Advice? Birds who were negected for 4 years.


New member
Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel

So first off, I am aware that some of my actions were not the right ones in earlier situations, but I want to make my two cockatiels lives better.
My dad is extremely abusive, and I had two cockatiels when I lived with him. Really, they were what made me happy to be home. But I often was not home and avoided it. I probably was too young to have pets, and really did not have a sense of responsibility yet. But I still loved them, let them out regularly, and cleaned the cage. But, I decided to go to college. Unfortunately, my birds could not join me.
So basically, for 4 years, basic care for them was held over my head. My dad almost never took them out. The older cockatiel, Leo, lost almost all of his feathers at one point. He never cleaned the cage. There were times when I came home when the water or food was empty. I almost gave them up completely a couple of times so they would have a better home, and fought him to even clean the cafe regularly, but my dad would always throw more manipulation at me and I was tricked into letting them stay.
I just moved into a pet friendly apartment with my boyfriend. My dad dumped the birds on me (he turned their cage over and just packed them like cargo, but I didn't say anything because it is better not to with my dad). But I wanted them out of there, so as long as they made the 3 hour car trip, I bit my tongue.
The birds are doing better. They used to fight going back in the cage because they knew they would not be coming back out anytime soon. But they have been going back well since we have let them out more in 2 days than they have been in 2 months. I just hosed down their very gross and undercleaned cage today and they have been being offered fruit and a few other snacks. My question lies in how I can better rehabilitate them and make the rest of their lives better. I also wanted ideas on how to decorate their cage since their toys and perches are worn out. Thank you all. <3


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Nov 18, 2015
England, UK
Lou, Ruby, and Sonu.
Fly free Plum, my gorgeous boy.
Hi, I am so pleased that you have your birds back, they have been very unfortunate for the last four years. You are starting off on the right tracks. It is more important than ever to get then onto a good and healthy diet in the hopes of turning back some time of the last four years. It also would be a good idea to get them to an AV to have a check over. You will know then if there has been any lasting effects of the neglect put upon them. Toys can either be homemade and there are many suggestions/instructions in that section on here or can be purchased from a reputable bird supplier, the same goes for perches or use cleaned and stripped branches from safe trees. You will get more advice, so I will lastly say good luck with these two little birds. Please tell us their names!


Active member
Jun 22, 2016
Victoria, Texas
Early Bird Green Cheek Conure
Hatch Date 3-2016
Lots of love to both of you. You share a history together, and both escaped and survived cruelty. Every thing plumsmum2005 said is good advice. Most of all, lots of love for both of you.



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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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I'm planning a lot of my next paycheck to go to the birds, since most of it this time around went towards moving. (I have enough to handle them. It is just the bumpy time in the beginning of a new job). So I am taking them both for vet care. Their names are Leonardo da Birdie (Leo) and Beaker. :)


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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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As an update: I'm at work today and my boyfriend let them both out and sent me pictures of them. :)

Leo still isn't comfortable with me handling him (he used to be the snuggliest bird. He's a spaz, but I know the snuggler is still in there somewhere), so I may look up some trust-building exercises. I'm not being too pushy though. I'm going to try getting some millet because he loved that when I was in high school. He still isn't singing either. It seems like he wants to be near me and has flown near me a couple times, so I think there is slow progress, but progress with him.

Beaker let me pet him through the cage this morning and is making heart wings. He is singing a bit more.

I noticed the cage smells mildewy, plus there are spots I can't wash off, so I'm officially in the market for another cage. Plus I associate the cage they're in with too many bad memories, and I think they need a new start, so therefore a new cage. Not getting one immediately. Their vet bill is happening first, plus my hedgehog has gastrointestinal issues from old age, so I have to get him in as well just so he can get a new vet. Plus he needs a new cage before the birds do because his old one fell apart in the move so he is currently in a largeish tub that is pretty horrible because it retains hedgehog poop smell. x-x but his shouldn't be too expensive because I already have the cube grids I need to make it. But back on track, the birds will have a new cage by October.

They don't want the fruits and veggies (they haven't even been offered them for years so it isn't like I'm surprised), so I'm going to try cooking broccoli and offering it next. Though in the meantime, I keep offering hoping they eventually try it. I asked my boyfriend if it was okay if they ate with us for dinner, and he's cool with it. He's pretty supportive of all of my crazy bird ideas and gets a kick out of how much I love watching them, so he's been willing to let me try anything I want to try for them. I'm pretty sure he's tired of me talking about them though. XD

They are also going into the cage easier. I had some issues last night with them, but they are used to being put back in the cage and then not being taken out for weeks at a time. They seem to be more comfortable with going back already.
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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Grab a couple branches, maple good, and put in cage for them. If from a live tree, don't worry about the bark!
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Active member
Jun 22, 2016
Victoria, Texas
Early Bird Green Cheek Conure
Hatch Date 3-2016
It sounds like they're improving, such good news. My heart goes out to all of you. Thank you so much for the update. I talk about my bird on here so that I don't make my husband question my sanity. Well, as much. Lol.



