
  1. S

    Budgies not getting along

    I recently got a new baby boy budgie to befriend my current 2 Yr old male budgie and while they seem to want to be near eachother they also keep picking on eachother. Whenever there is food, my new budgie tries to steal from my older one causing the older one to snap at him. Sometimes they try...
  2. S

    I dont know what to do anymore, my parrot has random moments when he is aggressive.

    Hello, Let me start by saying this, I wanted a pet, needed something to give me a bit of purpose and take care of. A few years ago I developed allergies to cats and dogs and this has really brought me down. So I decided to get a parrot, did some research, looked for what would be suitable for...
  3. ImaParrot

    Weird Behavior

    Elvis used to love looking out of the window around January-March, but now he'll look out the window and get spooked, sometimes peck at the window, sometimes fly away only to fly right back. I thought that he was scared of the birds outside, but when I closed the curtain the next day, he hated...
  4. P

    Update on Bobby

    Hi all, Iā€™ve had Bobby the Congo African grey for about 10 days now so thought Iā€™d update on how heā€™s doing. All in all, heā€™s actually been doing wonders. He seems happy to see and interact with me, and every morning he joins me for some breakfast fruit. Heā€™s very gentle about accepting treats...
  5. P

    African Grey First Meet Up - Behavioural Breakdown

    Hi all, Last night I finally went to retrieve the much unloved family parrot, Bobby. Heā€™s now safe with me in a new scary environment, starting off from the basics, but I recorded our initial meet up at collection. Ultimately I can say the situation was extremely tense. Bobby used to like me...
  6. I

    They are pet rocks

    Iā€™ve seen some people refer to eclectus as boring, ā€œdisplayā€ birds that never move except to eat and poop! Is this true? Do they just sit there? I feel like this is rooted in a lack of appropriate care and attention but I want to hear some other opinions because I really love these birds (Iā€™m...
  7. Pabloalex91

    Dancing or neuro condition? Please helpšŸ˜•

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum & have recently brought home 3 weeks ago a 5 month old Alexandrine. Weā€™ve been getting along just fine & he is starting target training with a stick & is also eating out of my hand with caution as he is not tame at all so shocked already about this, however he...
  8. P

    Budgie doesnā€™t trust a family member

    Hi, I need some advice regarding my male (young) budgie, called Phil, because he has stopped eating food from a family member since his budgie friend (Paris) died a few weeks ago. Phil still eats from my hand, but for some reason he has stopped eating from my family memberā€™s hand, so I donā€™t...
  9. N

    Complete change in my GCC Rio

    Hi, I hope someone is able to help as I am very worried about my little conure Rio. He is a male, about 3 years old. He came to me just over a year ago after living with my farther and his wife since weening. Rio while living with my farther took to his wife and only his wife. He is a very...
  10. P

    Raging Hormones!!

    I don't know if it's because Spring is in the air or Zim is just settling in to our new home and dynamic but his hormonal behaviours have been steadily increasing in intensity. He has chosen my partner as his mate, with all the joys of following him everywhere, regurgitating food on him and...
  11. L

    Force a cockatiel's harnass training?

    Hi, So my cockatiel's quarantine has just finished and she's still getting introduced to my budgies and getting used to everything. I'm planning on eventually getting a harness for her and training her, but I've seen some video's on youtube and I've seen different ways of people handling the...
  12. R

    Rescue indian ring neck wont stop screaming help!

    I adopted a 6 year old male indian ring neck :blue2: named pluto who has had a rough life so far. His first home was a parrot hoarding situation where he was likely also abused, when he was 1 my sister in law bought him and since then he has been in her spare room with a quaker. In those 5 years...
  13. C

    Why does my cockatiel male keep trying to feed(?) a baby that's not his?

