Has anyone heard of these conures?


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
Yeah they are beautiful birds, I think it was Wilma who was interested in these a little while ago. (If it wasn't you Wilma, I'm sorry. :D)
I had seen one when I was a student in an other city, it was a wild caught but the pet store owner had tamed him, he kept him on a stand and would let customers give him scritches..:D

Only he would play tough guy if you weren't sure and pulled your hand away... :D

Trully a nice bird! :)
Jip, it was me, its still one of the birdies on my wish list, but it would have to wait a great while, and i need to do much more research on them, especially because its a bigger conure, more to know how loud they are. But i've read they are ok talkers, great cuddlers and everything a conure is. I would love one, but not at the moment. Simply beautiful though! I guess i just love the odd colours!:D
These birds are commonly kept as pets and in aviaries.

At least, I know they used to be. I have read a lot about them on the Internet and the people who have them seem to really like them.
I don't think I've ever actually seen one :( all though the golden ones are awsome in real life.

do you mean the sun family, or Golden (Queen of Bavaria) Conures? those are really beautiful. much larger than the sun family as well.

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