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May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
I applaud your courage and bravery and compassion, and maybe most of all... honesty. Everybody makes mistakes; not all own up to, let alone CORRECT them.
During many years (after I finished college, and before I retired), my bird had a pretty lonely life... due to life circumstances beyond my control, and I'm making that up to him every day now.
I feel a rosy future for you, your birds, your boyfriend, too.
Glad you found us.
Patagonian hugs to the bunch of you!


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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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I just got them a few new things with my paycheck. My mom convinced me to start slow with toys, so I got them shredder paper to start and a new perch to start transitioning. Plus some millet because they lurrrrve millet. And basics that needed to be replaced.

Leo played with me for a moment with no biting. He then was like "wait. What am I doing?" and flew away, but it's still progress. But he ate some millet. :)

Funny story though: My boyfriend and I went grocery shopping for the first major time, and when we were in the fruits and veggies aisle (we're vegetarians, so we need a ton), I kept turning to him and going "should I get this for the birds?" He would then go "but what about our food?" He hasn't realized that our food is their food yet. :D Once they trust us enough to join us for dinner, of course.


Active member
Jun 22, 2016
Victoria, Texas
Early Bird Green Cheek Conure
Hatch Date 3-2016
The millet might be a good treat to give them when they go into their cage ao they start associating it with something good.



New member
Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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Apparently my mom is the bird whisperer, because she came over and talked to them for a few minutes, and for the rest of the night, they were very will behaved (even went in the cage willingly at bedtime). Leo sat on me and preened (still doesn't want to be pet and doesn't sing) and he flew to my boyfriend's leg and hung out for a few moments. Beaker was nudging me for pets. I don't know what kind of witchcraft my mom used, but they made immense strides last night. :grey::grey:

They didn't like the new perch I got them, so I took the evil, lava-filled perch out of the cage as well.
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Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
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RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
Congratulations to both you and your cockatiels for having survived a less than ideal home life. Your birds are going to thrive with your love and care, and you seem to be in the groove of making progress.

Having a clean cage is crucial to remove any unhealthful organisms. Your new perches and toys may not be immediately accepted as many birds are resistant to change. (they will notice every difference no matter how small) Being a vegetarian is a natural kickoff to providing an ideal diet for your tiels. I am mostly vegetarian (except for fish) and have my breakfast "taste testing" while preparing their chop. One or more birds is generally on my shoulders to sample during preparation.

Interesting how they responded to your mom! Assuming she lives with your dad, perhaps she was the sole caretaker of them??


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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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That is actually a complicated story. My parents have been divorced for years. My mom now lives across the street from us. My dad lives 3 hours south. He was their "caretaker" for the few years I was away. My mom did live near him for a time, but due to income issues, she had to move in with her mom, so that is why she relocated. She did take care of the birds a little bit when she was able to, though she was diagnosed with cancer my Junior year, so being around the birds became really bad for her immune system. In general, she is amazing with birds and is a lot of the reason I love them so much. She completely got my grandma's African Grey to stop biting, so she is helping bunches with the cockatiels. (She is in remission btw :D)

I'm not planning on introducing any new things for awhile. I think I got carried away. I gave them some tearpaper still, but no new perches until they are acclimated. But I may try introducing them to new things outside of the cage before I put them inside. :) my dad pushed the birds on us before we were technically financially ready (I didn't even have a job yet when my dad decided we were taking them immediately; I actually told him to give us two weeks, but in retrospect, it is probably better in the long run. Leo is in worse shape than I thought he was) Because of this, we can't get a new cage immediately (their current one has been disinfected though). We aren't hopeless and it isn't like they aren't getting what they need. We just need to prioritize a bit more (vet is #1 right now). :)

