The Start Of My Journey With Kiwi


Jan 27, 2022
With Kiwi
Kiwi, the harlequin macaw
I was given a macaw for my birthday, January 26 that I was very unprepared for. Kiwi is my adorable harlequin macaw. Her birthday is August 13 and she is about 6 months old. She has her own room with her cage taking up 95% of the space. I want her to have the best life possible so I'm trying to do as much as I can. I decided to start a journal on here so if anyone reads it and is set off by something I'm doing wrong they can call me out and I can correct it. Plus I want to be able to look back at my adventures with Kiwi. So let's begin.
I have large perches in nearly every room for Kiwi and I've started to prepare for free flight training with recall. Kiwi loves her flying and she can descend from doors and stairs by flight. I am honestly just trying to find out what steps I should take next. I know it will take a lot of time but I am willing to devote it to Kiwi. I am back in school now; much to Kiwi's resent but I've still managed to spend at least four to five hours a day with her. I found an avian vet near me and I took Kiwi there for a quick checkup last week. The vet gave me a ton of information about her diet, growth and more! I love her so much! The only problem is my horseback riding. I am a very competitive rider but when I got Kiwi we were all under lockdown and I didn't expect us to continue for a while. Thankfully, I seem to be super lucky because there are other bird owners who ride at my barn. I think it's because there is a huge avian rescue really close to the stable and there is no shortage of animal lovers. Not to mention the owner of the stable owns two bourkes parakeets.(Not 100% sure about the species but I'm pretty sure that's what she told me) The other bird owners set up a mini-bird room with the owner in a spare room in the stable that I guess was supposed to be an office(?) but the owner didn't need it so she was alright with the bird room.
I have three friends at the barn who own birds. Olivia is a stable hand who earns her lessons from volunteer work and she has a cape parrot whose name is Pepper. Olivia is pretty much always at the barn so Pepper is to and she is adorable! Aubry is a competitive rider as well (in dressage) and she owns a very cute Derbyan (?) parakeet named Fluffles. He is so fluffy and I want to take him home. (He's no match for Kiwi in cuteness though) And last but not least, Zane, who's a lesson student owns a blue budgie. I don't remember his/her name but I'll ask next time. I want to socialize Kiwi a little more before bringing her to the barn and leaving her in the supervised bird room so I've been taking her out on a harness with some other bird owners in the area and I've picked up tons of helpful tips. I've been making my own bird toys but safe wood is kinda hard to come near me that is 100% safe.
I've also been getting into photography to take photos of Kiwi and some of them have turned out really well! I'm just kinda nervous to start sharing them with others. I am trying to teach Kiwi to step up more to. She loves to fly to everything but she hates stepping up. I'm not super sure if that's normal or not or if it's just her personality. But anyway things are going great! I can't wait for us to continue our journey!
I was given a macaw for my birthday, January 26 that I was very unprepared for. Kiwi is my adorable harlequin macaw. Her birthday is August 13 and she is about 6 months old. She has her own room with her cage taking up 95% of the space. I want her to have the best life possible so I'm trying to do as much as I can. I decided to start a journal on here so if anyone reads it and is set off by something I'm doing wrong they can call me out and I can correct it. Plus I want to be able to look back at my adventures with Kiwi. So let's begin.
I have large perches in nearly every room for Kiwi and I've started to prepare for free flight training with recall. Kiwi loves her flying and she can descend from doors and stairs by flight. I am honestly just trying to find out what steps I should take next. I know it will take a lot of time but I am willing to devote it to Kiwi. I am back in school now; much to Kiwi's resent but I've still managed to spend at least four to five hours a day with her. I found an avian vet near me and I took Kiwi there for a quick checkup last week. The vet gave me a ton of information about her diet, growth and more! I love her so much! The only problem is my horseback riding. I am a very competitive rider but when I got Kiwi we were all under lockdown and I didn't expect us to continue for a while. Thankfully, I seem to be super lucky because there are other bird owners who ride at my barn. I think it's because there is a huge avian rescue really close to the stable and there is no shortage of animal lovers. Not to mention the owner of the stable owns two bourkes parakeets.(Not 100% sure about the species but I'm pretty sure that's what she told me) The other bird owners set up a mini-bird room with the owner in a spare room in the stable that I guess was supposed to be an office(?) but the owner didn't need it so she was alright with the bird room.
I have three friends at the barn who own birds. Olivia is a stable hand who earns her lessons from volunteer work and she has a cape parrot whose name is Pepper. Olivia is pretty much always at the barn so Pepper is to and she is adorable! Aubry is a competitive rider as well (in dressage) and she owns a very cute Derbyan (?) parakeet named Fluffles. He is so fluffy and I want to take him home. (He's no match for Kiwi in cuteness though) And last but not least, Zane, who's a lesson student owns a blue budgie. I don't remember his/her name but I'll ask next time. I want to socialize Kiwi a little more before bringing her to the barn and leaving her in the supervised bird room so I've been taking her out on a harness with some other bird owners in the area and I've picked up tons of helpful tips. I've been making my own bird toys but safe wood is kinda hard to come near me that is 100% safe.
I've also been getting into photography to take photos of Kiwi and some of them have turned out really well! I'm just kinda nervous to start sharing them with others. I am trying to teach Kiwi to step up more to. She loves to fly to everything but she hates stepping up. I'm not super sure if that's normal or not or if it's just her personality. But anyway things are going great! I can't wait for us to continue our journey!
We would LOVE to see your gorgeous pics of Kiwi!

