My parrot is weird or is it..?


New member
Oct 29, 2023
sun conure
Hello guys I’ve asked before about my parrot on how aggressive he is and its not changing i might judging too fast cause its been like 4 months since i bought him and i wanna mention that i bought him from an owner not as a baby parrot he was 8-9 months at that time but anyways.. any tips? cause its my first time taming a parrot.
The picture shows how he always bites the cage and sometimes nibbling i would say? and what about holding on the cage and wiggling the wings?
Hello guys I’ve asked before about my parrot on how aggressive he is and its not changing i might judging too fast cause its been like 4 months since i bought him and i wanna mention that i bought him from an owner not as a baby parrot he was 8-9 months at that time but anyways.. any tips? cause its my first time taming a parrot.
The picture shows how he always bites the cage and sometimes nibbling i would say? and what about holding on the cage and wiggling the wings?
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Sorry to hear your conure is being aggressive. Taming any bird is difficult.. it’s a slow process and could have months to years. Conures have a love hate personality. One minute they are sweet and cuddle and the next they want to bite you. (At least my conure is) I would try to give it treats through the cage so it can get comfortable with your hands. I would also set 15-20 minutes where you talk and sit next to the cage each day so your conure can slowly get comfortable with your presence. I would also get plenty of toys your conure can bite and rip apart to help him feel more comfortable. Time will come and your conure will learn to trust and love you. Hope this helps!

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