I still haven't completely convinced them to try veggies. They seemed to enjoy nibbling on spinach the other day, but they look at me like I'm crazy if I try anything else. My boyfriend and I eat dinner with them nearby and we let them watch us in case one day they decide to join.
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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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Not so quick rundown of the birds' situation: The birds' care over the 4 years was a slow decline. They weren't horribly neglected immediately after I left (my dad sometimes Skyped me so I could whistle at them). Their care definitely wasn't as attentive. It probably wasn't until my second year that they started being actively neglected. My dad started dating my future stepmom and wasn't home as much and barely fed them at some points. I was unaware this was going on for quite some time, and after I found out, I heartbreakingly began looking for homes for them. Then my brother finally agreed to take care of them with my mom's help, and they were fine for a little while. Then came my Junior year, and I wasn't able to come home as much due to thesis work, work itself, and having the strain of being a double major. My mom got cancer and after that, their condition pretty much exponentially declined. The next time I came home (by this time, I was a Senior), I found out my dad hadn't even touched the cage to clean it for 6 months and there was mold growing in it. Again, I started looking for new homes, but my dad pretty much went insane when he found out I was doing this, so I wouldn't be able to get them safely out. And we fought for about a month, but he finally agreed to clean the cage. (He only religiously cleaned it when he began trying to sell the house and a dirty bird cage doesn't sell a house well -insert eye roll here-). When my stepmom moved in, she actually began letting them out a bit more, but by this point, the damage had already been done and they didn't like being around people anymore. I don't hold any of it against her. She had chickens, and had no research on cockatiels. Honestly, with the horrible conditions they were in, I am thankful she tried. My mom, on the other hand, felt horrible after the care declined and she couldn't do anything about it. I think she had moved by this point or was about to. By the time I got the birds a week ago, my dad had learned to care about them so little that he moved them to us like cargo. He turned the (quite large) cage over, with no water or food, and surrounded it with boxes, the birds still inside.

While they were severely neglected, a lot of people did step in to help. Like, I'm more than half convinced my dad is a sociopath, but the people that did help saved their lives. They almost came to school with me at one point, and my one roommate was okay with it until we realized we had no room, I didn't have time to give them due to school keeping me away all the time, and I would just have to move them again in 6 months. I honestly didn't think Leo would survive the stress. I lived very far away from home for school, so it wasn't an option. So the past sucked, but I'm pretty attached to rehabilitating the birds because part of me thinks that if I can recover them, then I can recover too. They were the only pieces of my heart that I left with my dad, and when I first found out they were being neglected, I was shattered because my power over the situation was just over minimal.

But, it is so much better. I just got a message from my boyfriend saying he and Leo have "dude bro powers," and while I am amused, I'm slightly afraid to know what just happened. (If I get a picture of them with matching baseball caps, I may just die)
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Mar 7, 2013
Shreveport, La USA
Porter (Broto); Fuggles(Budgie)
First things first.

Stretching the budget as best you can; some great bird toys?

Are things you find around your home. Old water battles; and caps. Toilet paper rolls and heck the whole toilet paper ROLL like those four for a dollar ones?

On wire hangers so they can pull and shred...

Sisal rope can be found at organic gardening stores... and isn't that expensive. It can be woven.. or wrapped around dowels!

As for cages...

I have this one for my broto. It would be just fine for two cockatiels :3

Or check craigslist!


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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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They seem to freak out anytime I introduce anything new? I'm taking it slow with the toys. They have zero interest in any of them (except for my mirror. They loooove that, and Beaker fell in love with our wall because he can slightly see himself in it). I almost bought them an entire arsenal but I was talked out of it. Leo is still really stressed and I don't want to make it worse. Actually, do you have any suggestions on introducing new things?

But, thank you for the suggestions. I will definitely check it all out once they start playing :D (I might also make my own. That seems fun.)


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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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As an addendum to my last response: I think they may be ready for more toys within the next week. They started chewing on their box that they have been sitting on for the last two weeks and playing with it. So I am planning on putting some treats in a little box and letting them forage.

Leo has been letting me hold him for longer periods of time, and this morning, I went to say hello like always, and....he started whistling at me! :D I took video footage and sent it to everyone I knew. :grey: :D If I can figure out how to post it on here, I will.

Any tips on nail trimmings? The AV/exotics vet here is $68 a pop, and since I also have to take my hedgehog in because he has been having chronic bowel infections, I have to tag team it. Leo and Moyo (hedgie) are going first, and then Beaker and my boyfriend's bunny go next. I'd love to keep the birds together for it, but because of my hedgie being in pain, I don't really have that option. Moyo has seen multiple vets for the same issue, but it hasn't gotten better and keeps coming back :(. Leo is going first because of his feather loss, and since Beaker honestly looks very healthy, I decided he isn't in dire need. He needs it, don't get me wrong, but I think he can wait a couple extra weeks. But both birds won't sit for nail trimmings. I can get the vet to do Leo, but I will have to do Beaker on my own. (We are exploring the idea of pet insurance to take down the vet bills)
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May 9, 2014
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So glad to read about the improvements..take it slow...your doing a great job!


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Sep 5, 2016
Beaker- 6 year old cockatiel
Leonardo da Birdie- 11 year old cockatiel
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My hedgie is getting a little worse from his continuous bowel infections, so I set up a vet appointment for him tomorrow because I decided he couldn't wait any longer. He was originally going to have a vet appointment next week with Leo. My boyfriend has to take him in since I am working overtime this week, but he is still getting in. I know this isn't related to the cockatiels, but he can use some healing thoughts. (If they send him home with yet another antibiotic and no answers, I could get Hulk angry).
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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Nail clip, vet. You may find, making an appointment for just nails very affordable! My vet, 9 bucks! Regular visit? 80 bucks!

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