
New member
Nov 12, 2016
African Grey Timneh
I've been thinking about making a new addition to the family. I'm just now seriously researching which type of parrot would fit for me. I'm home a lot and have a lot of space. Money is an issue so I wondered what the monthly fees and vet bills look like. I would like to offer premium care so don't hold back. I live in Vermont. 36 single and a Chef at my Brothers restaurant. I work 7 Hour days sometime working longer but my Mom is my neighbor and can check in on longer days if needed. Would and African Grey Parrot be alright being home alone for 7 hours? Due to their long life spans I feel like its a very big decision in making the right choice of bird. I will be going to get some reading material tomorrow to learn as much as I can. From there I will be looking to purchase a cage and a list of items that i found from one helpful website. Hopefully in the next few months I will be able to create the perfect habitat for my new friend. Thanks for any help I'm so excited already I can hardly sleep after watching all the you tube videos at night. Going to go bounce around my local pet stores tomorrow and hopefully handle a couple of birds. Start to get my Groove on. Thanks again and hopefully I will be posting my progress.
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Hello bulldoze and welcome!

On paper your situation sounds ideal, you have the time and willingness to dedicate, which theoretically opens you up to just about any species. The question for me comes down to how patient you are and how phobic you can be around big bird beaks.

An African grey could be good. Working as a chef, even an eclectus would be a good fit.
Welcome to the forums!! You do seem an ideal candidate for a parrot, particularly in the realm of nutrition!

Take your time, read through the species forums, and ask lots of questions. A routine absence of 7+ hours may suggest a more independent bird such as a Grey, Eclectus, or Amazon rather than a Cockatoo.

Thanks for understanding the cost-basis of these long-lived companions. Purchase price + cage and toys is significant. Food generally consists of fresh vegetables and fruits (aka "chop") and somewhat controversially a minority of pellets and/or seed. Some species are voracious chewers and destructive, so toys may have a short existence! Most volatile is health care! Specialized avian vets are less common. At a minimum an initial "well check" is crucial, and having funds available for illnesses is helpful. As creatures of prey they hide illnesses remarkably; once something presents it may have been developing for a while. Thankfully, many species are hardy!

Once you choose to live with a bird, your home must be acclimated. Teflon products + high temps are deadly as are many common chemicals. Ceiling fans, poorly screened windows, other pets, etc can be problematic.

Good luck with the search!!
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Thank you soo much for the help already. Good call on the screens I have screens on my windows but I will have to double check there stability. Luckily after cooking for almost 20 years my hands have developed some pretty heavy callus'. This is so exciting to hear. :D
Hello and welcome, can feel your excitement, which is really great.

Would/could you consider re-homing a parrot that has had a rough start in life?
Good luck with your pet shop trips and hoping you get chosen very soon LOL .
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Was in fact considering adopting a bird. I've been doing a little research on how to break them of bad habits and what to expect. It seems that screaming is one of the top problems but with some patients and clever training people can break them of bad habits. I feel in the coming weeks I will know better if I will have the skill and patients to break a bird of bad Habits. Thank you so much for and Help. I actually have some hearing problems that have left me with some very loud ringing in my ears. So I feel like loud noises are actually not going to be as annoying to me as they can be to some people.
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Was in fact considering adopting a bird. I've been doing a little research on how to break them of bad habits and what to expect. It seems that screaming is one of the top problems but with some patients and clever training people can break them of bad habits. I feel in the coming weeks I will know better if I will have the skill and patients to break a bird of bad Habits. Thank you so much for and Help. I actually have some hearing problems that have left me with some very loud ringing in my ears. So I feel like loud noises are actually not going to be as annoying to me as they can be to some people.

Very pleased to hear you are indeed considering adopting a bird that needs a good home. Remember it is not really 'breaking' bad habits but gently showing with love and patience there are alternatives. Parrots are very well tuned emotionally and a battle of wills, will end in tears. Please do plenty of reading and research and you will be better equipped to give that special parrot the home it deserves.
Welcome to the forums! I just know you will enjoy the journey! Thank you for considering an older bird. I commend you for looking into the cost before bringing home your friend. A lot of birds are re-homed, some again and again for various reasons, many understandably develop negative behaviors, learnef behaviors take time to overcome and I will not lie and tell you it's easy, but with a little dedication, willingness to learn, and a strong commitment, you will be able to form a strong and lasting bond, when that happens the two of you can overcome almost anything.
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Someone posted a great article about how to use positive reinforcement to get them to stop screaming. I think she called it extinction. to positively reinforce the wanted behavior with your attention and treats
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Super excited telling you all twice!! Just spent a couple hours meeting my first african grey parrot. So awesome possibly thinking about bringing this guy into the family. 1700 dollars foe the bird, the cage, and toys. Pretty sweet deal 1 and half years old.
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Their beak is no joke thats for sure. Drew some blood but hey I wanted to feel what he had and now i know. After a couple of treats for not biting me He learned not biting me was profitable. Really excited I can now say I have felt the bite and am not bothered.
Did you have the impression he was trying to inflict pain, or just trying to control you? Greys can also use the beak to push you away. They really mean business when the bite is a deep and pulsating effort.
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He meant to inflict pain for sure he drew blood but he didnt use his full power either. I was overly excited and tried to push a bond to quickly. I will admit i was hoping for an instant bond. I showed my inexperience for sure. I did have him step up on my arm for a little bit but he has not been trained at all. He's 1 and a half and the owners sold him back. In just my first visit its pretty clear that they didnt spend any time training this poor guy. I think he was just telling me that he wanted some space. He was very gentle taking treats from my hand.
Oh yes, they master taking treats nicely. Giving affection is another matter!

Is this bird in a private home or a store? If the latter, are they or will they expend any effort to better socialize him?
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Hes in a locally owned pet store. He hangs out on the outside of his cage and gets lots of attention from admires. A couple of people who seem to come in and see him weekly. They said hes gotten better than when they first bought him back from the first owner.
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he was such a little sweetheart with the one employee that he likes there. Jealous :) she said it took a month though.
I picked up a little book called "The Second Hand Parrot" a while back when I was trying to make nice with my new boyfriend's Amazon. I figured it would have useful advice for making friends with someone else's bird and it was very useful. In fact I have it out on the table now to flip through. She discusses why birds get rehomed, what kind of bad habits might need work, introducing toys, new cages, etc. If you decide to adopt an older bird, you will know what you are getting - does he talk, does she dance...and you could make so much difference in the life of a parrot that might be at risk. Some parrots have no bad habits, just humans that died or fell ill, and will just blossom with loving care.

A parrot should be considered a lifetime commitment, so don't feel bad about taking your time to find the right companion, the one where you both just KNOW that you want to be together. The parrot will let you know if you are chosen, and you will get right to the good stuff.
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This bird had pretty much spent most of the last year in his cage with no socialization or training form his first owner. Hence his poor attitude. Over the last two months hes been hanging out in the pet store and is learning to tolerate people much better. Me scratching he head today.
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