    Does the question make sense? I've adopted an adult male cockatiel (Miu), he's very sweet and tame. We've had him for a few years now. Recently my mom brought home a 3 week old cockatiel chick, Miu is very interested and always observes me feeding the baby. Whenever he gets close to the...
  14. C

    How to become the "chosen" one

    Hello! I have just adopted my first African grey he is 4 months old. I was very careful to meet many different birds and meet them with my partner. All of these birds seemed to prefer my boyfriend even though he did not have much to do with them. Finally I found one that was a male and had been...
  15. B

    GCC doesn't like the cage

    Hi everybody, I wrote a thread a while ago regarding my 2 months old baby GCC Cookie. Long story short he was sold to me not completely weaned and I was even lied to on the stage his weaning was at. By the time I realised we were all happily stuck at home - gotta love quarantine. Stepped up the...
  16. B

    8 weeks old conure

    Hi everybody, I am surprisingly new to this forum, and I say so because I have been the proud owner of a cockatiel for 6 years without being aware of your existence :52: I seriously need some advice and a friend suggested me this forum. Two days ago our family acquired a new member in the form...
  17. A

    Annoying noises from a double yellow headed amazon

    Hello, my 5 year old double yellow headed amazon is continuously making annoying sounds similar to groaning or moaning as if it wants somerhing. I truly have no idea what it could be as my parrot is well fed, hydrated and physically active. I doubt this noise is learnt from my family members or...
  18. mojo_the_caique

    Caique obsessed with hands, uses them as chewing toy

    Hello all Caique owners, I'm in need of advice on my female White bellied Caique Mojo. As the title implies, she is obsessed with hands, and when in play mode she will chew on them in an unpleasant way. It is not biting or agression, she literally starts chewing but with great force. In short...
  19. xopaula

    Target training my 6 month old Alexandrine

    Hello, I have started target training my baby Coco (unsure of sex), a parent raised Alex and I have a few questions regarding it. She is doing great at it, she follows the target around the cage as well as around the outside of the cage (not flying towards it yet). So for the last few weeks I...
  20. jaciesaur

    New, Strange Behaviour?

    Hey everyone! I've had my Alexandrine for about two years, and she's had quite the life. She's almost three, and before I got her, she was kept in a cage with two other Alex's (one was very aggressive towards her) with no toys and one perch. It has taken a long time to teach her trust, and...
  21. N

    Is this normal behaviour? First time bird owner confused

    Is this normal behaviour? First time bird owner!! Going to try and keep this as short as possible - I'm a new bird owner, got my 3-5 month old GCC (Yoshi) 2 weeks this thursday - I know this isn't a long time at all and I have not been rushing him to get comfortable with me and my family. Just...
  22. J

    A question about introducing a Caique into the family

    Hi guys, recently Iā€™ve been interested in extending the family and introducing a Caique. My partner and I already own two Indian Ringnecks who are brothers and are about a year old. Iā€™ve read multiple things about Caiques becoming aggressive to other species when they mature but most of these...
  23. reeisconfused

    Living with a Wild caught Bird

    (sorry for the long post in advance) Weā€™re back in the Max hole of problems. Backstory for those who donā€™t know Max - We found Max few months ago. He was kept in a small cage (like a travel one) which was the size of him. The person who had Max had bought him from a guy who sold wild...
  24. K

    New owner questions!

    Hey there, After enjoying our green cheek conure for the last few years, we had been looking into adopting something bigger. Friends that manage a parrot hotel gave us the opportunity to adopt a 3yo eclectus named Jos, who's previous owner was moving and sadly couldn't take the bird with him...
  25. M

    Senegal SCREAMING (Need Tips and Help)

    Hi guys! My boyfriend and I purchased a rescue Senegal around 7 months ago, and we have been having a lot of behavioral issues that just keep getting worse. We are told that she is 20 years old, and lived all of her life with the same owner until he passed away. The daughter took her and that...
  26. K

    My male eclectus parrot has bonded with me

    Hello So I have a male eclectus... I'm just a bit confused because everything I have always read says that these birds don't bond with one person.. well my bird has with me and he now HATES my fiance..its so bad that he always has to be in a cage when my fiance is around or else he will fly at...
  27. Florem

    What is he doing?

