

His chest is pink and belly is red.

Just got some better pics.





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Could it be a crimson belly? He looks like an oddly coloured gcc to me!
Looks like a Crimson Belly to me. Very Beautiful birds :)
I'd say maybe a GCC, crimson mix but crimson bellied doesn't explain the pink?
Something in the pyrrhura genus for sure.. maybe a hybrid of pyrrhura conures like Crimson Bellied mixed with GCC? Beautiful bird anyway!
After seeing the pictures I would also think crimson bellied gcc hybrid. Please be sure this lovely sweet bird never reproduces. It's so hard to maintain pure bloodlines in species who look so similar. This does not mean he or she won't be a fantastic pet, just that he or she was irresponsibly produced and should be kept from reproducing.
For the most part, a Crimson Bellied x Green Cheek hybrid looks like a green cheek conure....

or perhaps close in coloration to a maroon bellied conure....

I could be wrong, but the green cheek appears to be a "High Red" normal green cheek. This probably means the bird has "high red" yellowside mutation in it's background, thus the coloring on this bird. If male, could be split yellowside, or just inherited the coloration from previous generations?

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