My daughter does endurance riding and work as a wrangler at the stable on weekends. Just a quick word of caution, don’t let the horses see the macaw… as they can get spooked easily, especially if Kiwi decides to show off her lovely wing span! 😊
Welcome and be welcomed. I strongly suggest you do some reading on here.
1) GO to the Macaw Forum and read the stickies at the top, by birdman666 who is a macaw guru. IN fact read anything he has written, he is that good. Use the search feature.
2) GO to the Amazons forum and read the "I Love Amazons" stickie - long, SUPER informative and much applies to ALL parrots.

Parrots LOVE to be read to, and for a new bird, hearing the new owners voice is very bonding and soothing.
I was given a macaw for my birthday, January 26 that I was very unprepared for. Kiwi is my adorable harlequin macaw. Her birthday is August 13 and she is about 6 months old. She has her own room with her cage taking up 95% of the space. I want her to have the best life possible so I'm trying to do as much as I can. I decided to start a journal on here so if anyone reads it and is set off by something I'm doing wrong they can call me out and I can correct it. Plus I want to be able to look back at my adventures with Kiwi. So let's begin.
I have large perches in nearly every room for Kiwi and I've started to prepare for free flight training with recall. Kiwi loves her flying and she can descend from doors and stairs by flight. I am honestly just trying to find out what steps I should take next. I know it will take a lot of time but I am willing to devote it to Kiwi. I am back in school now; much to Kiwi's resent but I've still managed to spend at least four to five hours a day with her. I found an avian vet near me and I took Kiwi there for a quick checkup last week. The vet gave me a ton of information about her diet, growth and more! I love her so much! The only problem is my horseback riding. I am a very competitive rider but when I got Kiwi we were all under lockdown and I didn't expect us to continue for a while. Thankfully, I seem to be super lucky because there are other bird owners who ride at my barn. I think it's because there is a huge avian rescue really close to the stable and there is no shortage of animal lovers. Not to mention the owner of the stable owns two bourkes parakeets.(Not 100% sure about the species but I'm pretty sure that's what she told me) The other bird owners set up a mini-bird room with the owner in a spare room in the stable that I guess was supposed to be an office(?) but the owner didn't need it so she was alright with the bird room.
I have three friends at the barn who own birds. Olivia is a stable hand who earns her lessons from volunteer work and she has a cape parrot whose name is Pepper. Olivia is pretty much always at the barn so Pepper is to and she is adorable! Aubry is a competitive rider as well (in dressage) and she owns a very cute Derbyan (?) parakeet named Fluffles. He is so fluffy and I want to take him home. (He's no match for Kiwi in cuteness though) And last but not least, Zane, who's a lesson student owns a blue budgie. I don't remember his/her name but I'll ask next time. I want to socialize Kiwi a little more before bringing her to the barn and leaving her in the supervised bird room so I've been taking her out on a harness with some other bird owners in the area and I've picked up tons of helpful tips. I've been making my own bird toys but safe wood is kinda hard to come near me that is 100% safe.
I've also been getting into photography to take photos of Kiwi and some of them have turned out really well! I'm just kinda nervous to start sharing them with others. I am trying to teach Kiwi to step up more to. She loves to fly to everything but she hates stepping up. I'm not super sure if that's normal or not or if it's just her personality. But anyway things are going great! I can't wait for us to continue our journey!
Hi there! Thank you for your great story about your journey with Kiwi. It's rather heartwarming, and Kiwi sounds like she's a terrific pet and companion. Keep us all posted. Your story was very heartwarming and enjoyable to read. All the best to you and Kiwi.
HI! I hope you keep up the story of KiWi ! I use Salty's thread ( now some 67 pages long) to record most of his life. Its rewarding to back and read periodically and folks seem to enjoy it (200K views).
Hi: I enjoyed reading your intro. Clearly, you like animals!

A word of caution about the bird room at your stable: if any bird gets sick and comes to the bird room, all birds there at the time and shortly afterwards (as long as the germs/ virus/ bacteria remain viable) will be exposed to the illness and may become sick.

Most people wouldn’t bring a sick bird to a shared bird room, but often your bird can get sick and you don’t know it.

My first Quaker was injured while boarding at a pet store. She climbed on a big bird’s cage and had a chunk bitten out of her beak. It seemed to be very painful and I was so upset. Her beak never healed right. I’m sure the pet store workers didn’t intend that to happen, but it did. Likewise your macaw will be much bigger than those other birds and could accidentally hurt them.

Just something to keep in mind if you bring your macaw to the stable.

Good luck!
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