Budgie stargazing for around 3 and a half weeks, what else should I do to help him?


New member
Jan 1, 2024
2 budgies - both male, named kevin and james.
Okay, so letā€™s start this off: Iā€™m a university student who absolutely ADORES birds and grew up around parakeets, so I have a little bit of knowledge when it comes to maintaining their needs.

So around two and a half months ago, me and my boyfriend made the decision to adopt these two birds from someone locally. They were priced suspiciously cheap, considering theyā€™re both quite young and nothing seemed off upon first inspection. The old owner seemed really kind so I trusted their judgment fully when I spoke with them. They had gotten these two from a pet shop in the city and had them for a year or so. We took them home in the tiny travelling cage offered and transitioned them into their now much larger home.

I gave them around a week to settle in, being cautious near them and speaking gently but not yet trying to initiate any contact whatsoever. They seemed absolutely terrified of me and never chirped in my presence, only barely now when Iā€™m in the room. I spent most of my time with them and we finally got to the point where theyā€™re comfortable enough to step-up when it comes to millet offerings. My sick bird has always been timid around me, and quite clumsy as well. He was always flying into objects (not super hard, only into walls mostly) and overall just not quite fond of me. I always made a point of being more gentle and careful with him, but thatā€™s besides the point. I currently have them on a seed + pellet diet (4 days a week, at most) alongside the occasional calcium supplement in their water.

Upon returning back from classes one evening, my father came to me concerned about said budgie. His neck was twisted sideways, one side facing up towards the ceiling and he could no longer fly or walk straight. My dad was worried it was wry neck/stargazing so we rushed to the emergency vet. They were unable to figure out what was as causing it and told us to monitor him, and suggested moving his perches and dishes to the ground (which we did). That was almost 4 weeks ago and I see no improvement in his condition. His poop is light green and he eats so much that we need to remove the bowl or else he wonā€™t stop. I brought up this concern with the vet, but theyā€™re unsure on what to think. Theyā€™re suspecting an infection due to his poop abnormality and the unusual amount of food heā€™s eating.

Iā€™m at a loss and donā€™t know what to do at this point, our vet doesnā€™t recommend antibiotics until they can rule out whatā€™s plaguing my poor little fella. Are there any suggestions and advice to ease his suffering?

EXTRA INFO: Theyā€™re both kept in their cage while Iā€™m gone and otherwise donā€™t come out/let other people touch them besides me , so I have faith nothing happened while I was gone from those around my place. Both of my parents have years of experience in handling birds and havenā€™t seen this before, so weā€™re all monitoring him closely.
First off, welcome to the forum, although I'm sorry that it's under these circumstances.
I've had a couple of stargazers, unfortunately. One was our lovebird who our vet believed had a stroke that caused hers. She still lived a happy life, cuddling up with her mate and sometimes playing with low hanging toys. I hope that your bird will get better, I know how hard it is to watch.

It is possible that your boy hurt himself, this can happen in their cage if they fall wrong. I do wonder about him being clumsy before this, and I wonder if something happened prior to you getting him.

Did the vet you took him to run any tests? Is there an avian vet you can take him to see? Here is a list of vets who see birds, I hope one of them can help you.

Avian Vet Resources

Sending prayers and best wishes that your boy can be diagnosed ands helped.
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First off, welcome to the forum, although I'm sorry that it's under these circumstances.
I've had a couple of stargazers, unfortunately. One was our lovebird who our vet believed had a stroke that caused hers. She still lived a happy life, cuddling up with her mate and sometimes playing with low hanging toys. I hope that your bird will get better, I know how hard it is to watch.

It is possible that your boy hurt himself, this can happen in their cage if they fall wrong. I do wonder about him being clumsy before this, and I wonder if something happened prior to you getting him.

Did the vet you took him to run any tests? Is there an avian vet you can take him to see? Here is a list of vets who see birds, I hope one of them can help you.

Avian Vet Resources

Sending prayers and best wishes that your boy can be diagnosed ands helped.
Thank you so much. Unfortunately, the nearest Avian Vet is an 9-hour drive away from my city in a remote town. Iā€™m desperate for anything at this point, so Iā€™m willing to take the trip down for him. On the night we took him, they did run tests but never did tell us the results, which is odd. We finally got a referral to the Avian Specialist in our province, so Iā€™ll be off in around a week or so.

. Iā€™m also still quite curious on what happened with the past owner and these two. When I first brought them home, I noticed immediately that they were malnourished. My sick fella, James, ate nonstop once I switched them and he put on some happy weight. His brother, in comparison, otherwise seems completely healthy and happy.

Unfortunately, James condition has worsened overnight. He usually comes flocking to me the minute I come around for feeding time, but he today he hasnā€™t even had a nibble and is sitting idly on the bottom of his cage. I tried encouraging him to eat and drink water, but to no avail. I canā€™t even comfort him anymore, since heā€™s afraid of any human contact in his vulnerable state. I just wish and pray that his ailments heā€™s suffering from subsides, heā€™s only around a year-and a half old and hasnā€™t been around long.

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