    Hi guys! I'm currently a fosterhome for a blue fronted amazon. His last home haven't been great and I'm working towards the former owner agreeing to replace him. He's a great bird and during the past ten days, he's learned how to step up and enjoys sitting on my head and grooming my hair. In...
  28. S

    Cockatoo afraid only most of the time?

    Hi, I'm wondering what to do about my 3 year old Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. She's always been jumpy and afraid of people and passing cars/bikes; Suddenly one day about a year ago she decided she was terrified of me, especially my hands. I still let her out of her aviary into the backyard every...
  29. K

    Beak rubbing

    Okay so my Chappo has defiantly gotten over his little mean streak..i think it had a lot to do with ensuring he got a good night sleep every night.. anyway.. now he is acting super lovey with me..always rubbing his beak on me.. what does that mean ????? Is that a behaviour I should not allow...
  30. B

    Is My Budgies Behaviour Normal?

    Hello, I have had my budgie for about 2 weeks now and after I'd say the 6th or 7th day he seems to have become more distanced and not really aggressive, but defensive of when I put my hand into his cage. Before this he was letting me pet him on the stomach and wasn't that worried when I was near...
  31. M

    Alex behaviour - sudden change

    Ive had my male Alex for 2 yrs now and he has always been very cautious around my husband and I. He would occasionally land on me but then fly away very quickly. About a week ago- out of the blue, he started landing on us, showing affection and spending much more time with us! I am over the...
  32. R

    Getting a female eclectus to bond

    First time eclectus owner, previous cockatiel and budgie owner. Had a 4 month old female for about two weeks now. I gave her plenty of treats (mostly apple and bits of almond) whenever i got her out of her cage to teach her to step up without biting, and while she doesn't bite anymore, she kind...
  33. M

    What is my male Alex doing?

    Hello, I have two Alexes. The male is 2 and a half years and the female is one year. Often, when the two are next to each other the male walks up and down and then walks right upto the female, bobs his head and puts his head under her beak while making a clicking noise. He will continously...
  34. E

    Adopted sun with a huge sexual problem

    So, I adopted a 6 year old female sun conure from a woman. The bird has plucked her entire chest and underneath her wings. My main issue is her sexual behaviour and that she is super clingy. I already have a little flock containing a illiger macaw, hooded parakeet, cockatiel and a male sun...
  35. E

    What to do??? Screaming behaviour which results in being locked away by housemates.

    I have been researching and researching about what to do in regards to my male alexandrines behaviour problems and am looking for advice! He is 2 and a half and has his ring around his neck, very tame, chats with us all the time, and was handraised. However he has started in the last 6 months...
  36. lorika

    Got bitten again - what to do when a bird is angry?

    Hi everyone, Just now I was cleaning my lorikeet's cage with a little sponge to get the food residue off the bars. Loki's always kinda aggressive towards "things that move quickly", so he tried to bite the sponge. I just continue on the cage somewhere else. Eventually I have to reach inside...
  37. S

    lovebird behaviour concerns

    I've recently (about 4 weeks ago) ended up taking in a Lovebird from a less than ideal situation. I'm not sure of their age, I know they used to have a partner who died a while back, for most of their life they haven't had more contact with people than being fed and have lived in a cage with...
  38. E

    Illiger's macaw biting his own foot and mood swings.

    Greetings! :green1: We bought a 2 year old male Illiger's macaw almost 1 month ago. He's not tame yet, but he is getting slooowly better. He is very sceptical whenever he is trying to step on our shoulder, arm etc. Usually he makes purring sounds when we're next to him, but everytime he tries...
  39. S

    Galahs - do you lie on your back?

    Hi, Chilli and Alice and Dom and everyone..... Do you lie on your back like I've seen caiques and conures doing, and as Angel's owner just told us she does? I'm curious because my girl likes to stay on her legs. Thanks.
  40. S

    Adoption-how to assess problems?

    Ok, so I'm a huge sucker for taking in pets in need of a home and I browse the classifieds for something to do.... When you see a bird looking for a new home, is it possible to assess whether obvious problems are something that can be improved by coming into a home where they get better...
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