Valentino becoming a Red Fronted Macaw


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Valentino - Red Fronted Macaw - Hatched August 12, 2012
Valentino has been in a moult for a but now and is very crabby. Hopefully soon he will get over himself. No fun with a crabby parrot. LOL. Today Lupe took some pictures with her cell and since they are adorable I will share. Enjoy

I don't know why Valentino is on top of the coffee maker. What was Lupe doing with him?

At first when I saw the red bristles coming though by his nares I though he hurt himself playing with his cage and he had owies. LOL. It ended up being the red bristles or hairs on the nares coming in red.

A real close up. Lupe calls this pic "Googly Eyes." LOL

Look at the chest on this boy! Holy cow! LOL
Awwwwww....He's getting his adult coloring in..... :)
Hahahahahahahaha! He LOOKS crabby! Awesome!...I mean, oh thats terrible...
He looks so goofy with a splotchy red head!!!! Can't wait to see him in all his glorious adult colors!!!!!
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Thanks for all the wonderful comments. So far Valentino is looking kind of ratty with missing feathers here and there on his chest and neck but before long the moult will be over and he will look gorgeous!!
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You will not regret the decision to get a RFM. There will be times when you question your logic of getting one but all in all I am very happy with my growing, naughty, loving, extremely soft Valentino.

May I ask where you are getting your RFM from? I bet you are very excited to welcome the baby home.
I am getting mine from a guy in FL. I am very excited. My baby is only 5 weeks so I have a little while before he comes home. I already bought the cage, perches and toys for him. Its going to be a long wait.

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