How long to Freeze Seed Mix?


New member
Mar 27, 2013
Northern Utah
Cockatiel - Sunshine - 1990-2014; YSGC Conure - Jellybean - 11 months; Turquoise GC Conure - Jasper - Hatched 1/14
I always throw the new bags of seed mix in the freezer for a couple hours. Is that long enough, or should I leave them overnight? Does anyone freeze their pellets? Also, I always store the seed mix and pellets in airtight, Tupperware-like containers under the cages... Is that alright or should I store them in the fridge? The air is normally very dry and arid here, with very little humidity.

Thank you!
Jenny :rainbow1:
It would be best to freeze the seeds for at least 24hr to kill off any potential bugs. You can store pellets in the freezer as long as it's in a air tight container. But I store the pellets in a air tight container like you do.
I was told that seed should be kept frozen for at least 24 hours to kill off unwanted critters.
That means put it in the freezer and give it time to freeze and then once it's frozen, leave it for 24 hours. I always leave it in the freezer for at least a day and a half.
I usually stored seed or pellets in the freezer for 2-3 days to be on the safe side. I don't *normally* freeze seed or pellets though, unless I've got a moth problem. If you are going to store food in the fridge or freezer (bugs aside), it's usually best to do so in the fridge in air-tight containers.

I use Gamma Vittles Vault Airtight storage containers for my birds' (and dog's) food. (cats have a Van Ness Plastic food storage container - not airtight, but it's got wheels! It's stored in a bathroom closet and it's easy to roll in/out of) For the bird food, I have smaller tupperware containers for more frequent use that I refill as needed from the Vittles Vault containers.
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MonicaMC, I just looked into the Gamma Vittles containers and found some on Amazon (4/5 lbs. for refrigerator/travel-size) at a really good price... Think I'll order a couple and give them a try! Thank you!
You're welcome!

I got my first one from Costco. The other two I've purchased since then came from Pet Food Direct. (have a local warehouse/store in my area!)

I like them. If you have an ant problem or any other kind of bug problem, it definitely keeps them out!

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