Parrot Partner Grieving


Jun 22, 2013
Hello y'all. I know I haven't been on in years, and I'm sorry that I come with such unfortunate news.
Tonight Blaze, our Green Cheek, unexpectedly passed away. We're not exactly sure what happened, but we believe she punctured her gullet in a stroke of bad luck. We were with her to the end, and tomorrow morning the others will be having a visit with the vet to rule out illness or other risks, but that's not the point of this.
Loki and Blaze were partnered. They've lived in the same cage for four years. We showed him her body and gave him the option to go near her, but how do we support him going forward? They're so intelligent, and we're worried that he'll stop eating or something along those lines.
Any advice is much appreciated.
Sorry for yours and Loki's loss. Give him lots of love and attention.
Sorry for your loss. If you can, get a necropsy done on her body to know exactly what happened to her, and to ensure the other members of your flock are A-Okay.

I went through this last year, my female cockatiel passed away while on eggs (passed of liver and kidney failure) and her mate was quite confused and sad. I made it better for him by giving him a lot of attention daily, talking to him a lot. Eventually I got another cockatiel (a weaned male) and he perked up a lot after that. He now has a new mate and they are very happy together.
When Smokey passed away,Amy was devastated.(so was I) it took weeks before he'd come out of his house. He'd just sit on his nite-nite perch and come down on occasion for a bite to eat and drink of water. Eventually he ventured out and came to ME for love and support,snuggling under my chin,which he had never done prior. I just loved him more and tried to reassure him we'd get thru it together.

My deepest condolences for your loss of Blaze.

Give Loke extra attention and love during his period of grieving. Self preservation generally mitigates against starvation.
So sorry! I went through this last year with Burt The Bird passing and leaving Ta-dah all alone. She greived very hard, barely ate and just sat and stared into space. I spent a lot of time sitting and talking to her, a d trying to get her to eat. I knew she couldn't spend the next 20 years of her life alone, she is five, my other bird was 17....And I wanted a Quaker, so I ordered one right away from a breeder. People say nit to get a bird for your bird, but I did, and for me as well. I had a second cage, and was prepared for them not getting along. I regret nothing, and they love each other.
This is so recent for me I really feel the pain you and your bird are going through. Its so hard to watch them was harder than my greif..... I was able to bring Neptune home two weeks later, and though kept apart for quarantine, Ta-dah immediately found interest in life again......and then I took in rehoming parakeets, found an additional Quaker that need my house is bursting..
Loki I hope you and Burt The Bird are flying in the big blue..
As stated above extra attention is the best thing you can do.
When Plumas died and left his mate Pacho alone I gave her as much one on one time as I could.
Pacho went through a period of depression that lasted about 4 months. She seemed to come out of it after that but then she started eating her rope perch.
She followed him in death about 10 months after Plumas's passing.
I can't say for sure that she did not do that deliberately. I may never have certainty on that but Pacho had never ate her rope perch before.

Keep a close eye on your other birds.

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